Hanoi Hilton Prison Camp

This is a color photo of the infamous "Hanoi Hilton", otherwise known as Hao Lo Prison where American servicemen where brutally beaten, kicked, tortured, denied medical treatments, and forced to do a lot of slave labor during the Vietnam War and for years after.

What those missing servicemen endured there is a pure and utterly frightening experience, and for my own government to leave them in a rathole like that is considered to me to be a total disgrace to the American fighting servicemen who had to endure that "Hell on Earth."

This prison is where I believe some of my adopted servicemen were taken to, or a similar camp like it in either North Vietnam, China, or Russia, and now are either dead, or barely holding on to life, because they think that they have been forgotten. They have been forgotten by the American "poli-chicken(s)", but not forgotten from us American Veterans, and by this American Taxpayer.

I wonder if those same "poli-chicken(s)" that visited Vietnam ever toured that place, if they would be able to sleep at night, hearing the echoes of ghosts screaming in the night, and haunting the halls of that prison and the ghosts screaming at them in their minds while they sleep, or would they not even think twice about it?, or the American Communist "Hanoi Jane" making desparaging remarks to the American Servicemen that were kept there, and then turning her back on the American Servicemen who gave her little notes, and then in turn, handed it to the lead guard of the camp, only to be beaten and tortured that same night.

During the Vietnam War, The North Vietnamese had no respect for American servicemen, and threw out the Geneva Convention Agreement which clearly governs the ethical and humane treatment of prisoners of war.

"Hanoi Jane" is Jane Fonda, and she is considered one of "The Top 100 Greatest Women Of All Time"?? What a joke!!! If there was ever an award for "The Top Women Traitors and Turncoats", she would definately be #1.

This is a map of the prison, where the American servicemen were brutally tortured, beaten, kicked, and denied medical treatment on a daily basis where these servicemen would live from day to day not knowing if they were going to live or die the next day.
I don't know of any greater hell than hearing stories that come out of this hellhole, or hellholes like it, and other divisions of hell on earth that these servicemen had to endure.

This is an aerial view of the Hao Lo Prison, aka "Hanoi Hilton".

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