Tristan's Trumpet Discussions

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  • Range and Endurance

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    Range and Endurance

    (Name)  Adam
    (Address)  Ohio, USA
    (Play)  Yes
    (Career)  Click for options...
    (Player)  Definetly Maynard Ferguson
    (Comments)        I am still in high school and I was wondering if
    you could help me.  My upper register is decent, but I'd like to 
    take it higher.  I can get the high G (above the one right above 
    the staff) and on good days I can push out the A or Bb.  Is there 
    a way to get it higher or lengthen my endurance in the higher 
    register.  My goal is to get one more octave, to the  G'''.  
    Is it reasonably attainable?  
    (Subject)  Survey Results
    Thanks for filling out the survey.  I have the same problem
    you do.  My technique, (Tounguing, fingering, etc. ) and tone are
    well developed.  I seem to be on a plateau on my range and
    endurance though.  I can hit high C's if everything goes right,
    and my endurance is embarassingly short.  I'm going to recommend
    some of the things my instructor told me.  
    My biggest problem is my embrochure.  This may be your problem 
    also.  I position my mouthpiece over 2/3 on my upper lip.  The 
    upper lip has less endurance than the bottom, so it is preferable
    to have about a 50/50 position.  This can be extremely tedious, 
    frustrating and time consuming, as I am finding out.  You must 
    take it easy on your new embrochure, allowing it to develop like 
    your other has for years.  I'm not saying this is the solution to
    your problem, but it might be.   
    Another technique I use are slurs.  Slurs help your flexibility, 
    as well as making the upper register more comfortable, "your friend".
    After I am warmed up, I slur from third space C up to G.  Do this in
    half note patterns, as speed is not a factor.  Then do the same with 
    2, 1, and 1-2 valve combinations.  Once you are familiar with this, 
    continue up from C to G to C and back down.  Use the same valve 
    combos too.  
    Also it is important not to use excess pressure on your lips.  I had 
    this problem, and it still haunts me.  Part of the solution was to 
    remove my fourth finger from the ring.  This seems like a big change,
    but I got used to it in about two weeks.  Talk to your instructer 
    before making drastic changes in your playing style.
    Best of luck,  Tristan Rhodes  (tu tu ku)
    Autoro Sandoval!
    (Name)  Autoro Sandoval
    (Address)  Pittsburgh pa
    (Private)  No
    (Play)  Yes
    (Player)  Dizzy Gillespie, Autoro Sandoval
    How can you not like the DIZ.And How can you like Louie Armstrong. But I Guess you are entitled 
    to your own opion so I guess that's okay. Any way I am principle e flat soprano 
    Trumpet player. Stay cool Your friend Autoro Sandoval.
    (Subject)  Survey

    Pivot System
    I was wondering if you could lend me a hand.
    I recently found a book in the library here at Southeast Missouri State
    University (where I'm a freshman music ed. major) entitled "The
    Encyclopedia of the Pivot Sytem".  It is copyrighted 1964 Charles Colin
    Publishing company.  I had never heard of this before, but the author,
    Dr. Donald S. Reinhardt, asserts that everyone successful uses the pivot
    system whether they realize it or not.  This system is based on science
    and logic and diagnosing the player's natural physical "equipment" to
    determine which of the four types of technical players he should fit
    into.  I haven't run into anyone who has heard of this, but it all seems
    to make perfect sence so far.  I cannot, however, determine which
    physical type I should fit into, making it hard to apply.  I have been
    hoping to find someone knowledgable on this sytem for help.  Any
    comments you may have would be greatly appreciated.
                                              Trumpet Player,
                                                    Mark Hamblin
    Piccolo Literature
    (Name)  Hans Behrmann
    (Play)  Yes
    (Player)  Heinz Zickler (Mainz Chamber Orc)
    Hello Tristan,
                   I thought I would drop a line since you have given me
    the opportunity to do so.
     I have been playing the trumpet for a number of years now and I
    am still learning new things. My friends and family the other day
    presented me with a piccolo C trumpet and requested that I play 
    some works from Teleman. I would love to but I have never played a 
    piccolo trumpet and in my part of the world to obtain info on a 
    method book or even the fingerings for this instrument is next to
    nil. Could you advise on any books or written material that may be
    available thanks in advance.....Hans B
    Jazz Improvising
    (Name)  Nikki Zack
    (Address)  Tucson, AZ
    (Play)  Yes
    (Comments)  Hi. I don't really know what to say, but i can't leave without writing anything so
                I guess I'll tell a little about myself. I'm 14 and I started playing trumpet about
                3 or 4 years ago.  I  started playing jazz this summer at NAU Music Camp and I'd 
                appreciate any advice on improvising or, uh, well anything that can make me a better
                trumpet player. Thanks.
    Name: David "Pasha" Morrow
     Location: Washington, DC, USA
     Comments in Response to Nikki Zack's Question:
      In response to Nikki -- and anyone else who might share her questions:
           I am not an authority on the subject: I'm only 15; I prefer
    classical music to jazz; I'm not an extremely talented improvisor; but I
    have studied improvisation with two //excellent// musicians and taken
    a clinic on it from a great little band called the Motion Poets.
           It does help to know your scales -- especially the obscure ones:
    the pentatonics, minor 7s, diminished something-or-other [ ;) ], and so
    forth. Scales and chords are not the most important thing, though:
           The best thing to do, IMO -- which is probably wrong --, is
    simply to play and to listen: i.e. if you've got an improvised solo,
    just play anything that comes to mind; if it sounds good, do it again!,
    and if it sounds bad, find something else that sounds better.
           Listen!! Listen to yourself; listen to how the notes that you
    play fit with the chords that the rhythm section is playing; listen to
    what the rhythm section is playing and respond to it -- communicate with
    the other players during your solo.
           Of course, as everyone will tell you, go out and buy some of the
    Abersold CDs -- which, if you haven't heard of them yet, are just
    recordings of a rhythm section playing changes, over which you can
    improvise. Play and experiment with that; soon you'll hear what sounds
    good and what doesn't fit, and then you're on your way!
           What I have said very well may contradict the truth. If there's
    anyone out there who really knows how to improvise, please do correct me
    and add anything else you might have to share.
                                                PASHA WAS HERE `12
    (Name)  Jessica (Trumpets Rule) aka trumpetqueen
    (Who)  Nikki Zack
    (Address)  South Carolina
    Nikki-I am fourteen also and I have been playing the trumpet for 3 years now. To become a
    better player, I have a few methods that help me sometimes. First-the 'Dwindle Exercises'... 
    put the horn up to your lips and hum the note you are going to play, then play as soft as
    you can while still maintaining the note  next, raise the volume until you have played as 
    loud as you can play, then lower the volume until you hear the slight 'hum' of the note  
    This exercise helps TONE and RANGE.
    Next PRACTICE your scales (With a metranome if you have one) Start at around 60 then 
    GRADUALLY increase the speed (Not too fast) As you are going back down the scale, make the
    notes louder and NEVER breathe at the top of the scale. NEVER 'shoulder breathe'  this
    means the second before you play that you take short breaths that raise your shoulders...
    NEVER DO THAT! Take a LONG soothing breath each time you play and you will last a whole
    lot longer in your music...<> a lot...And if you are in Marching Band,
    hold the horn up high and DON'T OVERBLOW!!! Imagine an invisable 'wall' and try to knock 
    it down with your breath, but don't go overboard...(All I had to do is try to blow the
    3 little hairs off of my band director's head to blow better and get louder 
    *he never knew* ha ha) 
    Anyway, PROTECT your horn and try not to get little dents into it like I did mine (they
    are pesky little knicks and they bring the luster way down) Lastly, when you polish your
    horn, polish in CIRCULAR motions...If you rub the cloth straight up and down the horn,
    you will create minute scratches that are on there forever and if you have a valve guard,
    take it off at least once every two weeks (If you don't, the leather will eat into the
     metal and tarnish it)
    To conclude this writing, I wish you the very best and keep it up!!! I hope some of
    these tips have helped you and I wish you and everyone that has read this the best!!! : ) 
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