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Lesson Format

Students will have weekly lessons, 30 or 45 minutes in length, and a weekly 15-minute lab session. Lessons will be available in private or partner formats. Parents will work with the teacher to decide which format is most appropriate for their child.


Musicianship Classes

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Students participate in a monthly musicianship class which incorporates performance, ensemble playing and the rudiments of music theory. These classes are important to students' basic knowledge of music. Preparation and performance of a piece each month adds to their confidence and poise as performers. Classes will meet on Saturdays at the times specified below unless otherwise noted on the Studio Calendar.


Your musicianship class assignments are as follows. See the Studio Calendar for exact dates.


q Class 1 10:00-11:00 __________________

q Class 2 11:15-12:15 __________________

q Class 3 1:15-2:30 __________________


Lab Assignments

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Lab time will be an extension of the piano lesson in which students will spend at least 15 minutes (before or after the lesson) working with one of the digital pianos and sequencers to complete specific assignments given by the teacher. Assigned lab time will be 15 minutes, but students are welcome to stay as long as 30 minutes if keyboards are available.



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All students are enrolled with the understanding that they will practice at least five days a week, following the written assignment provided by the teacher. We believe that music study will be successful and rewarding only with consistent, careful practice.




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The success of a young piano student is usually directly proportional to parental involvement in the learning process. Regardless of musical background, every parent can work with the teacher to make piano lessons a positive experience. Here are some suggestions:


Ÿ Getting your child to lessons on time with the proper materials is the first step to success.


Ÿ Expressing enthusiasm for your child's accomplishments provides strong incentive for him or her to continue making progress.


Ÿ Reviewing the lesson with the child and being an audience at least once a week show your continuing interest in the child's improvement and underscore the importance of consistent practice.


Ÿ Supporting the program set forth by the teacher and cooperating in recitals and workshops demonstrate your appreciation for music and musical training.


Ÿ Establishing a definite schedule for practicing is essential to developing a commitment for lessons. Unless practice time is given a high priority, it probably won't get done.


Parent Conferences

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Parent Conferences will be held twice during the year: Nov. 18-22 and May 19-23. At least one parent will be asked to attend the student's lesson to discuss and assess progress, needs and goals for the following term.


Students who consistently come unprepared for lessons and/or create undue discipline problems in class can expect dismissal at the end of the quarter.


Safety Precautions

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Parents, for your children’s safety, please do not leave young ones either in the waiting area or in the yard. Accidents can happen very quickly. We cannot be efficient teachers in the studio if our attention is being diverted elsewhere.




Changing Lessons

Missed lessons are a loss to the student's progress. If your child cannot attend his or her lesson, please try to trade times with another student and inform me of the change. Parents will be provided with a list of students and their phone numbers.



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Quarter Notes, a newsletter containing infor-mation important to your child's study will be sent home with students at the beginning of each quarter. It will also be posted on the page.



Our parking space should allow for four cars. Please be careful to park so that others can get in and out of the driveway.


Entering the Studio

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Please enter through the back door. Walk through the carport and turn left. The area will be well lit at night.


Snow Days

Lessons will be scheduled on snow days unless you are otherwise notified.


Performance Opportunities

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Ÿ Monthly Saturday classes

Ÿ Student Keyboard Workshop

Ÿ Fall Solo Recitals

Ÿ "Monster" Concert

Ÿ Duet Recitals

Ÿ Guild Auditions

Ÿ KMTA Keyboard Festival

Ÿ Spring Solo Recitals


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