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The Afterglow

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Well, since you've found your way here, I might as well tell you a little about me.  I will graduate in May of 2002 from Walnut High School, where I have attended since I was four years old.  I am a musician, and an avid music fan.  I listen to music dating all the way from the 17th century to the latest hit music of today.  I also write songs and record them, mainly for the band I play in, called the Afterglow.  We've taken it easy for the last few months, but we're back on the road again, so if you need a band, let me know!! haha  I love to draw, play sports, and design web pages!  I'm also interested in the Greek language.  I plan on minoring in it when I get to Freed-Hardeman University in fall of 2002.  Well, that's all I can think of right now, so I'll cut this short.  Prosecw! (Greek for "enjoy")

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