Westlake, California, USA
(Last updated April 29, 2001)


Thanks to the efforts and hard work of many people, the Easter service was a spectacular celebration of Christ's resurrection. I am grateful to our church staff, the adult and children's choirs, and our narrators that did such a wonderful job in presenting the "HE'S ALIVE" cantata.

The Easter special offering was very encouraging; to date we have received $1,541. This is by far our largest special offering in the 2½ years I have served as pastor of WCCC. The offering was designated to go toward helping our church catch-up on our Outreach/Missions commitments. Due to a severe shortfall in the first quarter offerings, we were unable to remain current in our Outreach/Missions commitments. This was a great concern to me because the Christian organizations that we support depend on our monthly checks. The Easter special offering combined with monies from the John E. Greenlee Memorial Fund and the Men's Fellowship Benevolent Fund allowed us to send the overdue support checks and we are now current in our commitments. Thank you to everyone who responded with such generosity. I am also grateful for the leadership of the Stewardship Ministry team and especially its chair, Raymond Clayton, for helping our church get back on track.  

I am excited as I look ahead on WCCC's calendar, our church has many great activities scheduled. Let me highlight a few of the upcoming events:

Conejo Valley Days "High-Striker" Game Booth, Wednesday, May 2 - Sunday, May 6. The proceeds this year will be used to purchase new sound equipment to upgrade our church audio system.

YMCA Community Prayer Breakfast, Thursday, May 3, 7-8:15AM at the Newbury Park Clarion Hotel.  The spiritual communities of the Conejo Valley are joining together in a prayer celebration and to thank the Lord for our many blessings.  

Day of Prayer Celebration, Thursday, May 3, noon- 1 PM at the Thousand Oaks Civic Center. Local clergy and musicians will lead a service of prayer for our nation and its leaders.

Missions Fair, Sunday, May 20, 10:15 AM at the North Ranch Community Center. We will be have displays and representative from the Christian groups that our church supports.  A special offering will be collected during the worship service for famine relief efforts among the Maasai people of Tanzania and Kenya.

WCCC "Too-Good-to-Throwaway" Sale, Friday, May 25 & Saturday, May 26. Here's your chance to make some room in your garage and support the church at the same time!   The proceeds will go to Children's Ministry and the Choir.

Annual Outdoor Worship and Church Picnic, Sunday, June 3, 11 AM at Dover and Hendrix park, Thousand Oaks.

In His Glad Service,

Pastor Mike


Cast your cares on the Lord, He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous fall. Psalm 55:10