Happy Holidays everybody!!!
Again....More Questions from William Gillaspy:
Q1:  What happens if you run into the Gold Saucer with the Highwind?
Q2:  How does one play as Sephiroth in the game?
Q3:  About how much HP does the One Winged Seraphim have?
Q4:  How many different trails of blood are going down Sephiroth's face in the ending cinematic?
Q5:  When Sephiroth reaches up to Jenova in the first cinematic, what happens with his eyes?
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A3:  He has roughly 150,000 HP.  That's a lot of health....heheh.
A2:  Sephiroth...heheh.  Well, one way to play as him is to go into the debug room and select in your party Sephiroth or Vincent on level 50.  Another is int he Nibelheim flashback.
A1:  Nothing happens really...I rammed into Gold Saucer twice, one with and one without the booster and nothing at all happend........
A4:  I counted 12 trails, but it's kinda hard to tell because some trails run into each other.  So I also got an image of it.
A5:  Hey...didn't I answer this question before...ah, well....his eyes seem to widen.