Westlake, California, USA
(Last updated June 29, 2001)


Everything is getting "smart" these days. Was it Don Adams in the secret agent spoof "Get Smart" that got the smart technology revolution started? Regardless of who started it, the smart technology revolution has been gaining speed.

Mobil Oil Company has introduced to its local stations a gadget called a "Smart Pass". You simply wave it at the gas pump and it immediately authorizes a credit purchase of your fuel - a feature that is designed to be faster than conventional pay-at-the-pump credit cards. There are prototypes of the next generation automobiles that are called "smart cars." Among their many innovative features is a sensor that gauges the distance between your vehicle and the car in front of you, it automatically slows your car when you are too close. (Does this technology imply that tailgating is not too "smart"? What does that say about LA commuters? New technology always generates provocative questions!)

Is everything in the modern world getting smarter? Thankfully, some things have remained constant in a world full of change. Recent surveys confirm that, according to teens, parents are still as clueless as ever.

How is it that credit cards, cars and gadgets are getting so smart? The answer, of course, is that each contains some type of micro-thin silicon wafer known as a "chip". The object or machine is transformed, if you will, because now it is enhanced by something new - a chip. The addition of the chip renders an ordinary card, or gadget capable of much more than previously dreamed.

As I continue my sermon series on the Book of Acts I am impressed with what a radical difference the Holy Spirit made in the first generation followers of Jesus. The day of Pentecost, as described in Acts 2, is the point where the disciples were transformed from ordinary to extraordinary. The disciples were transformed from the ordinary to the extraordinary. The disciples were huddled in Jerusalem following Jesus' Ascension. They were waiting, but were not sure what they were waiting for. Jesus had told them to wait in Jerusalem for "...I am sending what my Father promised to you, so stay in the city until he arrives, until you're equipped with power from on high" (Luke 24:49, THE MESSAGE). He further told them that, as a result of this new power, they were to give witness of the risen Christ wherever they happened to go. (Acts 1:8)

Pentecost was a multisensory encounter with God as the Holy Spirit stirred through the ranks of the 120 believers assembled in the Upper Room. The immediate consequence of the Holy Spirit's influence was that, as the disciples spread out into the streets of Jerusalem, each person spoke; his or her message was heard in the languages of the various international visitors to the holy city. Questions arose from the onlookers, they said in essence: "How did these natives learn to speak my language? Don't they come from that cultural backwater, Galilee? How did these guys get so smart? They are either mighty smart or mighty drunk, and my money is on the wine." (Acts 2:7-13)

Peter, the spokesman for Jesus' band of followers, shot back: "It is not about being smart - it is about ordinary people being rendered Spirit-friendly, a Spirit-fusion that takes someone running on regular and turbo-charges their power cells in such a way that they are transformed."

We place a great emphasis on being smart these days. Smart technology is a symptom of this obsession. We want our TVs, VCRs, Palm Pilots and refrigerators to be smart. But we’re not always so smart ourselves. We want to be chip-smart, but we can be Spirit-dumb. "Get Smart" for believers means the "hardware upgrade" that happens when the Holy Spirit becomes a part of one’s daily life. It was through the ministry of the Spirit that the first two generations of Christians experienced God acting in them, God living in them. It was through the Holy Spirit that they got smart.

Getting smarter,

Pastor Mike


If you came to the Father’s Day Breakfast, you heard the encouraging comments from some of those who took part in the recent Sunday morning study on “The Effective Church.” Those who spoke did such a good job of conveying their excitement about the possibilities for our church that I decided to hold my remarks for the written page.

From the beginning, I was pleased that several members of the Advisory Council decided to participate in the study. Their presence not only gave a different dimension to the discussions but also allowed us to gain a fresh perspective of our congregation. And that was very helpful. I think we all came to the same general conclusion: we have an unusually committed and talented congregation - small, yes, but strong in so many ways. By analyzing our different strengths (and weaknesses), we gained a clearer sense of our potential and even reached some positive ideas for growth and change.

For me, the effect of the study was this. Our congregation has established its mission and created a mission statement:

  • to preach and teach the Word of God,
  • to serve and love those Christ gave Himself to save, and
  • to celebrate our common life through prayer and worship.
But Pastor Mike also has a vision for our church. We need to capture and share that vision with him and then prepare to take the necessary steps toward making it a reality. We are a strong congregation. We can, however, be even more effective in doing what we are called to do as the Body of Christ in the world. So let’s do it!

Della Greenlee


Well, we've begun utilizing our 'revised' order of worship! I know we all need a little time of adjustment - but as we get used to it, we pray that this will be a powerful enhancement to our community at worship
The Choir is off for the summer, but Choir Directors never rest! We are the only people in the world who listen to Christmas music in July! I hope to have some wonderful music prepared for our fall and Christmas season.

Again - and again and again! - my thanks to all who've worked so hard and faithfully in sharing their gifts through music. And just in case you missed this last month:

Can you sing? Play an instrument? Dance? Have a special poem you'd like to share? Summer is the time - and I'd love to hear from some of you quiet ones, who are hiding a gift from the Lord in these areas. Please call me - I'd love to have you share your abilities in worship. If you've never done this before - or if it's been years since you have done so - now is a perfect time.

Bless you all - see you on Sunday!

Nancy Shalkey

Greeters Communion Mediation Leaders Stewardship Meditation Leaders
July 1 Michael & Nancy Shalkey Nancy Shalkey Karen Myrdahl
July 8 Joe & Nicki Ehret Shirley Otero Gay Hamby
July 15 Darlene McBane & Tom Ehret Michael Shalkey Richard Dorman
July 22 Phil & Bonnie Boatwright Paul Freedlund Carolyn Martz
July 29 Maggie Boring & Dean Hartman George Poole Darlene McBane

July 3 Frank & Edith Sammartano

July 10 Bonnie McPherson

July 17 Betty McFarlin

July 24 George Poole

July 31 Open for YOU!

Ventura County Rescue Mission

July 9 Team Two

Events in July