Here are just some cool random links with no relevancy to me
except that I like them...

This is Noriko Sakai. She is, in my opinion, one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen, and her voice, if possible, is just as beautiful. Her wonderful songs as well as her photo shoots have captivated audiences not only in Japan and Asia, but also in the United States and Europe. Click here or on the photo album to lead to a good website listing of Noriko pages, including virtual shrines that are devoted entirely to covering Noriko Sakai's history, her shoots, her music, and just her.

DOOM. In terms of groundbreaking kickbutt software, probably nothing beats DoomII. Doom is made by IdSoftware, which has released Doom1-2, Heretic, Hexen, and Quake. All of these games are 3D scrolling, superfast graphix and one rule: kill anything that moves. Sure, DukeNukeEm has cooler sounds and has "truer" 360/3D. But playability still belongs to Doom. Quake, the newest game, has taken Doom to the next level in terms of technology, but whole game is played in some ugly shade of brown. So the winner, still and reigning champion, is Doom2.

The Weather (from the Weather Channel). This is a cool page to skim through, especially if you don't have a cable TV with the Weather Channel. See current conditions for the state of New York, and a national weather map here. CNN Weather, is another site to check up on the nation's weather. Click here for a weather forecast for some cities in Korea (i.e. Seoul, Pusan, Taegu, Kwangju, Taejon...); note that the temperatures are in Celsius! Also, if you are REALLY interested, you can try the USA TODAY weather page, which has many world cities (including Asian) weather and U.S. weather as well. Enough with weather now.

Dilbert (by Scott Adams) is one of my favorite cartoons. But, Dogbert tends to annoy me (his arrogance) and the incredibly stupid boss (the guy with the hair horns) reminds me of my previous supervisors, which causes a bit too much empathy for Dilbert and his co-workers. All this from a cartoon? Actually, I think I like Calvin and Hobbes more, but Dilbert is cool for its currency and razor edge workplace humor.
