My Journal- August 2003

August 28th, Thursday

HAPPY 24TH BIRTHDAY to my friend ATIE ^_^ May Allah bless you and ur family, good health and most important-take good care of ur baby,ok?

August 27th, Wednesday

Last night I cut the clothes I bought yesterday to make baju kurung. Maybe I'll wear it to lanun's house (her sis'wedding) next month (070903). Noel was moving out??? Aiya..what was he thinking? Ever heard of 'you can run, but you can't hide'? But at the end Felicity said she hope he don't move out coz she felt like there's something unresolved between them. Thank Allah my relationship is not as difficult as that. Anyway doing nothing much today.

August 26th, Tuesday

Went to MP just now-shopping ;) bukan mengular ye..ada hal sket kat bank, dah terlanjur tu gi lah jenguk MP tu..been meaning to buy a Polo bag I saw last month but unfotch it wasn't there anymore. It's true then- grab the opportunity while you can, coz there might not be a next time but since I don't have it on my budget that's why I put it off until this month. Pity me.

Last weekend my sis and I cleaned our room and I decided to throw out all my mails and cards(raya cards/ bday cards/ goodluck cards/ etc) since it really take a lot of space. But before that I went through each letter and card and realized, wow, I really did have a lot of friends but it didn't suprise me coz I like making friends (and keeping it too). And some of the letters had pretty stamps or handmade card so it's such a waste if I just throw it away so I scanned them and put it here(later).

Wonder what will happen to Felicity and Noel tonight.