Questions, questions, and more questions......
Question from Final Fantasy Roc:
Q:  What is the best limit break in Final Fantasy VIII?
A:  Not too hard. "The End" for Selphie is the best limit break.
Questions from William Gillaspy:
Q1:  What is the accuracy rating of the Sniper CR?
A1:  ......I killed Sniper Wolf in Metal Gear Solid on my first try.....Ahem, anyway, the accuracey ratting is 255
Q2:  What does Cloud say if you try to walk through the quicksand surrounding the Gold Saucer?
A2:  What did Cloud say? Are you sure you don't want to know what he SHOULD have said, such as "Hell, this is quicksand!!!" ? (hahahaha) Ok, ok, the real answer is as follows:

        "We're moving!?"

        "This is bad!"

        "Hoo boy... There's noway we can walk across now."

        "Not even a chocobo could make it across... Isn't there a more powerful vehicle?"
Q3:  How do you get the "Sexy Cologne" for the Don Corneo thing?
A3:  Heheheh....I remember this part... Cloud dressed as a girl.... pretty funny..... Well, to get the "Sexy Cologne" you need to go to the sushi bar at the wallmarket and get a pharmacy coupon. Then go to the pharmacy and trade the coupon for the disgestive medicine. Finally, go to the resturant in order to give the person in the bathroom the medicine and you'll get the "Sexy Cologne" in return. Phew! Now, that's a lot of explaining!
Q4:  How does one get "Knights of the Round"?
A4:  Oh, come on! This one's a little too easy. You get a gold chocobo and travel northeast with it. When you find a cave, go in and you'll be able to retrieve the "Knights of the Round" materia.
Q5:  What happens if you totally screw up the play with Aeris?
A5:  Oh, yeah! I love this part, being a big Tifa fan and seeing Aeris's fury many times, heheh. Actually, there's multiple ways to get Aeris mad and screw up the play in order to see different events (though I suggest to try to see the one where she kicks the dragon, hahahaha....that's a good one) but the all time BEST one, in my opinion which is almost like a fact, is when she slaps Cloud and says he ruined the play. Then you can go out with Tifa or Yuffie, ya know....heheh.
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