

The Transfer



Munkustrap yawned and stretched. The hunt had gone well so far; together he and his hunters had brought down a khaska bull. The only mishap occurred when the great horned beast, in its death throes, butted Plaetoh sharply in the chest, breaking at least two ribs. He had protested that he could continue with the hunt as soon as he got his breath back, but Munkustrap wouldn't allow it. The chief knew from experience that broken ribs made breathing painful and the sooner they were healed, the better. So Tughar had gone back to the settlement with his friend, carrying the khaska between them. When Tughar returned, the hunt would resume.

Munkustrap stood up and shook himself. The summer sun was hot coming through the trees and made one lazy. He knew where there was a stream nearby; he'd get a quick drink and when he returned, Tughar should be back.

Quietly he slipped away from the other lounging hunters, taking no more than his usual care to move stealthily. But as he came through the bushes by the stream he froze and hissed, "Macavity!"
That tall, ginger-striped Coricat rose swiftly from the stream's bank at the sight of his long-time enemy and growled dangerously. He realized that he must have unwittingly crossed into the Jellicle hunting territory, but he wasn't about to retreat. Instead, he rushed at the Jellicle chief and swiped him visciously across the face.

Munkustrap recoiled, clutching his face, and tried to send a mental call to his hunters. But before he could, a voice filled his head, commanding, Look at me!

The grey and black chief found himself powerless to resist. He looked and saw a black and ginger paw inches from his face. The clawed digits were spread apart and Macavity's green-gold eyes were visible through them. The voice in his head droned on, Me to you and you to me. You to me and me to you, and so you will be mine! In time with these ominous words, the paw waved before Munkustrap's eyes, hypnotizing him. He became oblivious to everything around him except the waving paw and the green-gold eyes.

He would certainly have been overpowered if a small insect hadn't chosen that moment to bite him on the nose. Thus startled out of his trance, he launched himself at the Tyghurss chief, butting him hard in the stomach and bringing them both down with a crash of underbrush.

Macavity managed to get his foot in Munkustrap's gut and kicked the smaller cat off before staggering to his feet. Munkustrap readied himself for another attack as Macavity tried to reset the magical channel he had opened. Both chiefs were vaguely aware that members from both hunting parties had come to investigate the commotion. Then Munkustrap pounced.

Macavity was not quite ready and he felt a surge of magic pass from his body as Munkustrap made contact. There was a blinding flash and for a moment the two enemies were locked in each other's arms, unable to pull away. They screamed as if they were being ripped apart, then abruptly broke away and collapsed to the ground, two limp and lifeless forms.

There was a tense moment as Alahnso and Moya cautiously approached their downed chiefs. The Jellicle second growled low in his throat while the Tyghurss second hissed and showed her sharp teeth.

Alahnso stopped by Munkustrap's body and said carefully, "We both have the same problem here, so I suggest we have a momentary truce. You take your chief and we'll take ours."

Moya opened her mouth to reply, then paused as she heard muttering from her tribe mates, specifically from a one-eyed, red, brown, and black striped male. "A truce?" he whispered loudly. "When have our tribes ever had a truce?"

"Hush!" someone else hissed.

Moya turned her head back to the rival second. "It seems to be the only reasonable option," she admitted. "But this truce will only last as long as it takes for us to get back to our settlements."

"Agreed," Alahnso nodded.

Without another word, Moya hooked her arms under Macavity's and dragged him over to her fellow tribesmen. Two of the larger males picked him up by the knees and the shoulders and carried him away.

When the Tyghurss had disappeared into the forest, Admeetus hefted Munkustrap onto his shoulder and followed the others back to the settlement. The hunt, twice disrupted, would not resume. The khaska bull they had caught earlier would have to suffice for the feasting.


©1999 Delilah


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