Note: This is the page I developed and edited between 1997 and 1999. It is NOT up to date!

The Tabernacle Church of Norfolk

"To Know Him And To Make Him Known"

7000 Granby Street (see map below)
Norfolk, Virginia, 23505, USA
Phone: (757) 423-8266

Please click here to visit the OFFICIAL Tab Church web page.

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Pastoral Staff

Senior Pastor, Rich Hardison
Associate Pastor, Mike Latsko
Associate Pastor, Ken Bryant
Administrator, Ralph Hopkins
Director of Women's Ministries, Kathy Hardison
Director of Youth Ministries, O'Neil Arrington
Director of Children's Ministries, Kim Shank
Director of Music/Organist, Elizabeth Edler
Praise Team Leader, Jay Jackson
Teacher in Residence, Hap Struthers

Send e-mail

Weekly Schedule

Contemporary Worship Sunday 9:00 am
Traditional Worship Sunday 10:45 am
Evening Bible Fellowship Sunday 6:30 pm
Neighborhood Prayer Groups Wednesday 7:30 pm
Various other activities Please call church

How To Find Us

World vision

This independent, non-denominational church was originally under the Christian and Missionary Alliance denomination . "The Tab", as it is affectionately called, continues to have a strong missionary emphasis with outreach in many world areas. Today our primary and associate missionaries serve with the following mission organizations:

In recent years we have had a direct ministry to the Ukraine, and are moving ahead with further direct involvement in the Islamic world and the Orient.

News: Click on headline to read article.

Local outreach

Local outreach has not been neglected. From time to time we have training classes to help people learn how to share their faith in Christ with their friends, family, and neighbors. As a result of our caring for the lost, we have seen the Lord use us to establish other independent ministries in the Hampton Roads area:


The Tabernacle Church has a very active youth program with some eighty young people participating. Campouts, sporting events, ski trips, witnessing, and Bible study all help keep active mindsMakeMap.d and bodies growing in Christlikeness. Many of our older youth are pursuing higher education at places like:

Our New Worship Center

On September 21, 1998, construction began on a new worship and education center just two blocks south of our former Granby Street location, which is now a Fire and Paramedics training center, and a city auditorium. Seating capacity is 1200, twice that of the previous auditorium. "Miracle 2000", the project's name, carried on former pastor John Dunlap's philosophy: FAITH plus VISION plus SACRIFICE equals MIRACLE, a motto which has proven true over and over through the years as The Tab has seen God do "exceeding abundantly more than we could ask or think". The first worship service in the new building was on March 5, 2000. Praise God for his goodness!

See pictures

Web Pages of our Members

Elgin Green Family
Ed DeSoto Family

Other Interesting Web Sites

Bible Institutes and Seminaries
ACSI Christian Schools
Mission Agencies
Mega Menu Global Directory
Another church's excellent web page
Christian Rights in the Workplace
Justifiable Sin

This page was designed by Wally Scherer, a member of Tabernacle Church from 1977 to 1999, now residing in Florida. For comments or corrections about this particular web page, please send me an e-mail at: WallyTS @

To contact Tabernacle Church, please send your e-mail message to:

Please click here to visit the OFFICIAL Tab Church web page.

Last Update: August 16, 2000