Back problems can be caused by an extraordinarily wide range

of problems - some of them originating elsewhere in the body,

but with pain being transmitted (referred) to areas of the back by

the nervous system. Back pain is one of the most common

reasons people seek medical attention. It is the symptom that

prompts most patients who get chiropractic care. The majority of

backache sufferers complain of pain in the lower back; the

second most common site of discomfort is the base of the neck.


	Virtually all human beings are subject to back problems. The fact

that humans walk upright, on two legs, puts great pressure on the

spine and muscles that support it. Over time, back pain is all but

inevitable. Normal wear and tear, accidents, disease, and such

bad "back habits" as unnecessary strain from overexertion at play

or work (especially lifting, pushing, pulling, and reaching for things

improperly), and poor standing and sitting posture result in both

immediate and long-term back problems.


If you're overweight and suffering from back pain, your doctor

will probably suggest that you drop those extra pounds. Losing

the weight is probably a good suggestion from an overall health

perspective, but it might not be the answer to your back pain, at

least not according to a recent study.

The potential association between excess weight and back pain 

was examined in 152 patients attending a hospital-based spinal 

pain unit.  Researchers determined the body mass index (BMI) 

of each patient after measuring weight and height. (The BMI is 

essentially a scale that determines "appropriate" weight range 

by comparing weight and height.) Results showed that BMI had 

no significant effect on the incidence of back pain, except perhaps 

in cases involving extremely obese individuals. 

If you're looking to lose some weight, exercise and dietary

adjustments are a good place to start. But if you're suffering from

back pain, the chiropractic office is the place to go. In fact, your

doctor of chiropractic will be able to manage your back pain and

also help you design a sensible program to shed those unwanted



	Chiropractors successfully treat subluxation (a complex of

functional and/or structural changes in joints, which can interfere

with nerve transmission, disturb other organ systems and

undermine general health). Spinal subluxations may have

symptoms localized in some part of the back or may radiate

down to the buttocks, thighs and legs. Chiropractors also treat

tension that can show up as backaches and/or headaches or

pains elsewhere in the body.

Doctors of chiropractic draw upon a wealth of knowledge and

experience with treating and preventing back pain and back

injuries. Soothing and pain-reducing spinal adjustments have been

developed over the last century, during which chiropractors have

practiced, improved and refined their techniques.

The chiropractic approach is similar to the clinical practice

guidelines of the U.S. Agency for Health Care Policy and

Research. That is, doctors of chiropractic not only treat the pain,

they try to keep patients engaging in their normal activities rather

than resting immobile in bed, which can actually cause further

debilitation. And, of course, chiropractors do not rely on surgery,

hospitalization and medication that can be both dangerous and

needlessly costly for patients and their insurance providers.

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