XE2/WD9EWK Log Search Page

Please use this page to search the logs from my trips to Mexico....... 

(Updated with QSOs through 6 September 2004) 

Sorry but the search applet requires a java aware browser.

Please note.... I have placed calls in this page as received on the radio.  If your call had an extra indicator before it (i.e., XE2/WD9EWK) or after it (i.e., WD9EWK/VE7) your call will be in my log like that.  If the station identified as "mobile" or "portable" (without a number or some other indicator), I placed "/M" or "/P" respectively after the call in my log.  You may search with the * character as a wild card, as long as the * is not the first character in the callsign field above.  And please remember to click on the "Search" button to start the search - simply pressing the Enter key might not start the search. 

Log search applet created by Richard G4ZFE - many thanks! 

XE2/WD9EWK QSL VIA WD9EWK (direct or via QSL bureau) 

Please note that I have operated from several locations as XE2/WD9EWK.  My QSL cards will indicate the QTH for that contact, or you may view my page with a list of my Mexican trips where I have used my radios since May 2000.