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SSA Global Products

I have worked on the following products to bring user point of views into the product by conducting user task analysis, prototyping, usability reviews / audits and usability test to include users thinking into the SSA Global products.

1) DNE SCM Product
2) ECM PLM Product
3) RFID SCM Product
4) Supplier Collaboration SRM Product
5) Webtop ERP Thin Client Application
6) Conversion Adapter
7) Portal Infrastructure
8) Productivity

Demand Network Execution – SCM Product

Demand Network Execution solution is to provide a basic framework that enables complex business processes and functionality at a network/enterprise level. Network inventory management frame work, Inventory visibility, Order Sourcing and Transfers are key functionality of the product. These functions enable end users to manage their warehouse activities effectively according to the in flow and out flow demands.

I have involved with this project to define end users goals, interaction models, and prototype to get early feedback from stakeholders to avoid later changes. I also worked closely with development team to ensure usability goals are met properly.

Primary Tasks
1) Setup Inventory Information for warehouse within or outside
2) Inventory Visibility Search
3) Import orders from external databases at user defined intervals
4) Initiate inter-warehouse inventory transfers.

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DNE Home Page
DNE Home Page
DNE Node Groups
DNE Node Group

Enterprise Content Management - PLM Product

Enterprise Content Management is the document management application, which helps companies to track and maintain the documents in number of business scenarios such as Inspection, Sales, Production, Purchase, Quality and Account Payable.

In all the above scenarios always a group of users work on a single document for different purposes to creation, reviewing, approving, rejecting etc... In each decision points responsible group member performs action on the document and all this information is vital to the company to track to meet supplier demands without loosing it. Therefore ECM SSA Global helps customers to meet their business goals and increase their profits through this application.

Primary Tasks
1) Create Document
2) Share Document with the team for review
3) Edit the document, attach files.
4) Approve / Reject

I have prepared UI requirements document which consists of all required screens including exceptions that the end users will see while interacting. This document explains the task scenarios with right screens. This document has been reviewed collaboratively and modified after receiving inputs from business consultants and architects.

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ECM Doc List
ECM List Page

ECM Doc Detail
ECM Detail Page

Radio Frequency Identification - SCM Product

The RFID Pallet Builder technology component of SSA Global allows warehouse users to create EPC Barcodes, Pallet, Cases, Eaches and printing the Barcode labels. I was involved to identify and suggest the interaction models for the development team. After understanding user types and their existing task flow we decided to automate a primary function that demands very less user involvement, but it provides great accuracy in creating pallets and cases for the required order.
We had brainstorming session with stakeholders and discussed on users requirements and made a list of needed functions that we need to support. Then I helped team understand the user goals and their tasks based on the requirement definition report. I have prepared UI Requirements report for the application which helped development team to begin the project with complete end results in mind. The project completed on time. Stakeholders are highly satisfied with products ease of use and quality.

Primary Tasks
1) Generate Pallets, Cases and Eaches for an order
2) Create or delete order/lines
3) Import Orders from other sources (WMS 2000)
4) Generate labels (EPC Barcode) for the pallets and cases.
5) Print labels (EPC Barcode) by order, lines for pallet and case

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RFID Orders
RFID Orders

RFID Details
RFID Details

Supplier Collaboration - SRM Product

Supplier Collaboration in the current release offers the best of business practices in the Order & Settlement processes in the supply chain execution via B2B Collaboration over the SSA ERP systems with the Suppliers. As a Web based Collaborative application, Supplier Collaboration can directly connect to the actual Transactional host applications i.e. SSA ERP and SSA Lean Execution System and offer the following best practices pertaining to the “Order” & “Settle” Business processes in the Supply Chain Execution :

1) Visibility of Planned Demand
2) Collaboration of Planned Demand in a variety of purchase execution models –
    a) Direct material ordering,
    b) VMI based self-ordering, &
    c) Kanban ordering
3) Advanced Shipment Notification
4) Visibility of Shipment receipts

I have involved from the beginning of the projects and produced prototypes (HTML) based on task flow that user expects to meet the intended goals. The prototype helped development team to understand the navigational models and relevant UI elements faster. And later in development team I have performed usability review and Audit to check the intuitiveness and easy of use of the application.

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Supplier Collaboration - Plants
Supplier Collaboration - Plants

Plant Details
Supplier Collaboration - Plant Details
SSA Webtop Home
SSA webtop Home
Webtop - ERP thin Client
Webtop is a thin client application for ERP, major benefits that end user will get from this solution is no client-side installation is required, no local resources & no registry used and less network load. I have involved in this project to support visual design requirements to make 3 sets of UI themes for Webtop and I have reviewed the product from ease of use perspective and suggested recommendations.
Conversion Adapter - Master Data
Conversion Adapter
Conversion Adapter - Migration Tool
Conversion Adapter helps migration engineers to migrate customer's data from old ERP application to new ERP application. I was involved with this project to make the interaction model, prototype and tested with end user in each stage to obtain their feedback in all the stages to reduce the later changes in the development.
Portal Infrastructure
Portal Infrastructure
Portal Infrastructure
Portal infrastructure helps portal administrator to extract data from any database and show it in pre defined set of tables and charts. I was involved with this project to improve the interaction model and guide the development team to implement the corporate UI Styleguide to have consistent look across the application.
SSA Productivity
SSA Productivity
Productivity aims to improve efficiency of resources management including labors, equipments for warehouse supervisors and visibility and control to the managers. I have made user requirements analysis and produced personas, task flow diagram, conceptual design solutions and prototype to include user's mental models into early stage of the development phase to avoid surprises at the end.
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