Rafting The Nenggiri River


This a journey for those who are looking to get away from any forms of ‘ mechanized ‘ travel. Unless you are willing to row, the speed of the travel depends entirely on the river current. The Nenggiri river cruise spans across nature’s grand stage of majestic limestone outcrops with beautiful lush growth of tropical bushes and trees.



From one end of the journey to another, the cruise is a revelation of adventure, excitement and fun. For into it, opens the world of reverie wilderness, of swirling rapids, of game trails, of a culture that is fast dissipating and of team spirit and self-motivation. Under adverse hardships and never knowing what to expect, the river cruise of Nenggiri is the experience that must be enjoyed and discovered.    



A series of rapids with strange sounding names such as Jeram Dala, Kalong, Manek and Segalong await the adventurous guests on the next leg of the journey. Depending on the tide, the strength of the rapids changes accordingly. With experienced raft master on board for counsel and guide the trip is not truly an obstacle course. In fact it adds up to the thrills and spills of the whole travel. Ironically, the relief of successfully traversing one rapid will make you eager to try the coming one, just for the sheer fun of it!  Truly, the excitement of whitewater rafting cannot be aptly described by mere words.



The first night will be spent camping.  Camping in a jungle environment is always a special occasion, especially the preparation!  Guests are encouraged to set up their own tents and help in preparing dinner. And as you rest you will be lulled to sleep by the ever-present cacophony of sounds – insects, fogs, birds and an occasional hooting of monkeys in the distance.


At any point of the trip, you can always stop to observe animal tracks or just indulge in bird watching. Fishing spots are plentiful and bathing in the cool water can really do wonders for the tired body and mind.           



 The selected leg of the journey covers approximately 50 km, departing from Kuala Betis and ends at Kampung Setar. The magic of her    sublime wilderness will surely become an unforgettable experience of a lifetime, an experience to be cherished forever.


Kuala Koh, approximately 90 km from Gua Musang, is another attractive spot for visitors to Taman Negara apart from the park headquarters at Kuala Tahan in the neighboring state of Pahang. Kuala Koh boasts of pleasant natural settings and lush rainforest greenery. It is ideal for nature activities such as jungle trekking, bird watching, river rafting, fishing and mountain climbing. Kuala Koh is 2 hours from Gua Musang by the Gua Musang – Kuala Krai Highway.


Gunung Stong
Take off to Gunung Stong Kelantan’s highest mountain at 1422 meters. Located here is a cave, Gua Ikan (Fish Cave). Its name is derived from a solitary rock that looks like a fish. To cave explorers on an expedition, part of the lure is trying to find a pot of gold believed to have been hidden during the Japanese Occupation.