The information on this page is made available at no charge.
Firefighting foam has proven effective in many types of fire suppression and overhaul. Our coverage area is most of Young County, Texas. This is an agricultural and oil producing county. There are literally thousands of oil and gas wells located here, and all of them present some fire potential during our numerous fast moving thunderstorms. Without foam equipment, suppressing a fire in the storage tanks servicing these wells is nearly impossible.
Our department had access to pretty much "hand-me-down" equipment that yielded ineffective and inconsistent finished foam. We were forced to do something, and that something was to build our own. It worked so well for us, we decided to make this information available to anyone who was interested. If you need any help, or would like to talk to someone about the equipment, e-mail us at
The foam generating equipment described here is the result of necessity, accompanied by very small budgets and volunteer personnel requiring very little training.
The results were obtained from plain old common sense, and many hours of trial and error. We experimented with 9 different brands of foam concentrate and had some excellent results from most, and pitiful results from others.
Many suppliers were helpful during the initial stages providing information, "loaner parts", and moral support.
We have had very good results using Madd Dog Foam Nozzles. They are simple, inexpensive and reliable devices. The people there are eager to help.
The parts list found in the construction diagrams can be filled by most oilfield supply stores or other industrial suppliers. Excel Pump and Supply has these components in stock, and these folks are also eager to help.
We have no financial interest in either of these companies, and their links are provided solely as a convenience to anyone interested in constructing a low cost foam system.