November, 30 1998 17:22
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Welcome to my home  page!

Please, feel at home and nose around. Check out every nook and cranny and let me know, how you feel about it. Don't handle me with gloves, I like criticism! And ..... come back! kiddush
I'm working on it all the time. So there's bound to be some improvement, I hope! Please, send me E-mail and sign my guest-book. Thanks!
There's such a lot to talk about.
But let's first meet! This is me! What do you mean, the picture is not recent? What's five years in eternity?
What do you mean? I'm squinting?
I'm just looking frightened! Ask any psychologist, how long it takes, to snap out of that, with treatment. Well, fifty years ago, they thought, that it would go away, if you'd close your eyes. What I'm talking about? How would you look, after having been in a death camp? After having been for 99% in the next world and just 1% holding on with my nails!
in bed Well, here you see me fifty years later. Just lift up the mask and you'll see me grinning! No, it's not carnaval, it's the Gulf war! Well, I did snap out of it a bit.
Well, now that you know me, I'd like to get to know you too! So first get busy, there are another 21 pages. Don't cheat! And at least pass over them, from top to bottom. Or else you'll just miss where it gets interesting!
Cluck here!

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