
Gone, But Never Forgotten

Name Born into Heaven EDD Baby's Name
Yvette September 2, 2004 March 23, 2005
Katherine March 22, 2004 November 16, 2004
Jules February 19, 2004 September 30, 2004 Gem
Kristi February 2004 November 2004
Yvette December 21, 2003 May 17, 2004 William Clement Abbott
Carla October 2003 June 7, 2004
Sara September 25, 2003
Kristi September 2003 June 2004
Kristi June 2003 March 2004
Gail March 2004
Katherine May 27, 2003 January 2, 2004
Annie March 12, 2003 November 7, 2003 Baby Boo
Mary May 2003 Girl
Kate February 28, 2003 September 2003
Diana January 2003 September 2003 Baby E
Annie November 26, 2002 July 7, 2003 Baby DF
Arica November 7, 2002
Yvette November 6, 2002 June 18, 2003
Kate October 5, 2002 May 31, 2003
Cindy (Pond) January 3, 2003
Gail May 2003
Arica September 28, 2002
Roxie September 9, 2002
Jenny July 3, 2002 Alejandro
Arica June 30, 2002
Jules May 16, 2002
Mary May 2002
Roxie February 23, 2002
Maureen February 17, 2002 September 7, 2002
Diana January 2002 September 2002 Baby E
Trisha January 2002
Tammy December 20, 2001 July 19, 2002 Jaime Noel
Kate February 28, 2002 August 30, 2002
Carey November 22, 2002 May 27, 2002 Caleigh Anne
Meghan October 8, 2001 April 23, 2002
Jenn April 1, 2002
Sara December 11, 2001
Becky November 16, 2001
Mary November 2001 Lydia
Trisha November 2001
Caroline September 2001
Sarah January 1, 2001
Yvette June 7, 2001 December 20, 2001
Sarah April 15, 2001
Debbie August 26, 2001 Little One
Yvette August 24, 2000 April 20, 2001
Sarah December 9, 2001
Becky April 22, 2001
Carla April 21, 2001 December 8, 2001
Jenn November 19, 2001
Gail November 2001
Diana March 12, 2001 October 15, 2001 Baby E
Caroline March 2001
Trisha March 2001
Lauren December 19, 2000 April 2000
Roxie DEcember 19, 2000
Diana August 12, 1999 March 27, 2000 Baby E
Cindy (Pond) August 8, 1989

Gretchen has 12 angels Cindy D has 5 angels and Suzi has 3 angels.

Tiny Stars in Heaven

Baby Angel

Don't let them say I wasn't born,
That something stopped my heart,
I felt each tender squeeze you gave,
I've loved you from the start.
Although my body you can't hold,
It doesn't mean I'm gone,
This world was worthy, not, of me,
God chose that I move on.
I know the pain that drowns your soul,
What you are forced to face,
You have my word, I'll fill your arms,
Someday we will embrace.
You'll hear that it was "meant to be
God doesn't make mistakes",
But that won't soften your worst blow,
Or make your hearts not ache.
I'm watching over all you do,
Another child you'll bear,
Believe me when I say to you,
That I am always there.
There'll come a time, I promise you,
When you will hold my hand,
Stroke my face and kiss my lips,
And then you'll understand.
Although I've never breathed your air,
Or gazed into your eyes,
That doesn't mean I never "was"
An angel never dies...
by Karen O'Connor

A Million Times

You never said I'm leaving
You never said good-bye
You were gone before I knew it
And only God knew why
A million times we've needed you,
A million times we've cried.
If love alone could've saved you,
You never would have died.
In life we loved you dearly,
In death we love you still.
In our hearts you hold a place,
No one else will ever fill.
It broke our hearts to lose you,
But you didn't go alone.
Part of us went with you,
The day God took you home.

Heaven's Playground

Precious angel sent to earth,
Did they tell you of your worth?
More than diamonds, rubies or gold,
Only you do I want to hold.
So perfect your beauty as I look into your eyes
That gentle reflection of angels in the skies.
Each day you grew inside me, so big and so strong,
But your time here with me was not to be long.
Oh how my heart aches as I have to say goodbye,
As I let you go back to play in the sky.
June 5 1998
by Suzanne McClendon

A Mother's Prayer/ Affirmation After Miscarriage

In this time of loss I call upon my spirit within to guide me to my strength so that I may find peace and completion.
I will use this strength to demand of myself and others my need to grieve completely, for this will be my first step to healing.
During my time of grief I will seek guidance not only from my inner spirit but from loving persons who may offer wisdom and comfort.
I need to understand that the soul as well as the physical body needs healing and to pay attention to this.
I will learn to accept that the soul may never heal completely.
I will learn to live not in fear and once again see beauty in my world,and purpose in my existence.
In spite of my new knowledge that things happen that cannot be controlled,I must call upon the places within me that tell me I do have control over much of my life and use this control to aid my healing.
Let me recognize the gift in my ability to conceive and carry life however briefly.
Let me take joy in my ability to love so deeply and desire to nurture a soul unbeknownst to me.
Let me find healing in the belief that this soul knew my love for it and that that love helped it to pass to another place.
Let me honor this short life not only with my love but in finding meaning in its existence.
Let me recognize this meaning in not only my ability to survive,but in my fullest appreciation of all the moments motherhood will bring me,along with my deeper compassion and sisterhood to other women who've experienced loss.
Let a part of this soul be reflected in the spirit of my future children, born or adopted, so that I may know it through them.
I will listen to and trust the place in my deepest heart that tells me I will once again be reunited with this soul and will fulfill the need to hold it in my arms.
I will help myself to feel comfort in the knowledge that there is a star in heaven that belongs to me.
by Stacey Dinner-Levin

Please e-mail me if you want poems added.

September 19, 2004

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