I use my brain capacity to :

            1) PHILOSOPHIZE

            2) COMPUTE

                I - like everyone do - like to play a lot. I specially like quests ( Gabriel Knight 2 - The Biest Within, Larry, Police Quest ) and sims ( Civ2, Outpost, Heroes of Might and Magic ). I was "forced" in my life to learn a little bit Turbo Pascal, FOX and another stuff like this, but I like very much programms like Studio 3D and other graphic programms.

            3) ENJOY MUSIC

                I begun to love music since I was very very young. I begin with ABBA and Beatles. Then I was a METALLICA FAN. Now I try to understand the classic music and I use to listen a lot Adiemus, Enya and Pink Floyd.

            4) ENJOY VISUAL ART

                I like photography and air brush but my favourite is graphic from H.R.Giger and Sorayama HAJIME ( i like the two - different - points of view of them about erotica).

        If u want u can contact me in this way.