Way2's Archives of Wondeful Marriage Builder's Posts, Articles and Posts from Other Sites
updated: 2/24/2004
In Recovery, Dealing with Infidelity and other Thought Provoking Posts
MB Library
Fun Posts
(we all need to laugh every once in a while, especially in times of stress)
My feelings about the TOW forum (and other TOW/TOM related posts)
other stuff written or about me | Misc Posts and Articles
Recovered Marriages -- Happy Endings (It is possible)
Recovery, Dealing with Infidelity and other Thought Provoking Posts
want to suggest one? please write me, way21981@yahoo.com
Tips for BS, WS and OP Posting | new MB board
-- you might want to read this
Warning! I don't like the people who post to me!
star*fish -- a must read
the wayward get wayward, and why they sound so dumb... | new MB board
TogetherAlone -- a must
How to be a doormat in Plan A
BrambleRose -- a must read (especially for those trying to do a good Plan A)
ALIEN ABDUCTIONS, BEWARE! (*Revised feel free to add your experiences) | new MB board
FamilyMatters -- a funny send up of what WS seem to become when they have an affair. It's good to be able to laugh at such a stressful time in a BS life
What is the dumbest answer you've heard
This thread has helped many betrayed spouses (BS) see that many of the statements, reasons, answers, recieved from a wayward spouse (WS) are very simular -- and asfrustrating as they are, some humor can be found in them. Former wayward spouses (FWS) have used it to take a look back and few how much FOG they were in, and help pin point where some of the mending needs to be places.
You are far luckier than you think you are!
Many of you in your current situation don't think you are lucky at all, but you are. Read why.
This thread also appeared on survivinginfidelity.com
The Absence of Honor: Why the BS can be angry at the OP
There are many posts on the TOW board and MB, etc. about how the how the BS should not be angry at the OP only at the WS, themselves and the marriage. There is one reason though that even an OP can see why, understand and even agree that the WS would be angry with them. (Though, personally I beleive that there are many other justifiable reasons)
Bank Robberies, Murders and OPs
Another reason why, despite what TOW and TOM assert, they do bear guilt and responsibility for the pain a BS goes through.
is this really true?!! then we might as well throw in the towel now
FWH keeping OW in their hearts even after the A. What that means and is it always correct.
Please tell us BS what you are thinking and feeling after the affair
ATTENTION BSs: You are NOT a leaf in the wind
Spouse How Did Your Views of Your Spouse Change After Discovery?
My 2 year journey down recovery road...
Self-Worth, Inner child stuff, and other helpful stuff from my MC
For the poor lost WS who need to find themselves
Recovery "to do" great from other site - recovery "to do" lists
new jersey
me? A BSs thoughts on this burden
To Hiker and any other FWS (unexploded mines WS need to take care of)
Forgiving For Good (or, if you prefer, Letting Go). Let’s Help Each Other
D-day+2 Farewell and Thank You
Hey CarolKH... can you elaborate on your story?
A divorce and affair busitng story.
The difference between the Fog and Love
Real/true love, ego boundaries, romantic love and feelings of love (also dependency)
Unconditional love -- myth or misunderstanding
A letter from TrueHeart
(trying to help maybe burn off some fog for some WS and to let them know they are welcome and understood more than they know)
Help for betrayers who want to stop, but can't...
Jeff and Julie’s Cars
A Car story for those having affairs or considering one
Push the button and someone you don't know dies
Plate Throwing
(Betrayed Spouse) Starvation
Saddling up one more time
Over WSs A
Halle Berry, Uma Thurman, Nicole Kidman...
Fun Stuff
We all need to laugh at times during all this stress
Where's the Christmas card for WS???
Whats in THE NAME? EVERYONE Please join in
How'd we come up with our MB names
Friday Funnies
1 | 2 |
Wednesday Funnies
Somebody didn't read "His Needs, Her Needs" and more :-)
I should have paid attention to "The Sims"
My Feelings About the Tow Forum
and other TOW/TOM related posts
The entire thread should be read, not just my responses
September 2003
October 2003
TOW Visits MB:
Other Stuff from Me:
Me as a BS from A#2 time line | |
Me as a FWW | What I mean by sexual assault (you may need to scroll down to post 15 - last post on the page)
Faiths/Religion or non religion who call MB home |
Where are people in their recovery and how their faith holding up?
Why I call my husband Myad
Misc Posts and Articles