Though sexual/porn addiction was not a factor in the affair we are recovering from it is a factor in many affairs and marital/personal problems. Unfortunately this very real and divestating problem for those suffering from it and those who love them is often made light of. (Think of what happened when former President Clinton's problem came to light.)
While many feed their porn and sexual addiction on-line, few stop to consider that help is also available on line. This is just a directory, no personal experience with these organizations nor endorsement is claimed. It may take a while to find the approach that works for you and your family.
Many or a majority of these links are to Christian ministry sites.
Porn and sexual addiction is suffered by people of all faiths and even no-faith.
Hopefully these sites will accomodate and/or be helpful to everyone.
These sites are listed in no particular order. These links were valid as of 3/16/2004
This is just a directory. I have personal experience a few of these organizations BUT no endorsement is claimed.
It may take a while to find the approach that works for you and your family.
Domestic Violence and Abuse is suffered by people of all faiths and even no-faith.
Hopefully these sites will accomodate and/or be helpful to everyone.
These sites are listed in no particular order. These links were valid as of 3/16/2004
This is just a directory, no personal experience with these organizations nor endorsement is claimed. It may take a while to find the approach that works for you and your family.
Drug, Alcohol & Gambling Addictions are suffered by people of all faiths and even no-faith.
Hopefully these sites will accomodate and/or be helpful to everyone.
These sites are listed in no particular order. These links were valid as of 3/16/2004