How Will I Know?

         This is a common question from women I've talked with who are intersted in Domestic Discipline but whose husbands have not outright asked them to try it.  How do I know he wants or needs this?  On its face it seems a legitimate question.  To those of us who've been around a bit, its a no brainer.  Of Course He does!  If he's like most men he won't come right out and tell you (too much ego), but that doesn't mean he doesn't know it's best for him. 

       This site is designed for women.  That's why it is so wordy and detailed.  It it were for men it would only need one page with a picture of me pointing my finger and saying, "You know you need to be punished for your bad behavior, don't you?"

      He would simply gulp, catch his breath and say, "yes ma'am."  I would instruct him to tell his wife of that need.  He would want to tell his wife but he'd be afraid to do so.  He'd be afraid she wouldn't undersand.  He would assume his wife would think the idea of Domestic Discipline too weird.  His fear would be justified.  That's why I created this site.

       I'll let you in on a little secret.  If you are reading this, there is about a 90% chance it is because your husband (on some level) wants you to.  I know this because of the ways I've "marketed" this site.  If your are among the 30% who have come across this site on you own, there is still about an 70% chance your husband secretly desires Domestic Discipline. 

Here are some ways for you to know without risking any embarrassment for yourself. 

            1.  Think about it.  Has he ever offered you a clue that he has a streak of sexual submissiveness in him?  Does he like to be teased?  Does he enjoy sex more with you on top in the dominant position?  Has he ever admitted to you that he lacks self-discipline and needs external discipline?  Chances are you'll find your answer in your own memories.

           2.  Laughingly show him this site or one of my recommended links such as
The Disciplinary Wives Club or Mistress Lori's Chastity Site.  Make a joke of it and say something like "wouldn't it be great if something like that worked on you."  Observe his response.  Unless he comes right out and says something like, "NO Way, don't even think of trying that with me," he's interested.  He'll probably blush (if he's prone to doing that) or drop his eyes and he'll probably hint at his interest with a joking response.  If he does that, say something like, "maybe this is the kind of thing you need."  By maintaining a bit of humor in your voice you protect yourself from any risk in case he is really not interested in this.  Chances are he'll say somthing along the lines of, "Maybe it is."   A response like is really equal to ,"Yes, Yes, Yes PLEASE."  Keep that in mind.  If you get a "maybe" you should seize the moment and say something like, "Well, that is exactly what we're going to do then."  The thing to remember about the conversation as sketched above is that you have risked nothing.  You haven't revealed any so-called kinkiness but he has.  You remain in control.

           3. Just do it!  Start by either talking to him about his behaviors or coming to an agreement that he will be punished if they continue or by simply doing what I did.  You'll find that in
My Story.  Most of the Dominant Wives I've spoken with believe it is safer to discuss things first, but it worked well for me.  The thing about "just doing it" is that it may work in a situation where the husband is not aware of and has not even thought about his need for discipline and submission.  "Just doing it" touches him in his subconscious before his intellect has time to react.

Getting Started