August 30th, Monday ~~ It's Not Goodbye

Another busy weekend. Kita cuti Sabtu lepas sebab nak ikut Azie gi bertandang ke rumah Helmi di Muadzam Shah, Pahang. The supposed 2 and a half hour journey went longer coz 2 of the cars went to wrong direction at the 4 junction at Tangkak, so we had to wait for them to avoid further problems. Though a bit late it's still a celebrated wedding- no more sword barrier, just a simple Malay wedding ceremony. Both wearing red songket. I was the bride's maid, also wore a red kurung. The foods are all delicious, and the people served us well. And it's hard to part with families esp our parents, and I can feel it when we said our goodbyes- the feeling of being left behind with people you are not familiar with, so alone. Everybody said the same advice- be a good wife, and treat the new familiy with respect and courteous. We hugged, and I hold my tears- just don't want to make her more sad than she already was. But she's a big girl, and I'm sure she can handle this situation wisely. It's a new experience for her, and so are other newly wed girls- it's inevitable. Sure am gonna miss her, and hope the new status she adopted now won't change our friendship :) Oh, sure she's going to be busy with her new life but knowing her, she wouldn't forget her friends that easy, right Azie?

Last Friday was the last day for our trainee students. After this it's going to be only me and Seneng- another trainee from a college at Kotamas. Kinda sad at the thought since we have been working together for 5 months.

But it's not goodbye, as I always said to them- Azie and my trainees - coz no matter how long ( or short ) times that we had together, it's a special moments coz the bond between us is strong. So thanks guys, for the precious gift you gave to me- our friendship.

August 26th, Thursday ~~ Sleepless Night

Getting restless minutes by minutes, when I still don't get any msg from him at 10 pm. Managed to sleep and woke up again at 12.05 am. Still nothing. Sent him a msg, just so he know I'm still up, just let me know if he's landed or not. This is not his first sortie during night hour but naturally I'll be worried, plus it's been raining last night at that time.

Finally, he msg me at 3.01 am saying he has just landed safely. Alhamdulillah.. Praise be upon Allah..Hope he'll get the day off today so that he can get enough rest. And, hope his prewing check went on smoothly despite the bad weather and dark surrounding. Heck, I don't even know what's the condition up there but I guess it can't be that different down here, right? Uh, I think I need to take a lesson bout that with him, later *wink*

August 25th, Wednesday ~~ It's Not Goodbye

Now what if I never kiss your lips again
or feel the touch of your sweet embrace.
How would I ever go on?
Without you there´s no place to belong
Well someday love is going to lead you back to me
but till it does I'll have an empty heart
So I'll just have to believe
somewhere out there you're thinking of me
Until the day I let you go,
Until we say our next hello
It's not goodbye
'Till I see you again
I'll be right here remembering when
And if time is on our side
there will be no tears to cry on down the road
there is one thing I can't deny
It's not goodbye
You'd think I'd be strong enough to make it through
and rise above when the rain falls down
But it's so hard to be strong
when you've been missing somebody so long
It's just a matter of time I'm sure
but time takes time and I can't hold on
so won't you try as hard as you can
to put my broken heart together again?

Until the day I let you go,
Until we say our next hello
It's not goodbye.
'Till I see you again
I'll be right here remembering when
And if time is on our side
there will be no tears to cry on down the road
there is one thing I can't deny

It's not goodbye

Song by Laura Pausini, It's Not Goodbye

Keep listening to this song over and over again. Really sad, sappy love song. Would like to share it with you guys- download it here (705 kb). It's in real audio format (.rm) so make sure you have the player before you download; otherwise it'll be no use for you :)

Anyway, Lanun's sortie has been postponed until this evening- hope this will be the last time they do so coz sometimes when we are so prepared for something but it keeps not coming the spirits will go away, somehow. Stay focus hon, and just do your thingy up there well.

August 24th, Tuesday ~~ Say A Little Prayer

"..Ya Allah yang Maha Pengasih, peliharalah keselamatan tunangku, permudahkanlah pekerjaannya, semoga dapat dia menjalani ujian hari ini dengan baik dan cemerlang tanpa ada sebarang halangan, kepada Engkau-lah aku bermohon dan kepada Engkau-lah aku berserah..amin.."

Lanun dear has an important sortie today- it's his pre-wing check; a sortie before the real wing check. Wish him all the best, may Allah protect him and hope he scores high :)

August 23rd, Monday ~~ A Blissful Wedding

What a weekend. Let me tell you my hectic schedule for the last 2 days~~
On Saturday night my dear friend Azie was going to tie the knot ( bernikah ) with her beloved Helmie so I planned to go to her house that night. But before that it's a looooong journey. I took my brother to a UPSR motivation course at KYM Melaka at 7.30 am. Arrived home at 9.30 am after taking my mother to a market to buy chicken on our way back. After that house chores- cleaning and sweeping and cooking and washing. Took my mother and 2 other relatives to a wedding. Back home at 1 pm, took my second bath and drove to Merlimau to pick my sister from her tution class. Straight to Telok Mas- she wanted to make her baju raya. Arrived home, leaved the engine running and took my mother to my grandma's house- she's having a fiest after Maghrib coz she's going to perform umrah next month, which, obviously I couldn't attend ( I was supposed to be at Azie's house, remember? ). Anyway let's continue- after I dropped mak ( of course I went inside to greet my grandma and apologize )- then I drove straight to Melaka to pick up my brother. It's still early so I stopped by at by brother's house at Tengkera to visit my nephew, Emeer. So cute! Looked a bit different from the last time I saw him. He's 1 month and 1 week years old today( D.O.B 16.07.04 ). At 4.30 pm I rushed to KYM, managed to arrived at 5.00 pm only to find out that his course had not ended yet so I had to wait there with other parents, many of them. It's good to see that there are still many parents concerned bout their children's education.

Finally at 5.30 they finished and I arrived home at 6.00 pm- picked up all my stuffs, clothes I am going to wear to her wedding, toiletries- and drove to my sister's new house at Air Merbau. Her place is very near to Azie's house- 5 minutes. Sbnrnya boleh pergi malam tapi kalau dari Umbai nak ke Bemban , nak lalu ladang kelapa sawit yang gelap & takde lampu jalan, malam- malam tu, isk...tak berani lah. That's why I asked my sis if I can stay a night at her place- more convinient for me. Took my 3rd bath, got ready with my grey punjabi suit and went to Azie's house. She looked astonishingly beautiful and glowing. Her dress, her make up, everything looked so perfect. After the akad nikah she and Helmie changed clothes, berarak with all the kompang and firecrackers- I'm so happy for her, really. Muni came as well- she incharged the sword barrier ceremony for Azie the next day ( Helmie is a navy officer, same intake with Muni & Lanun ).

Next day- Sunday- honestly, just writing about it here didn't do it justice. All I can say is that the wedding was well-planned, both the bride & groom looked so happy, the sword barrier ceremony as the climax. Congrates buddy, wish you happiness ever after.
Left the wedding at 2.30pm with Lanun dear ( yup, he came as well ). Glad that everything went on smoothly as planned. Pictures will be up a little bit, I am afraid. But it'll be here, promise.

It's Monday, back to all my works and designs etc etc. A little bit tired, but all happy the same. Back to works now, Wann (",)

August 20th, Friday ~~ *_*

Uploaded our picture at the beach

August 19th, Thursday ~~ *_*

Read the news about the burial of the late Mejar Abdul Hadi

August 18th, Wednesday ~~ Hero

Still has no luck with the ulcer. Getting bigger and swollen. Brushing my teeth is a scary and painful experience. Tried to eat anything soft until I can't take it anymore. Perut kita lapar..

Tapi apa yang kita hadapi ni langsung tak setara dengan apa yang berlaku ke atas 3 orang pemandu heli Nuri yang terhempas 2-3 hari yang lepas. Kita dpt msg dr Lanun smlm, dia nak ke Kota Bharu untuk mengiringi jenazah Mejar Abdul Hadi yang dijangka tiba pukul 2 pg td. Kita nak reply takde kredit plak, so kita sengaja on kan handset kita incase he wanna call me. (I always turn off my handset before I get to sleep at night) And he did- at 11.30 pm. I was already slept by that time. He sounded fine, still waiting for the deceased to arrive, yet. Facing death is always hard, I know. And this morning at 6.50 am he msg me saying the deceased has been safely buried. The other bodies also has arrived their hometown this morning- one at Masjid Tanah Melaka, and the other one is at Kuching, if I'm not mistaken.

Al- Fatihah untuk ketiga- tiga arwah..

August 16th, Monday ~~ A Token of Love

Found this keychains during the Family Carnival at MITC last fortnight. It was actually 2 keychains - somewhat separated purposely in the middle. Had one half with me, and the other half, well, you can take a guess who might has it @_@

August 15th, Sunday ~~ Be thankful

Berkumur itu nikmat. Betul, kita tak tipu. Kenapa kita cakap gitu? Sebab, perkara tu nampak mudah, nampak remeh tapi cuba bayangkan kalau korang tak boleh berkumur. Kita baru je melalui keadaan yang sungguh tak selesa ni. Sebab kat pangkal lidah kita ada ulser. Besar. Akibatnye kita tak boleh bukak mulut besar2, susah nak bercakap, tiap kali nak makan @ minum kita rasa sakit sangat sampai keluar air mata. Pagi- pagi lagi seksa, bila nak gosok gigi terpaksa hati2 supaya tak terlanggar tempat tu. Pastu bila nak berkumur kita terpaksa 'menjerit' sebab tak tahan sakit. Pagi tadi abah belikan ubat mulut kat kedai singseh kat Merlimau sebab kesian sangat kat kita. Apa tidaknye, mak masak bubur untuk kita tapi kita makan 2-3 sudu jek sebab tak tahan sakit. Dah letak ubat tu, tapi still belum nampak kesannya. Harap- harap cepatlah sembuh. Perut kita lapar...

Kita kat office sebenarnya ni. Tadi kuar ngan Adut ( adik kita ) ingat nak bawak dia gi tempah baju tapi kedai tu tutup ari ni. So kitaorg pun terus jek gi MP, amik gelang Misaki yang antar repair ari tu. Nasib baik free =P

Kerja banyak betul. Semalam kita takleh tidur sampai pukul 2 am sbb asyik teringat kan design portal KTIM yang baru. Time- time macam tu la plak idea datang ;) terus bangun capai diary, buat sketch. Insya Allah esok kita buatlah. Hari ni kan hari cuti ;)

August 11th, Wednesday ~~ A Day At The Beach

Went to KTIM to present the portal. Stood infront of a bunch of people for 2 and a half hours. And as usual, more and more changes to be done. This is so tiring, really. At least there're Ernie & Chek to help me with pages, and after they finished their training here ( end of this month) I'll have to do all this alone. Shuddered at the thought of it.

But we had a good time today- had lunch near the Pengkalan Balak beach. Ernie took us to a restaurant where she used to go when she stayed here for a couple of weeks. The rojak buah is delicious, Ernie & I had nasi goreng kampung while Chek ordered mee hailam. yum yum :) after that we went to the beach to take some pictures. It's very windy and the weather is fine. Take a lot at some of the pictures we took. Also pictures of MAX, all fixed and clean and, uh, not dented =P

August 9, Monday ~~ A very good weekend

I should say this weekend is a well-spent one. I did most house chores, took my mother to 2 weddings function and after that took her to a carnival at the MITC. Met Lanun dear on Sunday @_@ though I only see him for 3 hours but that's all we need- chatting, catching up with each other's life. And he just loved his birthday present (",) though his birthday is last month but we didn't get the chance to celebrate so I should take the opportunity to do so, right? Too bad the cafe didn't sell cakes or else I have treat him with one.

And I got the book I was looking for- Tony Parson's Man & Boy. Thanks hon :) too excited, I already read half of the story. Interesting story and nice cover.

btw here are the pictures of MAX's dented bumper.

August 6th, Friday ~~ Conversion, Complete

It's been a week since that dreadful day. And today I can say my 'conversion' are complete - my MAX is back in shape, my summon is paid and I got a new phone. Yup, you read me right. Actually I've been planning to buy a new phone since the one I have ( or had, sob sob) was not in its best shape, people can't hear my voice when they called. And the opportunity came when my brother's friend wanted to sell his phone, Nokia 2100 which, coincidentally, is the model I am looking for. Not very high-tech, am I? But it's true- I don't really bother if the handphone has GPRS thingy with color screen and polyphonic ringtone. As long as I can use the handphone for the reason it was created, which is to receive & make calls, sms ( this is wayyyy very important ;) ) then I'll be satisfied. Plus I thought the model is kinda cute. And so I got it now, paid RM180 for it. A little crack at the back of the phone ( the guy must have been sitting with the phone in his back pocket's jeans or trousers ) but all in all, it's still can be used. Take a look at it.

Change the housing. The original one is RM25 but this one is only RM8. Not so pretty but the shop didn't have too many choices so I just picked this one.

August 5th, Thursday ~~ That little thing

My brother arrived this morning from Kedah for his mid-sem break. Cuti seminggu jek tapi bila cuti susah nak cari kedai makan kat UUM tu, so dia balik rumah jugak. Hope he remembers to bring back the 'little thing' ;) will tell you guys about it tomorrow!

Glad that lanun dear is getting better. Still got a little flu but at least he's healing. Do you know that pilots or nav of a plane or aircraft can't have flu when they fly that thing? Yup, they must be fit for that task and getting aboard with flu might cause damages to a part inside their ears. Creepy..

August 3rd, Tuesday ~~ Miss Bad Luck

Pagi ni kita gi keje naik bas. Mana MAX? mesti korang tanya gitu kan? biar kita cerita kan semua benda yang jadi minggu lepas....

Hari Jumaat lepas, cerita ni bermula. Pagi tu kita kena gi settlekan caruman KWSP & Socso, gi Bank Islam. So dari rumah kita dah plan nak gi bandar terus, tapi dah lepas Duyong baru kita perasan yang kita terikut jalan yang biasa kita amik kalau nak gi keje. Patutnye kat simpang tadi takyah lah masuk, terus je straight gi bandar. Terpaksalah kuar semula bila sampai kat junction bukit katil tu, pusing semula gi bandar. Hu hu...ngabiskan minyak aje. Pastu cari parking lagi satu hal, punyalah susah sampai 2 kali pusing tak jumpa2 last2 masuklah parking yg bayar RM2 tu. Dahlah jauh ke dalam sebab dah penuh, panas plak tu. sian MAX. Anyway lepas dah settle bayar KWSP & Socso kita gi lah Bank Islam. Dah sampai kaunter, tunggu punya tunggu sekali tu pegawai dia datang bagitau cek tu salah hu..orang dah sengkek ni, gaji lewat 3 minggu. Tapi alhamdulillah pegawai tu lepaskan jugak sebab agaknye cek tu cek cash kan. ( Takpun dia kesian kot nengok muka kita yang cam nak nangis (^_^) he he..) Dah dapat duit kita pun balik office.

Tengah hari, kita dah janji dengan intern kat office tu (Ernie) nak gi MP ari ni. Nak beli barang, nak gi bagitau kat salesgirl Misaki pasal gelang yang antar repair sebab putus tu sepatutnye kena tinggalkan 2 pearl je, bukan 3. Dia marah2 sket sbb dia kata gelang tu dah antar ke KL, maybe dah repair. But I begged her saying even if they have repaired my bracelet it will be no use if I can't wear them. So again, she took pity of me and took my receipt's number and not promising anything but she will try to help me. Thanx so much!!

But that was not the case I wanted to tell you about. We decided to take another route to go there to avoid the traffic since it's lunch time. Unfortunately, we thought wrong- guess it's jammed badly every where. Ada kereta kat depan selang 3-4 dari kita bagi signal nak masuk simpang so kami sumer stop lah, since the road was a little narrow and there's no space to bypass the car. And too bad for me, a car hit me at the back. So hard, my car lurched forward and I almost hit the white merz infront of me which was also stop still. A little shocked, but I manage to think fast- give a signal and stopped at the side of the road and the car behind me follow suit. Nasib baik..kalau dia blah je lagi bengang! The driver, a Chinese lady wearing a very short short went out and looked at both our car. Hu hu..Keta dia lagi teruklah..hut depan tu terangkat, no plet patah, kemik sana sini. mine was dented a lot, too. She apologized for bumping into my car. Apparently she was sick, and said she can prove that she's really sick. And she looked like she was about to faint there. I said I was sorry too, though I don't know why I said that. It's so obvious that it was her fault, and yet I said it's ok and just drove out of there. Ernie said she heard something that lady said about "..I can give you my details.." or something like that but I was too tense that I didn't hear it.

And then my bad luck hasn't stop, yet. When we arrived at MP we didn't have any coins, except Ernie's 50 cents. Ernie dah warning, orang yg jaga parking ni selalu check kereta yg tak bayar duit parking ni. But we tried to see any park attendants for change, yet none was there so we just went inside. And after shopping and lunched we went out and there it was, the 'love letter' Ernie talked about. I got ticket. Wow. For the first time in my whole life. Kena saman RM30.. nak tergelak pun ada.

Masa kat kedai gambar Lanun call. Terperanjat dengar kita accident bila baca msg kita hantar kat dia td. Told him I was fine, just a little sad and shocked.

And my bad luck continues. Yup, it's not over yet. Just when I think this can't get any worse, something else happened that night. I lost my handphone. The one that I used for over 2 years and a half. The one that lanun dear gave to me. The one that used to accompanied me during the times I missed him so much, the witness to our love vows and most important is, I feel connected to lanun dear when I had it. I became so accustomed to it, that without it is almost unbearable for me. I don't care if you guys think that it's stupid to mourn over some old handphone that barely functioned ( it's already 'dying' ) but that's what I felt when I realized it wasn't there, the place where I used to place it. My brother and I turned the house upside down but we couldn't find it anywhere.

Anyways, I took MAX to some workshop at Bukit Katil for its service ( no more Perodua Service, thot it's kinda expensive ) and asked the mechanic to fix the dented bumper. Said he'll send the car to next workshop but when I came back to take MAX the service was done, yet the mechanic told me the other workshop can't fix my car in time so I told them I'll send MAX on Monday. Said they can finish the work by the time I got back from work but when I came to pick MAX up they still working on it, so I had to take a bus to go home. How sad. That's why I have to take a bus today to get to work.

But now I have MAX, all fixed and polished, almost like a brand new car. Cost me a couple hundreds but am so satisfied with the job, it didn't matter too much. Ingat tak bhgn depan MAX yang kemik sebab langgar van dulu tu? They even fixed that too. Baru seronok drive keta cam ni..he he...

Now I have a big hole in my purse. Ha ha. Served me right. That day, 30th July will NEVER be forgotten, as long as I live. Thanks so much to Ernie that drived me all the way to and fro the workshop, to the MBMB to pay for the ticket and also thanks for the ABC ;) And to the one that trying so hard to comfort me through the mishaps ~ thanks hon, just sharing it with you make all the difference, and your soothing words make me realize that there are things that we did wrongly and we regretted doing it, but life goes on so try to focus on the solution rather than keep on blaming ourself coz it won't help with anything but more problems and headaches.