Big Brother 3
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Yes, CBS's Big Brother 3 is returning for another go around at the same camera equipped house in Los Angeles beginning on July 10th, 2002. Again there are numerous websites covering Big Brother 3 on the web!

A "House" week begins on a Thursday and ends on the following Wednesday.

The Big Brother 3 finale is scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 25, at 9 p.m.


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CBS Big Brother 3 [ Main Site ]
This is CBS's Official Site for Big Brother 3. CBS's Big Brother 3 House Tour

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Articles, News, Eviction History and Links.
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Big Brother 3 Forum
Message Board, Chat and Links.
Big Brother 3 Online Photos
Big Brother Screen Captured Pictures. A message board allows you to post requests for photos.
Big Brother 3 Screen Captures
Big Brother 3 Screen Captures of the gals. You were expecting Eric?
Big Brother 3 ScreenShots ** HOT **
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Big Brother 3 US
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Big Brother Belle
Big Brother Screen Captured Pictures.
Big Brother BITES
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News, Recaps, Articles, Screen Captured Pictures, Msg Board and Great GOSSIP Links!
Big Brother Daily
News, Challenges, Voting History, Polls, Msg Board, Chat and Links.
News, Sheryl's Take, Msg Board, Chat, Links and Live Feed Updates.
Big Brother Obsession v3.0
News, Current Nominations, Polls, Msg Board and Links.
Big Brother "Expose" Screen Captured Pictures and interesting gossip. ** HOT **
News, Recaps, Videos and Forums in several categories.
Canoe's "Jam!" Big Brother 3
News, Articles and Live Feed Updates on this Canadian Site. [Big Brother Web DIrectory]
News and a Large Big Brother Link Directory. [Caution: Kicks off Pop-Ups!]
Entertainment Weekly's - [Big Brother]
Articles, News, Recaps & Player Bio's related to the show.
Ezboard's Big Brother 3 MsgBrds [Google Search] ** HOT **
This SEARCH returns links to the ENORMOUS NUMBER of message boards on Ezboard covering Big Brother 3!. A brilliant idea if I do say so myself!
Forum Find's Big Brother MsgBrds Search ** HOT **
This specialized search engine returns links with detail information to Big Brother message boards!.
Fungii's BB3 Blog
Fast Live Feed Update Postings and links.
FrozenFeline's Big Brother 3 USA Super Site ** HOT **
News, Live Feed Updates, Spoilers, Msg Boards with Pics, Chat and Links.
Joker's Updates
News, Live Feed Updates, Msg Boards and Links.
Manly Thoughts Big Brother
Manly Thoughts has humorous psychological philosophical articles and musings on life and reality shows. This brings you to the current Big Brother page.
MSN Communities Big Brother 3 Search Results
This link returns the search results on MSN Communities for "Big Brother 3".
The Orwell Project
The Orwell Project has articles, commentary and msg boards for several reality shows including Big Brother.
Reality News Online ** HOT **
This site has fantastic articles covering several reality shows including Big Brother 3. Here is a list of their recent articles if u want to go to a specific article quickly.
Reality TV Links - Big Brother 3
Another Large Collection of Reality TV Show Links. Also hosted here is daily commentary by the folks at BB3updates.
RealityTVPlanet: Big Brother 3
News, Recaps, Articles, Polls, Msg Board, Links and Great Video Captures! Message Board Forums
This site hosts several reality show message boards and information sites:
Sheryl Braxton
Sheryl Braxton is from BB2. The first person evicted remember? She has articles, commentary and msg boards on her web pages. Big Brother 3 Links ** HOT **
The definitive site of all recent articles on Big Brother 3 and links to almost every site. Also coverage [ Site Map ] of many other reality shows.
Survivor Sucks Big Brother 3 Boards []
The definitive message boards on Big Brother 3 with spoiler information.
TalkBigBrother's Top50 Fan Websites
A Ranked Listing of KEY Big Brother Sites/Links.
Television Without Pity - Big Brother
Recaps and Forums. Television Without Pity covers so many shows! Tops for broad based user interactive TV forums.
The TV Clubhouse Big Bro Boards []
Good message boards on Big Brother 3 with some technical information.
Webring Directory: Big Brother 3 Webrings
The current list of Webrings covering Big Brother 3.
Yahoo! Group Listings for Big Brother 3
The specific category for US Big Brother.
Yahoo! Java Chat (Big Brother Room)
Yahoo's Main Room for Big Brother (Java Applet).
Yahoo! Message Boards for Big Brother 3
Post your thoughts on the message boards for Big Brother 3. You know opinions are like ... ;-)
Yahoo! Reality TV [Full Coverage]
This is Yahoo's Full Coverage Page. No separate page for BB3 so far.
WTV-Zone Panther Zone
Big Brother Screen Captured Pictures [Intermediate Directory-Under Construction].
Specific: Bikini Nude
Zap2it Big Brother 3 [Main TV Coverage]
Zap2it has great TV News Coverage. This is the Article Dir/Search results for Big Brother 3.

Voting History

Week 1 - Wed, Thu, Sat, Wed - Competitions, Story so far

An initial alliance of Amy, Chiara, Eric, Gerry, Josh and Lisa was formed by the people who exited the nest in the tree game. This doesn't look like it will go long term as Lisa and Josh are already playing each other. Gerry has laided his cards out in the diary room and in telecast conversations with other houseguests whereas Eric is schemimg but hasn't gotten the air time yet. Lisa was elected as the Head of the Household (8-2) over Lori in the HOH competition.

It looked like Marcellas was a gonner from the first two nominated but, Gerry used the new veto power to vacate Marcellas' sentence and Lisa substituted Amy. Beats me why he did this. Some kind of white man's quilt for the plight of black people? No matter, now he's identified himself as being unreliable and will be targeted.

Now Amy I don't understand. She seemed gleeful she replaced Marcellas. Either she's putting on a brave front or knew this was coming.

Week 2 - Thu, Sat, Wed - Competitions, Story so far

In a vote that suprised me, Lori Olson was evicted! I guess Eric and Roddy who I thought would stay the course and vote out Amy Crews, figured the former is the biggest threat. So like BB2's first week, the unwitting "pawn" who's not supposed to be ejected in the first week, becomes the first eviction. Be very afraid of the placeholder nominee position!

Quick what's different from last week to this week? Last week no one knew what the new wrinkle was about. This week, Marcellas has taken it into account as can be seen in the picks he selected. He wants Josh out of the house immediately or at the very least, a member of the alliance. Since he knows one of the two people he nominates can be "rescued", he chooses the pawn to be someone he personally can do without while leaving his REAL 2nd choice in reserve. I suspect this will be the future modis operandi from HOHs for a few rounds.

On Saturday, Danielle won the veto competition. By Sunday, Marcellas had talked her out of making a change by exercising her veto. It seems Marcellas was serious about the two people he nominated. He wants one of them now and both of them out eventually. Why he didn't feel the need to put Lisa up for a vote confuses me?

Week 3 - Thu, Sat, Wed - Competitions, Story so far

What is wrong with these people? They voted out the stripper with the big hooters! Didn't these people watch Big Brother 2? The final twosome were come from behind houseguests? You know Josh would turn on any of these people in a New York minute.

On route to this horrendous decision, Tonya under pressure tells Amy to bring commentary concerning her out into the open. After that pronouncement, Marcellas confronts Tonya getting in her face and laying this holyer than thou attitude about watch your mouth cause you're on the block this week crap on her! Who the hell does this fag think he is? Get him out of here pronto!

On Friday we found out that Roddy is nominating Marcellas and Amy. I'm assuming Marcellas is the real target and Amy takes the role of the pawn. Lately, pawns are 0-for-2 this time around so there are no more safe harbors in this game. By Saturday, we learned the intent was actually reversed! Roddy spoke to Amy initially at the nomination meeting then later "advised" Marcellas that his selection was strategic. Seems he had to "cut" Amy's amorous advances off immediately. I wonder what brought that on?

Also taking place on Saturday was the veto contest which Eric won. With the Roddy and Eric alliance holding up, no changes are expected. Although, they're allowed to beg for it! Make 'em squirm I say!

Week 4 - Thu, Sat, Wed - Competitions, Story so far

Well well the porcine lush is gone! Pass around the Brie and pour me a glass of that Stolichnaya Vodka crap that she's been lubricating herself with for 3+ weeks! Anyway on to more important matters. First on the table, why her and not Marcellas? Why are Roddy and Eric going after the women first? It's important to take out the people with the greatest likelihood of winning the HOH competition. Also give serious consideration to those in alliances that must be broken up immediately. Amy wasn't any threat to win the first several HOH competitions and has drawn the ire of most of the other players. Marcellas is the obvious choice at this point as he is a threat to win and if he does, he'll work to break up their alliance.

Am I the only one who is suspicious about the way the flow of the show was broken up to discuss Gerry's isolation the past several weeks? This is presented to the public prior to his victory in the HOH contest. Makes you wonder, doesn't it? Anyway he goes from outcast to better kiss his ass. Now he promised to hold Roddy safe for a week. He also tried to reconnect with Josh. So Gerry will be forced to pick a direction this week and follow through.

Gerry honored his agreement with Roddy but, merely shifted his vote to the other couple, Eric and Lisa. Should one of those two be saved, I suspect Chiara "Chiapet" gets the nod. This starts the breakup of the couples and effectively marks the demise of the initial alliance.

On Saturday, "Chiapet" won the Veto Contest. So I'm guessing she saves Lisa with "The Power of Veto" (Are you sick of these melodramatic phrases also?) on Monday. This will force Gerry to choose from amongst the non-alliance members. By late Saturday, people tracking the live feeds relay the word that Roddy has talked "Chiapet" into leaving things as they are presently. Given this, it would appear Eric is not long for this show!

Week 5 - Thu, Sat, Wed - Competitions, Story so far

Well the game is one-third over with four people evicted. The eight remaining people seem to fall into three categories:

The latter five are somewhat allied with each other for the moment which doesn't bode well for the original alliance. However, Chiapet did win the HOH so I suspect her two nominees come from the latter group.

On friday we learn "Chiapet" is putting up Josh and ... (are u ready?) Roddy. Amazing, I guess Chiapet's do have "Moss" for brains. First she forces Roddy to nominate Amy and push for her eviction and now she figures Josh has to go. Why? Sure's he annoying but, HE HASN'T BEEN A THREAT TO WIN THE "HOH" COMPETITIONS SO FAR! Then the capper! She puts up the pedigogical writer from NJ WHO HAS ALREADY WON A "HOH" CONTEST! Isn't he the boyfriend also? Ok, as we leave the house for tonite Danielle is wondering if this would be a good time to "ax" Roddy to leave. Rest assured, we're all embarrassed by this in the greater NYC metro area!

Well it seems this power of veto was invented exclusively to save Marci's ass! I guess that "Frank Zappa" has finally worn out his welcome. Ah the opportunities being missed this eviction cycle!

Week 6 - Thu, Sat, Wed - Competitions, Story so far

Another poor eviction choice. Keeping a dangerous player and evicting a gnat! Oh well, this week is supposed to be a yawner. Seems CBS has chosen to throw another new twist at us this week. They brought back Amy after a convoluted procedure. I say yawner because the houseguests have indicated that they don't believe it's fair to allow someone to return and would counter-act the maneuver by re-evicting that person immediately! I couldn't agree more. No one seems to understand the obvious. The returnee might offer to come back for a dollar merely to come back on a vindictive crusade to boot the person who was most responsible for evicting them in the first place.

In fact, this seems to be exactly what is taking place. Amy has realized that the current houseguests would fight to kick her out once again and CBS has choosen an endurance contest a la "Survivor" in order to accommodate her! So to the consternation of Chiapet and Roddy, they go on the block where one will pay directly for their prior eviction of Amy!

It isn't supposed to operate this way. No longer the same game as advertised. In passing, the now essentially useless POV was won by the only person to have ever evoked it, Gerry. This time around, it goes back in the box once again. Hello CBS? Let the nominees have a chance to win it to save themselves again a la "Survivor" in a contest with no one able to block the others. Either that or drop the damn thing already as a failed experiment.

Week 7 - Thu, Sat, Wed - Competitions, Story so far

The "Original Alliance" is down to two people and the power has shifted to what I refered to as "The Others". Thursday's show found us with Jason as the HOH for the first time. Well well, he'll be forced to "declare" enemies. After friday's nominations, we learn that he has charted the middle ground. Yes the "Social Outcasts" are on the block and one of them will more than likely be gone leaving only the survivor to have reason to nominate Jason next week.

Jason won the POV and didn't exercise it. Yawn! Adios Gerry!

Week 8 - Thu, Sat, Wed - Competitions, Story so far

Ok they finally got rid of a strong player who has won contests before. At the same time, another prior winner, Marci the lawn jockey, wins HOH again. See what happens when you wait to get rid of the strong players? Let's see the breakdown.

Well we're closing in on the end game. Doesn't look good for Roddy this week as he is the strongest player from the remnants of the "Original Alliance". And least we not forget, Lisa is playing more like Will from Big Brother 2 albeit stupidly. Why she voted to bring back Amy instead of Eric beats the hell out of me. In any case, alliances aren't dead until all the people are gone! These two are the prime choice to get rid of given "Lawn Jockey" shows loyalty to others.

In a surprise move, "Lawn Jockey" partners Amy with Roddy as nominees. Anyone doubt that Marci should've been evicted in week 1? Doesn't he remember his first go around as HOH with Tonya as the "pawn"? Anyway. pack your bags Roddy. Soon you'll be with "Chiapet" in Coney Island, NY. Based on your mutually stupid play neither one of you belongs anywhere near the finish line!

The "Power of Yawn!" was won by Amy but, what's the point? I wonder if the producers get it by now?

Week 9 - Thu - Competitions, Story so far

Now we can reshuffle the groupings! I can't believe it's going so smoothly for "The Terrible Twosome!"

So far their planning couldn't be going much better. This week, it's time for Marci's ass to go obviously. Since only two people are voting and Jason holds the tie-breaker, Lisa's vote won't matter. Now CBS has capitulated and morphed it's POV ("The Power of Yawn") into the GOLDEN POV, loosely translated the winner can vacate his own nomination, a la "Survivor immunity" thus sparing their own eviction.

By monday morning we learn our worst fears have been realized and that Marci has won the "GOLD"! Translation: ADIOS Lisa!

Week 10 - Thu, Sat, Wed - Competitions, Story so far

Is there anyone out there with a reasonable track record when it comes to understanding the thought processes going on behind the housequest's decisions? Email me with proof and you can take over at this point in time! Ah the pathos evoked by this episode! Who are we kidding? The lack of rational thought went out the window last year as we saw Will "Dr. Psychopath" easily triumph over his fellow mindless drones. This edition of Big Brother is no different. Lisa should've tried to get the POV in order to prevent Marci or Amy from obtaining it. Instead she blindly blundered through the laser grid deliberately. What were both Lisa and Marci thinking during this past week? Neither deserves the win.

OK, while waiting for an Email, let's initially predict Lisa's eviction. I'm holding out hope that Dani backstabs Jason at this point if she really wants to emerge victorious. Well Dani has picked the other remaining women and remained loyal to Jason for now. It'll be Jason who makes the pick all by himself but, it's obvious it's under Dani's control. At the outset it appears to be Amy!

Week 11 - Thu, Sat, Wed - Competitions, Story so far

The best part about the start to this week is the re-eviction of Cheese Lush! Now once again I don't understand why Jason and Dani didn't get rid of the stronger opponent first. I'm speaking of Lisa even though she didn't win a single contest. Should she remain and win the HOH then they might have a job beating her in a popular vote. So this is the final three or the pair and the person brought along for the ride.

So far the HOH competition is in three parts and Lisa has outlasted the "The Terrible Twosome!" in part one. Actually Dani cut a deal with Lisa after being on the water for over four hours regarding pairing up for the final two. Dani then explained that she would throw part two of the competition to Jason so Lisa and him would compete for the final HOH. This happens but, on Saturday Lisa bests Jason in a "Know what the other houseguests would say about the three finalists" contest. The result? Decided well in advance of even the final week, Lisa evicts Jason leaving two women facing the jury decision.

May I have the envelope please? The winner of Big Brother 3 is Lisa 9-1:

  • 2nd Place: Danielle Reyes Extremely well played but, never spoke well of the others.
  • Winner: Lisa Donahue The decision to evict Amy instead of Lisa proved costly. In her alcoholic stupor, it's doubtful that Amy even remembers the evicted houseguests much less recalls what they might've thought about the finalists!
Lisa Donahue

Lisa Donahue

Amy Crews Chiara Berti Danielle Reyes Eric Quellette Gerry Lancaster Jason Guy
Josh Feinburg Lisa Donahue Lori Olson Marcellas Reynolds Roddy Mancuso Tonya Paoni

Amy Crews
23, a single real estate appraiser from Memphis
Does anyone expect this porker to win? This drunken lush lists as a hobby applying makeup! Like a billiard ball near the pocket's edge in pool, no need to rush her out, she'll practically leave the house on her own! The lead candidate to accept a buyout if one is offered!
Chiara Berti
25, a marketing representative from New York, NY
Links: Chiara Fans
"ChiaPet" as she is known to posters on message boards appears to be another edgy character. She supposedly has a married millionaire boyfriend as well as a drunken driving arrest in her recent past. Yet here's her strategy: "I really want to play fair. I don't want to form nor join an alliance. I really want to make sure I don't pick favorites or quickly trust anyone." So far she's busy having a good time. I don't think the lie low strategy will go very far this time around. A mid-pack exit?
Danielle Reyes
30, a married mother of two and media buyer from Fairfield, CA
My initial impression of this women has changed drastically. This "ghetto" princess has allowed her normal demeanor to slip out and it's none too pretty! She seems to be doing comedy that's a cross between the acerbic wit of Don Rickles and the impressions of Rich little. Racist, sexist, ethnically biased etc. Yeah everyone's laughing at the caricatures of others till they realize they're next once they leave the area!

I have to downgrade her to no chance at all.
Eric Quellette
26, a firefighter from Milford, CT
A firefighter that believes he can put on many masks? As in oxygen? I guess he thinks he's Will from BB2.
Gerry Lancaster
51, a teacher from Shadow Hills, CA
This old fart thinks he's going to control these kids? Good Luck! He went from "working the crowd" and lining up alliances to playing to the cameras in a little over a week!

Now remember this is a teacher! For Christ's sake, wash your hands before handling food. Do you recall the episode of Seinfeld where Jerry sees Poppy leave the men's room unwashed just prior to making a pizza for Jerry and his daughter? Salad's ready! Dingleberry bacon bits anyone?
Jason Guy
24, a videograher Mobile, AL
A compassionate guy? HeHeHe. Something smells funny here.
Josh Feinberg
28, a waiter from Long Island, NY
This appears to be a "Hick" from Long Island. If they had put Shoreham online, this would've been the norm and not the exception!
Ok, the other dimwits on the show have let him skate past his first eviction scare. This is how Dr. Vain won last time. Make like you're no threat to win HOH and lull them into a false sense of security.
I finally figured out who this guy looks like! Between the moustache, goatee and occasional do-rag, this is actually the NY reincarnation of ... Frank Zappa!
Lisa Donahue
26, a bartender from Los Angeles, CA
Not the smartest cookie but the tastiest? Oh come on now? Shameless self promotion.
Lori Olson
36, a bank representative from Foxboto, WI
Raging paranoia seems to best describe this gal! She'll be tested constantly by the others. Well it's turns out this isn't paranoia! Poor Lori is evicted first. The only relevant comment mentioned by another housequest refers to her equivocation on issues especially alliances. She was judged too unstable by the others.
Marcellas Reynolds
34, a gay stylist from Chicago, IL
No chance. Started out by irritating people!
Roddy Mancuso
30, a writer from Morristown, NJ
Could this be the sharpest pencil in the drawer? Hopefully, he won't try to control this!
Tonya Paoni
35, a twice-divorced mother of five retail sales specialist from Las Vegas, NV
Links: - Divorce Proceedings
Pics: BB3 Online Pics - BigBroBelle Pageant Pics
Va Va Voom! This Vegas Showgirl has bullseye written all over her.

Amy Crews Chiara Berti Danielle Reyes Eric Quellette Gerry Lancaster Jason Guy Josh Feinburg Lisa Donahue Lori Olson Marcellas Reynolds Roddy Mancuso Tonya Paoni