Survivor 4 Marquesas
Click for SurvivorFever Pictures of Nuku Hiva

On Survivor 4 Marquesas it's back to the island! In this case the island of Nuku Hiva part of the Marquesas island chain of French Polynesia some 940 miles from Tahiti in the South Pacific.

Day 1 begins with all 16 Survivors boarding the "Spirit of Oceanus" cruise ship, which will stop at a drop point. The Survivors from rivaling teams will then swim to their campsites, which are located in the Hakatea and Hakaui valleys. Tribal Council will be at Colette Bay.

The fourth instalment of the popular Survivor series begins on Thursday, Feb. 28. There will be two Wednesday broadcasts on March 13 and March 20 (both 8:00-9:00 PM) to accommodate CBS's coverage of the NCAA Men's College Basketball tournament on Thursday, March 14 and Thursday, March 21."


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Canoe's Survivor: Marquesas
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Voting History

[ Challenge Information ]

Episode 1 - Peter Harkey
A great start for the fourth installment of Survivor! There is a certain magic in the island setting with the camps down by the beach. Like the first Survivor they were tossed overboard 2 miles out from land and were forced to paddle into shore with their gear.
  • Immunity Challenge: Outrigger fire race to shore. WINNER: Rotu Tribe
Episode 2 - Patricia Jackson
This was a pretty routine gross food eating episode. Some raw fish left out to marinate and get seasoned by flies in the process. Once again the person respondsible for losing the immunity challenge, Rob Mariano, skates by with nary a vote to be ejected. This because of the actions of two women who collected all the votes cast this time.

Like all warm blooded males we're following the exploits of Sarah Jones, the "Cleopatra" of the Maraamu Tribe. Surely this is not a woman meant for manual labor! She's explained at the tribal council that she's saving her strength for the challenges. Yeah right! Needlesstosay, no one was buying this. On the other hand, Patrica was trying to assert herself. She was working hard but she was forcibly trying to organize the camp by nagging the other tribemates. That plus her weight and age added up to an easy choice for ejection.

Perhaps the biggest thing going on at this point is the struggle for power in the Maraamu Tribe. Rob has fallen for Sarah and like the initial Survivor, the two black Americans Sean and Vecepia have also joined forces. Also prior to the tribal council, Rob approached Sean for the purposes of identifying their mutual goals. These being keeping the four of them around as a voting block and eventually holding the power over Hunter Ellis. I honestly don't see Hunter lasting till the end of the game at this point.
  • Reward Challenge: Refloat/row into shore a sunken boat. WINNER: Rotu Tribe wins a Snorkel Mask and fins for underwater fishing.
  • Immunity Challenge: The famous 2nd Episode Gross food eating contest. Raw fish in marinade was the Delicacy. WINNER: Rotu Tribe
Episode 3 - Hunter Ellis
Well that didn't take long did it? Last episode pretty much set this up. I've said this since the original show. You have to take out the strongest contenders in order for the weak sisters to have a chance in this game. One problem, this may have been a bit premature for the Maraamu Tribe seeing as they have no strong leadship!

No tribe has arrived at the merger down more than 3 members and they're at the limit. Unless the Rotu Tribe loses a matching number of immunity contests, the winner will not be coming from the Maraamus. By the end of the show you can see that Gina Crews knows she is the next to go! Final thought, does Burnett pull some crap like the shift from Survivor 3 at this point in order to possibly shake up the obvious?
  • Reward Challenge: Race to pick up boxes on a bamboo raft the survivors had to build. WINNER: Rotu Tribe wins blankets and lanterns for coping with the nights.
  • Immunity Challenge: An unusual puzzle maze in which a coconut was moved around a maze and dropped into a hole by pulleys and ropes. WINNER: Rotu Tribe
Episode 4 - Sarah Jones
Well Mark Burnett did the switch again! A random reallocation scheme was utilized in order to shake up the members of each tribe. I found comments to the effect that this was planned ahead of time, disingenuous in nature. Since the exchange in Survivor 3 was conducted after four people were ejected and at the time both teams had an equal numner of members, the timing of this exchange is certaining suspicious. Just three people are gone but, they are from one tribe. Like Survivor 3 Africa, this tribe has fractured into two groups and I suspect Burnett and Co. is not happy with the composite makeup at this point.

So what was the outcome? Well they took 3 of the lazy people from Maraamu Tribe and exchanged them with three workaholics from the Rotu Tribe. Sarah stayed put and continued to avoid work so the outcome was a foregone conclusion should Maraamu lose. This is exactly what happened. Rotu wisely sat down the lazy asses of Rob and Sean for the immunity challenge, presumably so they couldn't sabotage it. As a result, Rotu won going away!
  • Exchange: The tribes met and randomly stood on slices of tree trunks. One by one they stepped off their pieces of wood to reveal a new colored buff which they donned in place of their current one. They now became a member of whatever tribe had that color.
  • Immunity Challenge: Another puzzle! This time a weave of fabric strips that have to be rotated to reveal the picture of a tribal idol. The strips were interwoven in the horizontal and vertical directions. Probably the most interesting one they've ever had on the show. WINNER: Rotu Tribe
Episode 5 - Gabriel Cade
Not much here to shink your teeth into really. Gabe is sort of an anachronistic hippy. Not actually here to win the game but felt it was more important to build a community. I wonder if he read "It takes a Village?" He decided that his vote would be a spur of the moment decision and would not subject to the vagaries of others. Well his fellow Rotu tribesmates decided that they couldn't permit a schism in the voting block to exist and so the number one imperative became removing that threat prior to exterminating the 3 members of Maraamu.
  • Reward Challenge: Blindfold 3 people per tribe leaving 1 to direct them in picking up and assenbling wooden totem pole statues WINNER: Maraamu Tribe wins the right to raid Rotu's camp of supplies.
  • Immunity Challenge: The standard distress signal recognition test. WINNER: Maraamu Tribe
Episode 6 - Gina Crews
Here's a surprise! The male nurse, John Carroll is gay! I was thinking we may have gone one survivor without continuing the "tokenism" but No! I guess the "massage oils" should've been a tip-off.
  • Reward Challenge: Race thru jungle gathering up paddles in order to take an outrigger boat out for one lap to retrieve a flag which is then raced to shore. Rotu is disqualified for improper placement of the boat on it's return. WINNER: Maraamu Tribe is treated to a chicken dinner picnic.
  • Immunity Challenge: A large circular maze must be navigated in order to gather the rungs of a ladder that is assembled. The first tribe to gather the numbered rungs in sequence, assemble the ladder and then climb to the top wins. WINNER: Rotu Tribe
Episode 7 - Rob Mariano
They had the standard tribal merger this week and like the merger week from Survivor 1: Pulau Tiga, two Tribal ambassadors Rob Mariano and Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien met to pick a tribe name, make a flag and live it up on food and booze for a day. The merged tribe will be known as Soliantu derived from "devoted to the sun." Rob took the opportunity to make another phony alliance agreement this time with Kathy.

Actually the show largely focused on these two, both are outcasts at this point. The show utimately boiled down to the immunity contest. Kathy knew she had to win and Rob treated the contest in a half-assed manner. She won and his fate was sealed.

I thought CBS foreshadowed good things for Tammy Leitner by showing a 40 second piece of film during which she gives a Survivor "raison d'être" speech. It gave all the requisite descriptions of the game and what the contestants goals are. Normally, when CBS features one of the cast in this manner, they are either ejected next episode or they last to the final show.
  • Ambassor Meeting: Rob and Kathy decide new Tribe name, make a flag and decide where to live etc.
  • Immunity Challenge: The now standard endurance contest at the merger point. The new twist, all ten are on platforms bobbing on the ocean's waves coming in. Not as easy as it looks. WINNER: Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien.
Episode 8 - John Carroll
Mark Burnett went out of his way to sell us on the ejection of Sean Rector this week. True to form this was another smoke screen as John was booted when the people outside his clique ganged up on him.
  • Reward Challenge: The survivor's are given bolts of cloth and sticks in order to construct kites. Then on the beach, the first one to launch it and get it to 300 ft wins. WINNER: Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien, who made a good tail for her kite, won a stupid Snickers Bar and a scuba-diving trip. How stupid can you get?
  • Immunity Challenge: This was a question answering contest where each time a survivor answered correctly, they cut a rope dropping the coconuts of another survivor. Everyone of them started with three bundles up in a tree. WINNER: Tammy Leitner won and didn't surrender immunity at tribal council.
Episode 9 - Zoe Zanidakis
Well wasn't this an interesting episode? An interesting balance with two sets of 3 bonded people with a minor weak pairing of two. As we learned from the last episode Kathy, Neleh and Paschal have hooked up with Sean and Vecepia to form a voting block of five. They did this to counter the now former Rotu alliance of John, Rob, Tammy and Zoe. Everyone should note that at the start of the show there were five women and three men. Also the original Rotu members were evenly split and they could've taken out the last two Maraamu like previous Survivors. No one is taking advantage of the obvious lopsided conditions that exist.

Ok were Sean and Paschal doing that famous rolling together on the beach love scene in "From Here to Eternity" with Burt Lancaster and Deborah Kerr? God that was bizarre!

Anyway my final thoughts concern the course of action for Rob and Tammy. I'd encourage them to approach Sean and Vecepia about an alliance to take out Kathy, Neleh and Paschal. Otherwise, if they take Rob and Tammy first, Sean and Vecepia follow immediately thereafter.
  • Reward Challenge: Gather coconuts tethered out in the water or on the shore and then drain the juice from them into a tube till the top. Pairs of randomly drawn people competed to see who could complete the challenge first. WINNERS: Paschal English and Sean Rector won a helicopter/horseback trip to a Marquesian feast of roasted pig.
  • Immunity Challenge: A straight elimination series of 1 on 1 matches with competitors squaring off against each other standing on STILTS. Troubles is no set of them lasted long enough to actually reach their opponent! I found it hard to believe they were all so pitiful at this. WINNER: Tammy Leitner again! Needless to say she didn't surrender immunity at tribal council.
Episode 10 - Tammy Leitner
Not unexpectedly, Tammy a personal favorite of mine to win but, given who's left, was given the boot! This is not surprising after what has happened the last couple of episodes. Rob and Tammy were the disaffected pairing at this point.

I was glad to see Rob and Tammy attempt to sway Sean and Vecepia into forming a foursome to oust Kathy, Paschal and Nehel. They tried, unfortunately to no avail.
  • Reward Challenge: Bring underwater seashells to surface and then carry a 40lbs. stone into shore! Christ, I thought he was going to die from doing this! WINNER: Paschal English who was allowed to take another person, Neleh Dennis with him for clean showers and a dinner on a yacht.
  • Immunity Challenge: The standard mid-game fire starter contest. This featured how fast can you make popcorn. WINNER: Robert DeCanio won easily and he too, didn't surrender immunity at tribal council.
Episode 11 - Robert DeCanio
Sean and Vecepia honored the alliance with Paschal, Neleh and Kathy although I suspect the latter tried to get the two of them to form an alliance with Rob and her to oust Neleh! Unable to sway them this episode turned out to be extremely dull as we approach end game.

Personally, I can't take much more of Sean in this game. Curiously, he started pitching in more with the work this episode. Like he senses the end-game is afoot so you have to start playing for real.
  • Reward Challenge: Family member or friend of a castaway played a game of isolation hexagons. The last person with a piece to move to won. Kathy's son won by a virtue of who goes next. So he got to stay over for one night with the entire tribe. WINNER: Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien.
  • Immunity Challenge: A sling-shot contest where the survivors had to break targets releasing sand into vessels. The last one with an unfilled vessel wins. WINNER: Vecepia Towery won a close battle with Neleh for immunity. Needless to say, she also didn't surrender immunity at tribal council.
Episode 12 - Sean Rector
Finally! I thought he's never leave!

Hopefully Kathy wins at this point. Most of others don't deserve it.
  • Reward Challenge: Build a tower of logs. WINNER: Sean Rector wins a crummy SUV.
  • Immunity Challenge: A crucial win for WINNER: Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien. who needed this cause she's odd person out.
Episode 13 - Day 37: Paschal English  Day 38: Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien  Day 39: Neleh Dennis
Vecepia Towery

Vecepia Towery

Like Tammy said we came down to the two bible thumpers neither of which deserved to win!

Hopefully Kathy wins at this point. Most of others don't deserve it.
  • Reward Challenge: Build a tower of logs. WINNER: Sean Rector wins a crummy SUV.
  • Immunity Challenge: A crucial win for WINNER: Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien. who needed this cause she's odd person out.
Maraamu Tribe:
Standing from left: Gina Crews, Peter Harkey, Sean Rector and Sarah Jones.
Front Row from left: Rob Mariano, Patricia Jackson, Hunter Ellis and Vecepia Towery.

Maraamu Tribe

Original Members

Gina Crews
Age: 28
Marital Status: Single
From: Gainesville, Florida
Occupation: Nature Guide
Luxury Item: Adventure Bag
Hunter Ellis
Age: 33
Marital Status: Single
From: La Jolla, California
Occupation: Fedex Pilot
Luxury Item: Navy Wings from grandfather
Patricia Jackson
Age: 49
Marital Status: Married
From: Lugoff, South Carolina
Occupation: Truck Assembler
Luxury Item: Locket of Arabian's Tail
Peter Harkey
Age: 45
Marital Status: Married
From: Millis, Massachusetts
Occupation: Bowler Alley Owner
Luxury Item: Cologne
Sarah Jones
Age: 24
Marital Status: Single
From: Newport Beach, California
Occupation: Account Manager
Luxury Item: Pillow

Exchanged Members

Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien
Age: 47
Marital Status: Divorced
From: Burlington, Vermont
Occupation: Real Estate Agent
Luxury Item: Canvas and Paints
Neleh Dennis
Age: 21
Marital Status: Single
From: Layton, Utah
Occupation: Student
Luxury Item: Scriptures
Paschal English
Age: 57
Marital Status: Married
From: Thomaston, Georgia
Occupation: Judge
Luxury Item: American Flag
Rotu Tribe:
Standing from left: Zoe Zanidakis, Robert De Canio, John Carroll, Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien and Gabriel Cade.
Front Row from left: Paschal English, Neleh Dennis and Tammy Leitner.

Rotu Tribe

Original Members

Gabriel Cade
Age: 23
Marital Status: Single
From: Celo, North Carolina
Occupation: Bartender
Luxury Item: Childhood Teddy Bear
John Carroll
Age: 36
Marital Status: Single
From: Omaha, Nebraska
Occupation: Registered Nurse
Luxury Item: Massage Oils
Robert DeCanio
Age: 38
Marital Status: Single
From: Queens, New York
Occupation: Limo Driver
Luxury Item: VooDoo Doll
Tammy Leitner
Age: 29
Marital Status: Engaged
From: Mesa, Arizona
Occupation: Crime Reporter
Luxury Item: Picture of fiance and dog
Zoe Zanidakis
Age: 3529
Marital Status: Single
From: Monhegan Island, Maine
Occupation: Fishing Boat Captain
Luxury Item: Necklace

Exchanged Members

Rob Mariano
Age: 26
Marital Status: Single
From: Boston, Massachusetts
Occupation: Construction Worker
Luxury Item: Football
Sean Rector
Age: 30
Marital Status: Single
From: Harlem, New York
Occupation: Teacher
Luxury Item: Bible
Vecepia Towery
Age: 36
Marital Status: Engaged
From: Portland, Oregon
Occupation: Office Manager
Luxury Item: Notebook of poetry she wrote