WD9EWK/VE7 on 12-15 April 2002

Canadian flag      British Columbia flag

WD9EWK/VE7 in Vancouver

Updated 24 August 2004

I took another trip to Vancouver, British Columbia on the long weekend of 12-15 April 2002, and for the first time made HF contacts from Canadian territory after many trips in the past 5 years.  Once again, my radio for this trip was the Yaesu FT-817, but due to size issues the multiband antenna I took with me was the ATX Walkabout.  Even with the rain, and relatively limited time I had to work HF, I had fun on the air. 

Relating to ham radio, I had two goals for this trip: 

My HF time
I ended up having two opportunities to use the FT-817 (Friday - 12 April - in the afternoon, and Sunday - 14 April into 15 April on the UTC clock - afternoon).  My first chance was a very short window of opportunity.  I made one QSO on 17 meters SSB with W9OTE in Illinois.  After this QSO I went to take my license exams - more on that later.  On Sunday afternoon (going into Monday, 15 April, on the UTC clock) I had more time but between the rain, my limited station (5 watts, ATX Walkabout), and spending time playing around with the antenna I added only two more QSOs to my log.  One on 10 meters SSB (WD4LTF in Alabama), and the other on 17 meters SSB (KF4MQI in South Carolina).  Very few contacts, but fun! 

I would have preferred to use my Outbacker Joey for this trip, but it was a little longer than my bags - it would not fit in them.  Maybe I will get a case or something that will accomodate it in the future, but this was not a trip focusing on operating my radio - oh well. 

This was my first time operating HF from Canada, and the last time I will operate from there using WD9EWK.  When I operate from Canada on future trips, I will operate with the Canadian callsign VA7EWK. 

Operating in Canada
I moved the information related to licensing and the regulation of amateur radio in Canada to its own page, in particular how Canada views foreign amateur licenses against its licensing structure, and how I obtained my own Canadian amateur license and callsign (VA7EWK). 
Questions or comments?
If you have any other questions or comments about my radio trips, please feel free to contact me.