More exciting photos of Alice!

Alice comes to work with us every day. She makes a great assistant and her mellow demeanor make her an ambassador for rescue dogs everywhere. Alice spends most of her time in my cube, because it's a lot quieter than in Andrea's cube. But every time we get up to go out, we stop and say hi to Andrea.

Learn more about rescue dogs like Alice:

There could be a rescue dog out there, just waiting for you!

Alice is a Professional Sleeper. If I wake her up before 9 a.m., she's not too happy about it.

She's really good at sleeping, especially with her bear.
I made this pig pillow in 7th grade Home Ec class. I was going to throw it away, but Andrea thought that Alice might like it. She certainly does -- every night it makes a 360 degree trip around her bed as she sleeps on, under, and beside it.

She loves the pig pillow.

Alice is one with her pig.
We asked around the office to find Alice a vet, and we found Dr. Cameron, who pronounced Alice a healthy dog! We were so happy to hear those words!

She's also quite good at waiting for you to give her some of whatever you're eating.

She has a detoriated eye duct, which is almost healed from her recent infection. That's why her eye is droopy.

Back to Alice's homepage.

More photos are sure to come. Hardly a day goes by where we can resist documenting the life and times of Alice.

Check out Alice's cyberfriend, and the man who inspired me to bring my own rescue beagle home, Buddy.

A Tribute To Etwas

Alice's corner of cyberspace would like to honor the spaniel who really knew how to foop for food and lovin, Etwas. Etwas was an 11 year old cocker spaniel who left the world the same week Alice came home. Happy trails, Etwas, we'll miss you always.

"Help control the pet population. Have your pet spayed or neutered."
Bob Barker

You are dog lover number since June 14, 1999.

Alice is a proud member of the BeagleRing!.
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