Nov 4,Tuesday (9 Ramadhan 1424H)

Slept quite late last night-painting my room. All our stuffs-queen-size bed, closet, etc were scattered at our living room so it's kinda messy (and hurt my eyes too) that's why I have to finished it fast so we can put those furnitures back in my room. I chose yelowish honew-dew color for my room and golden brown for the divider to match the curtains' color (yellow) but that color goes with everything, I hope :) Bro Hendra asked me to put a link in his website for Nov's planner. sorry bro..kinda hooked up with so many things plus theinternet line was not ok in my office (I'm using my boss' pc now in the next office). I'll try to convert his website to html version (currently it's in flash version) so he can update his site easily and not to depend on me.

Nov 6,Thursday (11 Ramadhan 1424H)

Semalam lepas solat witir ada ceramah sempena program 'Sivik Ramadhan'. Interesting and good for the soul :) My room is all clean and neat and smelled of paint! :) so my sis and I still can't sleep in there. The smell is somewhat overpowering but I'm sure it will go away,soon. Actually I've been adding something to my site but was unable to upload it since yesterday due to the failure of geocities' server. That's why you can see some error at the top of my page. Might go out today during lunch hour with Ina, Fida and Diana. Cari kad raya.. Hey..don't laugh at me-where's ur Raya spirits? Guess I should buy some too. Tengoklah nanti... Can't wait for tomorrow :) something good, infact very,very good is going to happen. It's my pay day la...and I got more than 1000 reasons why I was so excited about it. Hmm.. gotta check my to-buy list tonight (",) or better still, why not do it right now? gotta run, babai!

Nov 7,Friday (12 Ramadhan 1424H)

Hantar ucin ke bus station last night. Dia kena mendaftar kolej dan subjek untuk semester 2 (UUM Sintok Kedah,2nd year). Pity him, had to go back for 10 days then come back here for Hari Raya. Tomorrow is my sis' birthday (K Siti) been thinking to buy her something. Maybe I'll go for shopping tomorrow with Adut. Aaa...new shoes..new tudung...tomorrow is going to be a happy day for me ;)

Nov 11,Tuesday (15 Ramadhan 1424H)

Sakit gigi..actually my gum yang sakit..gigi bongsu tu nak tumbuh. It's really difficult to eat and talk coz I can't open my mouth as wide as usual. Sabar ajelah... Today is my sis' bday. happy birthday kak..moga panjang umur dan dimurahkan rezeki. Plan to go shopping with her this afternoon at JJ so I might buy her something. Heard some bad news about my buddies at the next office. What can I say, sometimes this things happen. But be patient, I'm sure there's a good reason for it. I'm truly sorry about it and hope they will find a better job somewhere else. Bought the clothes I saw to make my baju kurung and a book shelf. Quite cheap coz I saw the same model without doors for RM200. My next-door cousin's husband work in a furniture factory and they held a Hari Raya sale so she asked me if I want to go and have a look. The shelf worth RM104.00-save me RM100.ha ha.. what a steal..

Nov 14,Friday (18 Ramadhan 1424H)

Alhamdulillah, our internet line was back to normal today. All of us-Mie, Raja and Adah had smiles all over our face :) it's like having extra adrenalin pumped into our system. After what seems like ages, we got the reuter from next office and Faisal helped configure that thing and voila, we are back!!So once again I vow to update my website everyday :) I updated 2 new songs-well not actually new song but it suit the Ramadhan spirit :) maybe I'll put some hari Raya song soon, so guys do check my website regularly,ok? But then I found out that the counter was back to zero. Wonder why. Will try to fix it. Today, I hope. yesterday I got a new task and today Faisal asked me to design a system interface. Better finished them fast :)

Nov 17,Monday (21 Ramadhan 1424H)

tried to fix my counter but to no avail even when I make a new one and paste it in other html page. wonder what when wrong there. Baked some hari raya biscuits last weekend-Almond London and Sarang Semut. well, if u guys must know our Sarang Semut was very famous among the villagers for their good taste :) so if u wanna taste it, do come to my house this hari raya,ok. Bought a Polo Benedetti bag last week at JJ. Although the price was a little expensive (RM299.90- though I'm pretty sure the initial price was not as high as that) but after 70% discounts the price went to RM89.97 and since I like it so much I don't really mind spending my money on it. Beautiful, simple and I like it!! he he.. It's black so I can match it with anything. Kinda busy with 2 designs to do. Lanun will fly to Labuan tomorrow. May Allah protect him and his crews, do come back to me safe and sound, please hon?

Nov 20,Thursday (25 Ramadhan 1424H)

{Yawn} Sleepyhead...slept at 1 am last night- sewing- and woke up at 4.15 am for sahur. more sewing. performed my Subuh's solat and went to bus station to pick up my brother. He arrived at 6.20 am then we went straight home. more sewing. took my bath and went to work. still feeling a little bit dizzy coz I usually sleep 6-7 hours daily. Have to cook today. Mak, abah and Radzi (my youngest bro) went to JB last night. Working on another packaging design but too sleepy to complete it.{yawn}

::~ The SnOOza iN TusCalOOsa ~::

Nov 24, Monday (29 Ramadhan 1424H)

Went to town to settle some matters with abah and on our way home mak have listed a few things to buy- tomato puree, kerisek, etc etc to cook for hari raya. Then En Zainal called me and said there's some problem with the design I submitted last week so I have to go back to the office and give them the original file (.psd) I was not very familiar with printing job before so I didn't know that. Hate to go to the office on the Raya eve. hiyeee....


Nov 29, Saturday (5 Syawal 1424H)

IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!! At last! :) Happy 24th birthday to myself, may Allah bless me and the people I love, give me the strength to keep up with this cookie cutter world, insya Allah. Actually I've celebrated my birthday with Lanun dear yesterday (after Jumaat prayer) coz he's supposed to go back to Subang today, but somehow he managed to make another plan for me today ;) so we went to someplace special, had special lunch at our fav restaurant, and oh, I felt so happy and pampered it's beyond words. He gave me 2 presents (ehmm..) thnx hon, I really can't tell how much I appreciate everything you have done for me and hope somehow I'll 'pay' you back in my own sweet way @_@