Webelos Do Your Best

2006 Rising Star 1st Year Webelos Campout

Camp Bovay -  April 7-9, 2006


The Webelos attended six sessions with their den. Every effort was made to complete the requirements for the Webelos Activity Badges offered. There were two sporting belt loops sessions (Archery and BB Shooting) and a Boulder Wall and Rope Bridge session "just for fun". Thank you to all the leaders, scouts and parents for making this a memorable experience for myself and the wonderful folks that joined in to make the Program Sessions such a rewarding time for all.

 Yours in Scouting,                                 

Becca Franco                                                    Rich Weiiser
Director, 2006 Rising Star WDYB                       Activity Director, 2006 Rising Star WDYB
francob@sbcglobal.net                                      rich@away.xohost.com  or rweiser@houston.rr.com           


 Artist :

Do these:

   1. Talk to an artist in your area or to your art teacher about the different occupations in the art field. Make a list of them.
(We just had a discussion and noted LOTS of different careers.)
   2. Create a scrapbook (portfolio) of your Artist activity badge projects and show it to your den leader.
(Each scout was given 6-7 pages of paper for his portfolio.  In it, we added the below activities.)

And do five of these:

   3. Draw or paint an original picture out-of-doors, using the art materials you prefer. Frame the picture for your room or home.
(Scouts could choose the medium - chalk, paint, or marker and each made a picture, glued it to a larger sheet, and then drew a frame around it.)
   4. List the primary and secondary colors. Explain what happens when you combine colors.
(Scouts completed a worksheet for primary, secondary, and complementary colors.  This was glued to another page of the portfolio.)
   6. Draw a profile of a member of your family.
(Scouts titled a portfolio page "profile" and were told they had to complete this assignment at home.)
   7. Use clay to sculpt a simple object.
(Scouts were given clay and they made some wonderful pieces.)

  10. Create a collage that expresses something about you.
(Scouts were given foam pieces of various types and each created an individual collage on one of the portfolio pages.)


 Engineer : Activities # 1

Each scouts participating in the Engineer Activity Badge received a hardcopy of the attached file with requirements completed being #1, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
They matched definitions to engineer types on #1 and drew pictures of bridge types for #7.
They each participated in activities #6, #8, and #9.
They were also instructed to give this form to their Patrol Leader for credit completing requirements #1, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
They are still required to draw a floor plan on their home or apartment to complete requirement #2 and earn their badge.


Forester : Activities # 1, 3, 4, 7, and  9  completes the requirements for the Forester Activity Badge.

1.       Make a map of the U.S. Show types of forests growing in different parts of the country. Name some kinds of trees that grow in these forests. For each type of forest, give one or more examples of uses for the wood of its trees. (gave copy of map to complete at home)

3.   Identify six forest trees common to the area where you live. Tell how both wildlife and humans use them. (If you don't live in a region that has forests, read about one type of forest and name six of its trees and their uses.)

4.   Identify six forest plants (other than trees) that are useful to wildlife. Tell which animals use them and for what.

7.   Collect pieces of three kinds of wood used for building houses.

9.            Describe the harm wildfires can cause. Tell how you can prevent wildfire.


Geologist : Activities # 2-6  completes the requirements for the Geologist Activity Badge.

2.   Rocks and minerals are used in metals, glass, jewelry, road-building products, and fertilizer. Give examples of minerals used in these products.

3.   Make a scale of mineral hardness for objects found at home. Show how to use the scale by finding the relative hardness of three samples.

4.   List some of the geologic materials used in building your home.

5.   Make a drawing that shows the cause of a volcano, a geyser, or an earthquake.

  1. Explain one way in which mountains are formed.

Handyman : Activities # 2-7  completes the requirements for the Handyman Activity Badge.

2.   Help an adult change a tire on a car.

3.   With adult supervision, replace a bulb in the taillight, turn signal, or parking light or replace a headlight on a car.

4.   With adult supervision, show how to check the oil level and tire pressure on a car.

5.   Make a repair to a bicycle, such as tightening the chain, fixing a flat tire, or adjusting the seat or handlebars.

6.   Properly lubricate the chain and crank on a bicycle.

7.   Properly inflate the tires on a bicycle.


Outdoorsman : Activities # 1, 2 & 7 are completed during the WDYB session.  Activity # 3-5 were completed by camping out at WDYB and completes the requirements for the Outdoorsman Activity Badge.

1.       Show your ability to tie the following knots:

             Square knot, Bowline, Clove hitch, two Half hitches, Taut-line hitch

2.       Pitch a tent using two Half hitches and a Taut-line hitch.

3.       With your adult partner, take part in a Webelos overnighter or camp overnight with a Boy Scout troop.

4.       Help with a 2-night campout away from home with your family. Or go on 2 one-night campouts with your family.

5.       With your family or Webelos den, plan and take part in an evening outdoor activity that includes a campfire.

6.       Help cook your own lunch or supper outdoors with a parent or another adult. Clean up afterward.

7.       Know and practice the rules of outdoor fire safety.

8.       Visit a nearby Boy Scout camp with your den.


Readyman: All activities were covered in the session. However, 55 minutes is not enough time to for the scouts to demonstrate back a true understanding of First Aid. Since this is a core scouting skill and a required Arrow of Light Activity Badge, please have your Webelos demonstrate/describe the requirements to help them “be prepared” in First Aid for a great future in scouting.


Scholar : Do 3 of requirements 1-4 to complete this Activity Badge. Activities 5, 6, & 8 completed at WDYB.

Do Three of These:

1.       Have a good record in attendance, behavior, and grades at school.

2.       Take an active part in a school activity or service.

3.       Discuss with your teacher or principal the value of having an education.

4.       List in writing some important things you can do now because of what you've learned in school.

And Do Three of These:

5.Trace history of different kinds of schools.Tell how present public school system grew out of these early schools.

6. Make a chart showing how your school system is run.

8. List and explain some of the full-time positions in the education field.


Scientist : #4 completes requirements for this Activity Badge. Activities 1-3, 5-7, 10-12 completed at WDYB.

1.       Read Bernoulli's Principle. Show how it works.

2.       Read Pascal's Law. Tell about some inventions that use Pascal's law.

3.       Read Newton's first law of motion. Show in three different ways how inertia works.

4.       While you are a Webelos Scout, earn the Cub Scout Academics belt loop for Science.

And Do Six of These:

5.  Show the effects of air pressure.

6.  Show the effects of water pressure. This may be combined with atmospheric pressure or with air pressure.

7.  Build and launch a model rocket with adult supervision. (NOTE: You must be at least 10 years old to work with a model rocket kit sold in hobby stores.)

10.  Explain how you use your center of gravity to keep your balance. Show three different balancing tricks.

11. Show in three different ways how your eyes work together.

  1. Show what is meant by an optical illusion.


Showman (Music): activities # 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7 complete the requirements for the Showman Activity Badge.

2. Sing two songs alone or with a group.

4. Tell what folk music is. Hum, sing, or play a folk tune on a musical instrument.

5. Name three American composers. Name a famous work by each.

6. Draw a staff. Draw on it a clef, sharp, flat, natural, note, and rest. Tell what each is used for.

7. Show the difference between 2/4, 3/4, and 4/4 time by beating time or playing an instrument.


BB Guns :, Range Director, held a safety session that completes the requirement for the Cub Scout belt loop. Range Director has distributed a list of each Webelos that earned the belt loop back to their Unit with the checkout packet.

Archery : This session completes the requirement for the Cub Scout belt loop. Selected archers will receive a certificate for their quality marksmanship --to be handed out to pack leaders at the May roundtable.