№Hgeocities.com/Vienna/Stage/6793/links.htmlgeocities.com/Vienna/Stage/6793/links.htmlelayedxА“еJџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџШаж­ OKtext/html€Cmo џџџџb‰.HMon, 19 Mar 2001 03:02:48 GMTQ Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *А“еJ  Best of the Web
The Best of the Web!
(In my humble opinion..)
header rule

Here's a list of all the best sites I've run across in my couple of years on the net! I'll provide a little description of each site, and I hope you enjoy them!

PageTutor.com PageTutor

This has to be the best online tutorial for learning HTML, Java, CSS, and all that other great Web Design stuff.. Check it out! I learned my very first programming with this site.

Yahoo! Clubs

Ok, ok, I know what you're thinking; "Clubs?? Wasn't that the kind of things we tried to start in 2nd grade? "The Barbie Club" and the "I love Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Club" and stuff like that?
Well, I'm pretty sure that that's not why these clubs were started.. you never know though..
Anyway, there are some pretty awesome groups there - each with their own message boards and chat rooms. Below is a list of all the clubs I'm in.
Pianists for Christ
This is the club that my friend Crystal and I started last February. It's got about 35 members, pretty decent for the fact that we didn't advertise or anything!
The Art of Playing the Piano
A great piano club - the biggest one there is!
The Piano Place
Another great piano club
Flauta Dulce and Recorder
Ok, there's a story behind this one. My little sister, Jessica, got a recorder for Christmas, and since she can't play it, (and doesn't want to..) I've started playing around with it! It's not too hard, but I love the sound of it - and it's not just a toy! :-D

Mu6 4u

Music Graphics, Images and Other great music-related stuff! You've GOT to check this site out - it's awesome. I got a *few* of my graphics from there, but only, like, 2 or 3. I found the rest floating around here and there.

Music Graphics Galore!music graphics galore!

The absolute BEST ever Music graphics, backgrounds, lines, buttons, and whatever-else-you-can-think-of resource for musicians in web design.

The Piano Place

This is just an awesome site for pianists built by a great pianist herself! (shannonxyw) She owns the Yahoo Club I listed above.
****Well, I added a few more links tonight, but I still have many more I want to put on! BUT I'm going to go look at some more cool Javascripts - wish I knew how to write my own... :-P I mean, I DO know how to write javascripts, but not the cool ones.. I mean, never mind...