March 31st, Thursday ~ Got Ticket

Ok. This morning I planned to go to Thai Kuang at MP to look up for some reference book for my cousin. So I didn't park my car at the usual RM2 parking lot, instead I parked across the building. This way it's easier and closer to go there since the junction is nearby and I don't have to take another round ( it's a one-way road ). I put in RM1.10 in the slot so that gives me 1 hour and 50 minutes. I was late by 5-6 minutes and there- I already got the ticket. Huh. What's more annoying is, when I parked there, there's one van already parked infront of me and didn't put any coin in the metre slot ( it showed 00:00 and blinked endlessly ) and when I got there, the van was still there. The metre's still blinking. I got ticket, the van didn't. How fair is that? Double huh. My mistake, of course but shouldn't the ticket man gave tickets to any vehicle that parked illegally? Coz I have been lucky before, parked for 4 hours and put only 50 cents in the slot. Guess my lucky charm is running out. Need a refill. Now where can I find some luck...?

And then when I went to the bookstore, they didn't have the book I was looking for. Gosh. What else can be wrong today. Will try to look for it at another bookstore today after work. It's going to be a long day since we are going to do backup for PAM's server and it has to be done at night. Might crashed somewhere first before I come back here.

March 29th, Tuesday ~ Shattered

You guys must have seen or heard the news this morning about the earthquake that happened early this morning. I was on the phone talking to Lanun dear when suddenly he said his room was 'shaking' and there're voices outside shouting 'gempa bumi' and 'tsunami's back' ( Allah's forbid! ) and such. So he went out and said he'll call me back. After a few minutes he called me back and said it's true- the building was shaken because of an earthquake. Scary, really. First he felt his bed shook, and he thought his buddy did it but when he turned around there's nobody there. And this morning it's confirmed- the incident was caused by the massive earthquake at Sumatera, measured 8.2 ( and some say 8.5 ) at Richter scale.

Some places at Melaka also was hit by the earthquake. RK rented a flat at Ujong Pasir for their staffs ( Cat, Andrea and Kak Fazilah )so none of them come for work today. Eng Lee just arrived ( 10.40 am ) and said this building ( Graha maju ) also shook as Mr Lau was still in the office atthat time. But this morning it seems safe, everybody came to work as usual.

Aim promised to buy us lunch today *grin* so we'll eat outside this afternoon. Yeay! Also wanna wish Happy birthday to my dearest friend Iera whom celebrating her birthday today. May happiness be yours, panjang umur dan murah rezeki, insya Allah..

March 28th, Monday ~ Unwell

Got a headache since this morning. Can't stand looking at the monitor. Better stop writing now.

March 25th, Friday ~ Time Is Gold

Haven't wearing my Sony Casio Illuminator watch for a week now. The battery's dead. So buy a new one lah, my sis said ( that's because I keep borrowing her watch. She has 3 watches, so why don't I use one, right? ). Later, I'll replace the battery. It's quit expensive though, RM40 something ( the original one ) but the last time I changed the battery was like, 2 years ago. So the replacement is very much needed, alas.

Tomorrow's the launching of KTIM's Open day and Career Day. I wish I don't have to go there. So I asked Mizi not to give the permission if En Wan ask me to go there tomorrow. Ha. Clever me :). The files are quite big so I hope it didn't goes bad after all the zipping and attaching and emailing. Did you know that one of the people in the meeting didn't approve of my soundtrack? He thought it as the disco song. Gosh. Didn't he watch any tv? So I had to do another version of the montage using arabic song which so fortunately that I have a lot of them in my pc. Thank Allah.. thouh a bit out of tune, I just try my best to edit the song and I think the result are not so bad.

Wish 'the darkness' will go away soon. I hate the way I feel that I am being the burden of someone else. Though that person might not feel that way, even regretted for not seeing the problem earlier. Tak suka. Tak best. Memang tak best.

March 24th, Thursday ~ Just The 3 Of Us

Today 2 of our team mate started their job at their respective district- Fairuz at Jasin station and Merlimau station ( alternately ) while Zef at Alor Gajah station and Masjid Tanah, alternately. So there's only 3 of us at the HQ. A bit quiet but still happening =P. Mizi is trying to develop a simple system for us to use for our daily report and apply for leave. This way all of us needs to log in when we come for work so that he can trace what time we come. Ha, clever my boss!

March 22nd, Tuesday ~ Got My Eyes On You

Just had lunch with the guys. Fairuz & Zef will start working at their station this Thursday. Guess there'll be only 3 of us left here.

Been learning php with Mizi since yesterday. A bit confuse and couldn't get the syntax right but am sure it will get better soon. Planned to make a database of my books collection. Soon :)

btw, I don't know what to make of guys who's getting married soon ( like, really soon ) but still ogling at other girls. Pretty girls, of course. I know not all guys are like that and lanun surely isn't one. Whenever we went out and I saw any pretty girl and said, "Eh cantiknye dia" and you know what did he say? "Mana?" why so, you might ask? coz he's too busy looking at me *blush*

March 16th, Wednesday ~

A lot of dust here. Sorry guys ( and sorry to myself ) for not writing anything here for quite so long. One thing, they don't allow us to surf as freely as we would like to. And another thing is, we were sooo busy runnning up and down the building to attend the clients. PAM is located at 6 floors in Graha Maju- Ground floor, 2st, 3rd, 11th,12th & 13th. We are currently located at the 4th floor with RK staffs. Later they are going to move us to somewhere else because this office we are using is actually inside their multipurpose hall. So hopefully before our new computers come they have decided where to put us so that we can arrange all the connections one time only.

Went to a friend's wedding last week at Semerah. Such a weird tradition they have there. For one, not too many people came at that time ( we arrived at 12.00 noon ) and the entertainment they have for the people was gamelan. Later at 1.30 pm they performed Kuda Kepang dance. And when the groom arrived, the dancers danced again infront of the line and there were other guy wearing this very big throne, black and red in color on his head, just like the burung merak. While 2 other guys wearing very weird masks and dance like crazy. I immediately felt uncomfortable about this. But I was being told that these area are the 'jawa halus' people, and they still believed in this old ceremony thingy.

My friend Intan is going to be married on 2nd April. Hopefully Lanun dear will make it to that day because she's his friend too.

Invitation cards. Checked. Baju Nikah & Baju sanding. Checked. Balai makan. Checked. Mak Andam. Uncheck. Dias. Uncheck. Photographer. Uncheck. Cadar. Checked. Set bilik. Uncheck. Huh. Hantaran- shoes, handbag, makeup. Uncheck. Isk. Next month I really gotta get this things done. Insya Allah.. [bila lah boss nak bayar gaji hu...]

March 4th, Friday ~ A New Beginning

Sorry guys, as I said before I won't be able to update as frequent as before. Just started at PAM, so far so good ( if you called fixing the paper's margin of their dot matrix printer is thrilling enough ). But we are still in training period, so hopefully in a month we'll be able to handle the system by ourselves. The current company is leaving after that, so they are trying to crammed everything in our head in this short of time. Great. Heard we all have to learn Oracle. Beautiful. It's quite a different track ( for myself ) and now I wonder why did I agreed on doing this in the first place. Must because of the money. Huh.

Actually I'm writing this at a cc at Plaza Hang Tuah. Planned to buy some dvds but strangely, all the shops are 'closed'. Funny. I think mayeb they got some info that the police are coming to check on them today. Takpelah, some other day.

Can hardly wait for tomorrow. My other half is coming home :)