Shalom "DALIDA"


The oriental career.

She was born in Cairo, Egypt; in the neighborhood named Shoudra, in 17th January 1933. The father played the violin at the Opera of the Cairo's City, the parents were italian emigrated to Egypt. She was developed into beautiful woman and was elected "Miss Egypt" in 1954, and filmed with Omar Shariff, Gil Vidal and then with Niazi Mustapha. In the winter of this year she fly to Paris searching the international fame, and was in France where she had the base of her career like famous singer.

She has her first presentation in Cairo in 1958, with her musical show. In 1966 sing in Casablanca (Maroc), and three years after she was returning to Africa, with shows in Dakar (Senegal) and Abidjan (Ivory Coast). In January 1970 was in the Middle East, singing in Beirut (Lebanon), and again in the same city in July 1977. She performed an successful tour by Jordan with the theme's song "Salma ya salama" singing in arabic, and recorded in arabic and french. In 1979 a new success with the arabic song "Helwa ya baladi". The new record "International yours" released in 1982, included the song "Aghani, aghani".

The arabic song of the year 1983 was "Gamil el soura". And finaly In 1986 records "Akhsan nass", the same year she travels to Egypt to film the movie named "The 6th day), directed by Youssef Chahine. The next year, the 3rd May 1987 she decided the suicide.

After her death, in 1989 were released the previous recorded song "Lebnan" and the theme "Dalida, Dalida" from the homage in the visit to Egypt. In 1994 the CD collection "Paroles" (Words) appears with the CD "Paroles d'ailleurs" that includes all the arabic succes, and in 1997 the CD "Dalida in Egypt"from the spectacle presented in the previous Egyptian tour, all the songs of the egyptian cassette and the instrumental named "Dream".

The new records had included a remixed of the "Salma ya salama" in 1995 in the CD "Comme si j'étais là"; and also in 1997 with the new version Oriental Dream Mix and the Sueño Flamenco, version Spanish-Egyptian, both in the CD "L'an 2005".

Dalida's Hebrew songs.

Dalida was the first international singer that included oriental songs in her shows, it was very sucessful. She recorder the following songs from the hebrew's folklore, frecuently used for circle dance performances.



HAVA NAGILA (Traditional) (1959)
Hava nagila, hava nagila, hava nagila, venishmecha

Hava nagila, hava nagila, hava nagila, venishmecha

Hava naranena, hava naranena, hava naranena, venishmecha

Uru achim, uru achim, uru achim, belev sameach

(English translation)


Come let us be glad and rejoice.

Arise, arise with a joyful heart.



HINEI MATOV ( Moshe Jacobson) (1965) Text Psalm 133.
Hinei ma tov uma nagim, hinei ma tov uma nagim

Shevet atjim gam yajad, shevet atjim gam uajad

Hinei ma tov uma nagim, hinei ma tov uma nagim

Hinei ma tov, hinei ma tov; lajlajlai, lajlajlai

(English translation)

How good and pleasant

that friends live

peacefully togheter.