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Episode #1: New Arrivals

Okay, so this takes place the same day as the show ended after the weddings and all. I am bringing in new characters here, two of them. Jude is AJ's son. Cole, AJ, and Jude are now in the process of bonding as father and sons. Caitlin, Sean, and Cole thanked Annie as she packed, in her room at the Richard's house, to move in with Jude, which is what she's still doing now when Jude sneaks up on her.

ANNIE: You scared the living daylights out of me.

JUDE: The look on you face was priceless and beautiful.

ANNIE: You're forgiven.

The begin kissing and fall onto the bed, making love again to the tune of Alanis Morrissette's "That I Would Be Good"* [Scroll down for lyrics].

There is a flute section to the song and as that plays as Jude notices a tear falling down Annie's cheek. as they make love.

JUDE: Annie? Are you okay, what's wrong, what is it?

ANNIE: A few things.

JUDE: Such as?

ANNIE: This is new for me and I don't know if your feelings are exactly the same. I know you care about me, but I don't know if your feelings are quite as deep as mine are.

JUDE: One thing I have always known is that people talk about their feelings. What are yours and what are the other two things?

ANNIE: I'm falling in love with you. There, I said it. Every time you kiss me, every time you hold me, make love to me, talk to me, I am falling more and more in love with you. The other things, I am terrified.

JUDE: Of what?

ANNIE: These new feelings that I have and of falling more and more in love with you. New things have a habit of being scary. And the third thing...

JUDE: What is the third thing?

ANNIE: The one that probably scares me the most because you haven't said anything about what I've just said.

JUDE: I will, after you tell me the third thing. But, Annie, you don't have to be afraid of me or of anything else. I am going to protect you.

ANNIE: I'm pregnant. It's yours. From that night in your office.

JUDE: We didn't use anything.

ANNIE: I was waiting for the right time to tell you, which wasn't going to be now. It's just, I started thinking about a lot of the things that have happened since I met you.

JUDE: And for the most part, they've all been pretty good, am I right?


JUDE: So, I'm going to tell you some things now. These are things I am sure of. I've been waiting and wanting to hear that you love me for a few weeks now. I can't say when it hit me, I think I just woke up feeling that way, but I do love you, Annie. You can be sure that I love you if not as much as you love me, than more. Like I told you a few seconds ago, you have nothing to fear, because now you know how I feel about you. I never want you to forget that, ever, Annie. I am always going to love you no matter what happens, what changes we go through, what we do. You are a fabulous woman who has a great heart and soul in her. You're a fighter and you're intelligent and there is no one else I would rather have my child.

ANNIE: You mean that. I feel it.

JUDE: It's about time.

The song ends, with them kissing and continuing making love.

Downstairs the doorbell rings and Leo is standing there with a young woman and a young man. Sean answered the door.

SEAN: David, Leo?! It's great to see you two. Come on in.

Everyone has come to see the commotion. Caitlin and Olivia hug David. Cole, and AJ hug Leo and they along with Emily and Bette hug the girl.

OLIVIA: Bette, AJ, you know David. Cole, Emily, this is my son, David.


CAITLIN: David, what are you doing here?

DAVID: I heard about dad and decided I should be here.

SEAN: I'm happy you are. It has been quite a day.

CAITLIN: You can say that again.

Olivia clears her throat.

BETTE: I'm sorry, um, this is Evelyn, my daughter.

SEAN: I always thought Emily was an only child.

CAITLIN: So did I. Who is her father?

OLIVIA: Bette, in all the years we've known each other, been friends, you never told me that you had another child. Why not?

BETTE: I had my reasons.

EVELYN: I'm illegitimate.

EMILY: The reason my parents divorced was because...

BETTE: I had an affair.

SEAN: With who? Who's Evelyn's father?

AJ: I am.

OLIVIA: You AJ? You never told me either.

COLE: We should maybe go sit and talk about this.

CAITLIN: Cole, Leo, did you know that you had a sister?

COLE: For years.

LEO: Since she was born.

They go to the living room as Jude and Annie, fully clothed, walk down the stairs, hand in hand.

ANNIE: Jude?

JUDE: Yeah.

ANNIE: Today is not the right day to tell people about the baby. Olivia has her children back and I don't want to steal from that.

JUDE: Okay, but you deserve to be just as happy as they are.

ANNIE: I am.

They get the living room where everyone is sitting, Bette is talking.

BETTE: We didn't want to tell you that we had been in a relationship, Livie. You're friendship and love meant too much to us to ruin it.

AJ: We figured we wouldn't hurt you if you didn't know.

BETTE: As Evelyn got older we discussed more and more that we had to tell you.

AJ: And then you and I met again and Bette didn't want to ruin the relationship I was seeking with you at the time.

BETTE: So, that's it. Evelyn is our daughter and the sister of Cole, Leo, and Emily.

Jude and Annie see the new arrivals.

JUDE: My God.

ANNIE: Evelyn.

JUDE: And Leo.

EVELYN: You sound surprised.

ANNIE: Yeah.

EVELYN: You had to know I'd end up here sooner or later.


AJ: Yes?

SEAN: Do you have anymore kids?

AJ: Just the four.

OLIVIA: It's a wonderful day for family reunions.

ANNIE: Hi, David.

DAVID: Annie.

CAITLIN: Jude, this is my brother, David.

JUDE: It's nice to meet you.

AJ: Um, as long as we're giving out news, Bette and I have some.

BETTE: Boy do we ever.

OLIVIA: What is it?

AJ: Bette and I are going to be married.


COLE: I missed a lot.

LEO: You aren't the only one.

AJ: We have decided that we both know we would be incredibly happy together.

EVELYN: Slow down. The last thing you two ever told me was that dad was madly in love with Olivia, Cole was off somewhere in Europe missing, Emily was incredibely depressed over Sean, and Jude was off doing only God knows what. Actually, strike that, Jude was off doing what God and every one in this room but me and Leo knew. Could this family start sharing things with me?

BETTE: Gladly.

OLIVIA: Caitlin, Sean, David, would you bring Trey to the kitchen, they should have some privacy.

The above mentioned people leave the room.

EVELYN: So, what have I missed?

BETTE: Why are you upset?

EVELYN: I know you all love me, but I have been kept a secret to many people and secrets have been kept from me. Leo is the only one in this family who ever tells me everything I should know. I understand perfectly that we all lead separate lives, but we are family, I am your family. And I think it would be nice if you would all share the things a family does.

ANNIE: You want to know everything.

EVELYN: I have a right to. I have a right to be treated as anyone else in this family. You all seem to know what goes on with each other, why can't I know too?

BETTE: You can. But it'll be a doosie.

EVELYN: Start with when you and dad decided that you love each other.

AJ: We always have. And that's because of you.

EVELYN: Aren't I special.

BETTE: Pumpkin, we have always done what we thought was best for everyone involved.

EVELYN: I am not everyone involved, I am your daughter. That should mean something more.

AJ: It does. It means that most of all we were protecting you from things we didn't want you to see, because we do love you.

EVELYN: Such as?

EMILY: Amy Neilsen.

COLE: Francesca Vargas.

ANNIE: Kidnapping Trey.

EVELYN: Your son was kidnapped, Cole? By who?

ANNIE: By me.

EVELYN: Yeah, things need explained.

EMILY: It's a long story.

EVELYN: You all have lives here together, I want to be a part of that.

JUDE: You should be.

They spend the next hour going over everything that's happened in the past three years.

EVELYN: I'm going to go for a walk.

BETTE: Be back soon.

EVELYN: I think I'm going to go back to your house afterwards.

BETTE: Let yourself in through the back door.

EVELYN: I will.

As Evelyn is walking out Jude and Annie are talking softly.

ANNIE: She wants to be informed of things around her. We should tell her.

JUDE: Are you sure?

ANNIE: Positive.

They catch up to Evelyn at her car.

JUDE: You want to know about things when they happen?

EVELYN: It'd be nice. What would have nice would have been if the man I thought of as a brother and turned out to be my brother had told me he was working for the FBI and in love with my favorite cousin.

ANNIE: Then we want you to be the first to know that we are going to have a baby.

EVELYN: No one else knows?

JUDE: We thought you would like it if you were the first to know.

ANNIE: But it's a big day for this family and we don't want to steal from it by sharing this yet.


EVELYN: My lips are sealed.

ANNIE: Have a nice ride. It's good to have you here.

JUDE: It is.

EVELYN: I'm going to go, but good luck you two.

She drives away.

Sara and Casey are in bed together the morning after the weddings, Meg and Ben are in Venice, and the door bell rings.

SARA: I'll get it.

She is dressed in one of Casey's tee shirts. She goes downstairs, it is still early enough to be somewhat dark. When she opens the door she finds Gabi there.

SARA: Gabi? What are you doing here, I thought you left Sunset beach? Come in.

GABI: Thank you, I did, but I turned back.

SARA: Why? Or do you not want to talk about it?

GABI: The truth is, I don't know why I turned back. Something made me turn the car around and come back here. But I need a favor.

Casey comes down stairs.

CASEY: Sara, who's there so early. Oh, Gabi, hi. When did you decide to come back?

GABI: I was just driving and turned the car around. I don't even feel like I really was driving the car.

SARA: Um, what was the favor you wanted?

GABI: To stay here without Ricardo, or Antonio, or Maria, or Carmen knowing it. In fact I only want you guys, Meg, Ben, Michael, and Vanessa to know I'm here. Just while I get things figured out.

CASEY: Can you give us a minute, Gabi?

GABI: Yeah.

Casey and Sara go into the corner and talk quietly.

SARA: Since Casey and I are the only one's living here now, the third floor is yours.

GABI: Are you serious?

CASEY: Yeah.

GABI: Thanks, you guys. So, Meg mentioed something about you two being engaged now.

CASEY: Yeah, we are.

SARA: I'm surprised Meg had time to tell anybody anything. What with getting married she was incredibely busy.

GABI: Well, you know to see Ben if you want a quickie divorce. Not that you two will need any kind of divorce.

SARA: Never!

CASEY: Exactly.

GABI: I've been driving all night. Do you guys mind if I go upstairs and get a little sleep? I'm sure you don't. I think I interrupted something.

CASEY: You should get some rest.

SARA: And don't worry, our lips are sealed.

GABI: I appreciate this you guys. And by the time you guys are married I'll have a place of m own.

SARA: Don't worry about that now, Gabi, just get some sleep.

Gabi goes upstairs, and Casey and Sara sit on the sofa together.

SARA: You know, Christmas wasn't like Christmas this year. I don't feel like we did anything Christmas-y at all.

CASEY: We exchanged presents, and, well, it wasn't at Christmas, but we got engaged.

SARA: Yeah, I know. But Christmas is more than that. It's about being together and forgetting the bad stuff and loving each other.

CASEY: You're forgetting that during this season Derek had us locked in a closet.

SARA: I still think we should have done more. This place wasn't even decorated.

CASEY: Next year you will have the best Chrstmas you have ever had in your life. Plus, it'll be our first married Christmas.

SARA: Promise?

CASEY: When have I ever broken a promise to you?

SARA: Point taken.

CASEY: Tired?

SARA: I'm wide awake.

CASEY: So am I. TV?

SARA: Why not. We'll see what's on at 5 am.

CASEY: Probably just the news.

SARA: We can always know what's going on in the world.

He turns the TV on.

SARA: Russia has a new President?

CASEY: We need to get out more.

The door bell rings, again.

SARA: I got it last time.

CASEY: Okay.

He opens the door to see...tada...ALEX!


ALEX: Hi, honey.

CASEY: It's five in the morning.

ALEX: Not where I was.

CASEY: What are you doing here?

ALEX: I came to see you and I think I might stick around for a while.

CASEY: Really? That's great!

ALEX: So, what have you been up to? It's been about six months since I was near a phone.

CASEY: Went through a confusing, rough time with Sara, figured out how much I love her, got her back from Jude, got kidnaped by Ben Evans evil twin, and got engaged.

ALEX: Honey, I've been on an airplane for hours now. Slow down and start from the beginning.

CASEY: Actually, first, you have to meet Sara.

SARA: It's nice to meet your, Mrs. Mitchum.

ALEX: My name is Alex. Casey says that you're Meg's younger sister?

SARA: Yes, I am.

ALEX: Okay, lets all get to know one another.

Alex sits on the sofa and Casey and Sara follow, sitting next to each other.

ALEX: Okay then, Casey you can tell me know what exactly has been going on. The last time I spoke to you, you said that you were very much in love with Sara. Now you tell me there were 'rough times'?

CASEY: Um, yeah.

SARA: We broke up for about a month and a half.

CASEY: But then she started seeing this other man, and when I started feeling jealeous enough to hate him, Jude, I realized that I love Sara more than anything.

SARA: And then, with Derek, that was next.

CASEY: Ben Evans has a twin brother who we thought was dead. He kidnapped Ben and started messing with Maria and Meg's heads and when Meg and Sara were thinking somethig was wrong with him, I told them not to interfere and I did.

SARA: Derek's girlfriend, Tess, knocked him out and kidnapped him.

CASEY: But Sara caught on something was wrong and saved my life.

SARA: You saved mine, then and more times than that.

CASEY: You're the one who faced Tess at gunpoint and ended up locked in a closet trying to rescue me.

SARA: You wer in the closet too.

ALEX: You two were locked in a closet?

SARA: Yes, but we got out.

ALEX: What about Derek?

CASEY: He and Ben fought and Ben killed him. Maria fought Tess and Tess is now in jail. Ben and Maria are now divorced and raising Derek and Tess' son as their own.

SARA: Ben and Meg got married yesterday too.

ALEX: What about your engagement?

SARA: That happened two days ago.

CASEY: After I got out of the hospital after the Derek ordeal. I propsed and she said yes.

ALEX: I came back at the right time.

SARA: Yeah, I guess you did.

They talk and Sara and Alex get to know each other.

Later that morning Ricardo goes into the police station and runs into Pat.

PAT: Ricardo, what are you doing here?

RICARDO: I'm just clearing a few things out before of my desk. I'll be out of your way in a few minutes.

PAT: There's no hurry.

RICARDO: Actually, there, is.

PAT: Want to tel me about it?

RICARDO: An exciting new endeavor. You're looking at Sunset Beach's newest private detective. Or at least what will be. I still need my liscense and offices and all of that stuff.

PAT: Really?

RICARDO: Being a detective uis what I'm good at. So, this is a job I can do.

PAT: We're going to miss you here.

RICARDO: I'm going to miss it too.

Spence and Ruiz see Ricardo

SPENCER: Ricardo.

RUIZ: Hey, man.

RICARDO: Hi, guys.

RUIZ: You want to hang out tonight? You, me , Spence?

SPENCER: Sounds good to me.

RICARDO: Um, yeah, sure, I'm in.

PAT: I'll see you, Ricardo. And good luck.

The three guys continue talking when someone they haven't seen in over a year stumbles into the station.

At the Cummings' house the door bell rings [There's a lot of that going around =)].

HANK: Joanie, I'll get it.

JOAN: Okay. Breakfast will be ready any minute now and then we can head to the Shock Wave.

Hank opens the door to find a young man in a military uniform.

HANK: Joan, you aren't going to belive who is at the door.

JOAN: I'm not?

MAN: Hi, dad, mom.

JOAN: Nick?


HANK: What are you doing here?

JOAN: Not that we aren't happy to have you here. In fact, I'll go set up the extra room for you.

NICK: Mom, actually I'm staying at the Inn at Sunset Beach while I look for an apartment. And, as for what I'm doing here, my eight years of the Marine Corp. are done.

HANK: If only you would have come a few days earlier.

JOAN: You would have been able to see your sister get married.

NICK: Which one?

HANK: Meg.

NICK: To that Ben guy?

JOAN: Yes, and it was so sweet, he proposed twenty minutes before the ceremony.

HANK: I don't think I've ever seen Meg get ready for something so quicjly before in my life. Or Sara for that matter.

JOAN: Speaking of Sara, you should go see her. I'm sure she wants to share her news with you personally.

HANK: You can go there while we're at work.

NICK: The Shock Wave?

JOAN: Yes, and when you're done at Sara's you should have Sara bring to the Shock Wave for lunch.

MICK: I thought she was living here?

HANK: She moved outa couple of days ago.

NICK: I do miss her a lot. Where is this new place?

JOAN: It's on Ocean Avenue. It's a three story white house, right on the beach. You can't miss it. You'll see her forest green Mustang in the front.

NICK: You don't know the address?

HANK: I don't think we ever did. It's next to a brown house.

JOAN: Don't forget to stop by the Shock Wave.

NICK: I won't. I'll see yu guys later.

JOAN: Honey, do you want to leave your bag here?

NICK: No thanks.

He leaves the house and Hank and Joan smile at each other.

In a cabin on a cruise ship, Michael and Vanessa are lying in bed.

MICAHEL: How's married life treating you?

VANESSA: Better than I ever thought it could be.

MICHAEL: Really?

VANESSA: Yeah, but that has to do with whome I'm married to.

MICHAEL: It woudln't be the same if you weren't Scoop.

They kiss.

Meg and Ben are alos in bed, in Venice, having a very similar conversation.

BEN: So, what do you think of Venice?

MEG: I haven't exactly seen much of it yet.

BEN: Is that such a bed thing?

MEG: Not at all, because I'm with you.

BEN: Two more days, then we go back to people.

MEG: Let's not think about that. But...

BEN: But what?

MEG: We need to leave the hotel room and see the sights. I need to ride a Gondola with you.

BEN: You're wish is my command.

They kiss

You have now seen (actually, read) the first episode. I know it isn't much, yet, but it will get better and more exciting after the first few installments, I promise =)
*That I Would Be Good-

that I would be good even if I did nothing
that I would be good even if I got the thumbs down
that I would be good if I got and stayed sick
that I would be good even if I gained ten pounds

that I would be fine even if I went bankrupt
that I would be good even if I lost my hair and me youth
that I would be great if I was no longer queen
that I would be grand even if I was not all knowing

that I would be loved even when I numb myself
that I would be good even when I am overwhelmed
that I would be loved even if I was fuming
that I would be good even if I was clingy

that I would be good even if I lost sanity
that I would be good
whether with or without you

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