Clarinet is my LIFE!!

As you might have read in the All About Me section of my site, I LOVE to play my clarinet. I started playing clarinet when I was in 6th grade. Livonia Public Schools offered a "first look" at instrumental music for those students entering the 7th grade next year. At first, I didn't know what instrument to play. I was leaning toward French Horn when my mom told me that she had always wanted to learn clarinet, but she never got the chance. So, I ultimatly decided that if my mom couldn't play it, at least she could hear me play. I then signed up for clarinet. I wasn't very enthusiastic about it(I hardly ever practiced), but I went on to play clarinet while Frost Middle School, as a part of the Beginning Band program. Being a part of this program, helped me to apperciate music, and the clarinet more, up to the point where I practiced (and still try to) for 2-3 hours a day. This practiced helped me to stay in first chair for just about the whole year, and get me through the audition and into Frost's Jazz Band.

Once I left Frost to go to Churchill High School, I decided to audition for the top band there, the Wind Ensemble. There is hardly ever a freshman that makes it in, so I didn't think I had a very good chance of getting in, but I wanted to audition anyway just to get the chance to meet the director of the music program. Well, I auditioned...AND GOT IN!

(written 5/99)In regards to my freshman year,I can safely say that it has been one of the most successful and rewarding for me. As the "assistant concert mistress" and "2nd principal" clarinetist for the CHS Wind Ensemble, I've accomplished many things with the group. We recently went to a national competition in NYC and placed 2nd, and we also became the first Wind Ensemble group in the history of our school to go to Michigan School Band and Orchestra Association State Band Festival as a AA class band. We really accomplished a lot together, and it makes me sad to see everyone go, especially all my senior friends.

On a more personal note, I can say that I've also grown as a musician, soloitically. At district Solo and Ensemble Festivals, I received straight ones, allowing me to participate in state festival. There, I got ones for my clarinet performance pieces, and a two for saxophone perfomance.

(written 3/26/00)My sophomore year has been perhaps one of the hardest for me, academically and musically. It has certainly been up and down. Being in some of the highest classes one can take, as well as keeping up with practicing clarinet is hard, but rewarding. I also had my first heartbreak audition this year, when I auditioned to become the assistant drum major for the marching band, but was not selected. It's still hard to reflect back upon it now, but in a way it has made me stronger. If I can live through being turned down by the people I've known for years, then I can certainly overcome the dissapointment of not being selected for a position by people I don't know, which I'm most certanly going to have the experience of, due to the field of music performance I intend on going into. I think the whole experience has helped me to become a more dedicated and hard-working musician. There have been good things though. I have been selected to go on a European tour for the summer of 2000 through Blue Lake's International exchange program. My private lessons have never been better, and I started out my sophomore year as principal clarinet for the CHS Wind Ensemble. Hopefully, I will be able to end the year as I started it. :)

Speaking of CHS, we will be going to Toronto for a competition this year. The Wind Ensemble unfortunatly got straight 2s this year at district solo and ensemble, and will not be going on to states this year. Also, I was unable to participate in solo and ensemble this year because they changed the date at the last minute so that it was to happen while I was out of town.

Congratulations to the Frost Concert Band on a job well done at their district band festival, and on their advancement on to the state competition! I wish you all good luck for the future!

Well, that's all for now! If you love clarinet as much as I do, visit my Music Links page to visit other clarinet sites, or E-mail me and we can be E-pals!!! If clarinet isn't your favorite instrument, then E-mail me, and I'll hook you up with some of my other "band buds"!!!

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