Japnese Gods
Japanese Gods Shrine

Aizen-Myoo: god of love.

Aji-Suki-Taka-Hi-Kone: god of thunder.

Ama-No-Miinaka-Nushi: divine lord of the middle heavens and god of the pole star.

Amaterasu: goddess of the sun and leader of all the shinto gods. Known as shining heaven.

Amatsu-Kami: gods of heaven.

Amatsu Mikabonshi: god of evil.

Ama-Tsu-Mara: god of smiths

Ame-No-Mi-Kumari: Shinto goddess of water.

Ame-No-Wakahiko: a god sent to rule earth.

Amida: god of death.

Am-No-Tanabata: goddess of weavers.

Baku: a good spirit, eats nightmres brings good fortune.

Benten: goddess of love, arts,wisdom,poetry, good fortune, and water.

Benzai-Ten: another name for Benten

Bimbogami: god of poverty.

Binzuru-Sonja: god of curing illness and good vision.

Bishamon: god of war and protector of the law.

Bosatsu: manifestation of buddha in the past, present, and future.

Butsu: another name for buddha.

Chien-shin: a kami related to certain geographical areas.

Chimata-no-kami: originally a phallic god.

Chup-Kamui: sun goddess of the ainu.

Daibosatsu: the buddha in his last incarnation.

Daikoku: god of wealth, the soil and patron to the farmers.

Dainichi: buddhist personification of purity and wisdom.

Dosojin: god of roads.

Dozoku-shin: ancestral kami of a dozoku or clan.

Ebisu: god of wealth of the sea.

Ekibiogami: god of plagues and epidemics.

Emma-o: Buddhist god of the under world. Judges the dead and decides punishment for the evil.

Fudo: god of fire and wisdom.

Fujin: Shinto god of the wind.

Fukurokuju: Shinto god of wisdom, luck, and prosperity.

Funadama: goddess known as "The boat spirit" she protects mariners and fishermen.

Futsu-Nushi-no-Kami: god of fire and lightning and later became a war god and general to Ameratsu

Gama: god of longevity.

Gekka-o: god of marrage.

Hachiman: god of war and agriculture aswell as the divine protector of the japanese people.

Haniyasu-hiko: god of the earth.

Haniyasu-hime: goddess of the earth.

Haya-Ji: god of wirl winds.

Hiruko: god of the morning sun. Guards the health of little children.

Hoso-no-Kami: god of smallpox.

Hotei: god of happiness, laughter, and the wisdom of being content.

Ida-Ten: Buddhist god of law and monasteries.