October '00

Quote of the Month

"There's no light in my bathroom. I can't see shit." -- Jared (10/1)


Andrew's car, somewhere on I-81N

"Everyone drive with your doors open! ... and stick a body part out of them ... like your ass! Can I stick my ass out your window?" -- Jennie


"If I ever met Moses, I would say 'You 'da man.'" -- Bekah Ingram
"There's no light in my bathroom. I can't see shit." -- Jared



"Well I have to go now, it was nice to meet you, and that's my garbage, and thank you very much." -- Katie


Music Office

"I need to talk to you, Barb, but I'll come back when you look different." -- Dr. Soyars, talking to Tad who was in Barb's chair.
"How do you work this thing?" -- Toni, about Quotebook the Second


Our House

"If I could, I would festoon myself with the word 'clearly!'" -- Mike


Outside Friday's in Albany

"Some stories never go out of style. Erika's were born that way." -- Jennelle


Andrew's House (home)

"Now you're in college, and we're not! That's backwards!" -- Kathleen, on the phone with Sara


Our House, the kitchen specifically

"We don't have a garbage can anymore. We have a garbage area. Just throw your trash at that side of the room .... And THIS, is the DISHWASHER!" -- Betsy. You really really had to have been there.


Setnor Auditorium, Convocation

"You're clearly somebody's mommy." -- Kelly, about Judy Hamilton.

Celebrities! at Our House

"He's very Catholic, so much so that he's in charge of the whole business." -- Sara, describing the Pope



"She's very neaky for a large breast." -- Tompy, describing, well duh. How many large breasts do you know?


Our House

"She's got boobs like we've got cookies!" -- Betsy, comparing a woman with an H bra size to our overwhelming supply of leftover recital cookies.


Palindromes that crack me up.

A dog, a plan, a canal: pagoda. (this one had Mike and me on the floor laughing)
A man, a plan, a cat, a ham, a yak, a yam, a hat, a canal: Panama. (bet you didn't know much went into the implementation of that thing)
Sit on a potato pan, Otis.


"Tuesdayless fool!" -- Kathleen, berating me for having no classes on Tuesday. :)


Walking to Crouse in the morning

"Wouldn't it be great if you could send all the bitchy people in your life to detention?" -- Betsy


"Moose have antlers. Elk have ANTLERS!" -- Bekah
"It's like theory all over again, times ten!" -- Jessica Kielb, about counterpoint


Trevor: But if you get a tattoo, you'll be a bad Jew!
Sara: My left leg's not Jewish.


Gina's room in Bucknell

Sara: If you look through a balloon, the lights are red.
Andrew: Not if you look through a yellow balloon.
Sara: If you look through both balloons, then one light's yellow and the other light's red. Oh G-d Gina'd better get here soon.


Sara is funny when she's drunk.

"It's kind of like when a pregnant woman wants a pickle. There's no reason." -- Sara, about wanting to hear "Freak out."
"My mind is saying 'ew gross' but my mouth is saying 'swallow.'" -- Sara, ABOUT BEER. LET THERE BE NO MISTAKE.
"I should always be drunk!" -- Sara. If you are Sara's mom, you shouldn't be reading this.
"The only sense my mind is comprehending right now is beer." -- Sara
"I'm the mysterious slut!" -- Sara, who shall heretofor be known as the Mysterious Slut.


Applebee's in or around Lewisburg, PA

"I like saying 'no.'" -- Gina
Sara: Marissa was number 42.
Gina: Lucky bitch.

In the car, fighting with the CD player.

"Give me my song back, you bitch!" -- Sara, after a pertinent Ben Folds Five song was cut off.

Zigga-zig-ah now means "fuck that."

Reasons why Andrew is a freak of nature, according to Gina:

1. He doesn't like cheese.
2. He didn't find Austin Powers funny.
3. He can't identify Nirvana songs when he hears them.

Gina's room in Bucknell

"My name is now Fuck You." -- Gina, zigga-zig-ah



Ben: If he wasn't so obnoxious, would you be receptive?
Andrew: It's hard to tell.
Ben: How's that?
Andrew: It's hard to imagine wat someone would be like if you took away a large piece of their personality.
Ben: I see.
Andrew: It's like, would I vote for G.W. Bush if he wasn't an idiot?



"I think the third nervous breakdown helped." -- Matt

Kathleen: So why was Matt in Syracuse?
Andrew: To get my alarm clock.
Kathleen: Please don't say that anymore.

On the phone

"Either they're stupid or they're stupid but they're stupid." -- Kathleen


Our House

"I don't think she's 30. I just think she has big hair." -- Mike, about someone.

Chillin on the corner of S. Crouse and University

"My breath thanks you as it makes words for me. hhhhhh." -- Katie, breathing



"YANKEES FUCKIN' RULE :) AND IT'S FRIDAY :) :) BUT MEN ARE DICKS - END OF STORY =o" -- Disuhan's away message (which is hard to convey in HTML)

In the Car, between the Carousel Center and Flint.

"Your gaydar needs a new hard drive. Take it to Radio Shack." -- Sara


On the phone

"I now call him Benji." -- Racquel, after having met Ben Affleck

The "Intensity" Haunted House at the ghetto-spooky Fayetteville Mall.

"The actors will not touch you so please don't slap them." -- Guy at the Haunted House

Halloween party at Dan Bart's friends' apartment

"Is that like a solar yarmulke or something?" -- Miriam, about my costume.

Some guy: What are you supposed to be?
Andrew: Yup.

"I hear it's good luck if the umbilical cord comes out first." -- Eric Van Ostenbridge (first quote!)

Entertainment Weekly Online

"Yes, Folks, 'Book of Shadows' is a movie that tries to frighten us with owls." -- submitted by Kelly



"Holy shit! Look at all these cool faces I can make!" -- Khristian, discovering the finer points of AIM.
"I'm arguing with him, because arguing is fun when you're right." -- Andrew