4A2Q Log Search Page

Please use this page to search the 4A2Q logs... 

Sorry but the search applet requires a java aware browser.

Please note.... callsigns appear in this page as received on the radio.  If your call had an extra indicator before it (i.e., XE2/WD9EWK) or after it (i.e., WD9EWK/VE7) your call will be in my log like that.  If the station identified as "mobile" or "portable" (without a number or some other indicator), an indicator like "/M" or "/P" may appear in the log.  You may search with the * character as a wild card, as long as the * is not the first character in the callsign field above.  And please remember to click on the "Search" button to start the search - simply pressing the ENTER key might not start the search. 

All QSOs made through the UO-14 satellite will show "UO-14" instead of a frequency in the log-search results. 

QSL information:  4A2Q VIA WD9EWK (direct or via QSL bureau) 

QTH:  Imuris, Sonora (Mexico) - approximately 70km (43 miles) south of the USA/Mexico international border, in grid DM40ns

QSO statistics:  327 contacts were made over the weekend of 3-4 May 2003 from 4A2Q - please follow the link for detailed statistics 

If you do not find all your QSOs in the log, do not worry.  Mistakes do happen, and we will try to verify your QSO(s) based on the other information you can provide.  You are welcome to contact 4A2Q (using the e-mail address on our entry at QRZ.com) and the 4A2Q QSL manager will attempt to help you. 

Log search applet created by Richard G4ZFE - many thanks!