Welcome to the Alice Archive. These are old photos, from shortly after Alice came home to us. Since then, she's lost some weight and turned into the boucing ball of energy we knew she could be!

Finding her new bed was not a problem.

She thought we should know up front that she likes belly rubs -- a lot!
As you can see, Alice made herself at home right away. Within 20 minutes of arriving at her new home, Alice was snoring like a lawnmower, as if she'd been at our home forever.

Getting comfortable was also not an issue.

Alice came complete with her bear.
Alice's former person told us all about her deteriorated eye duct. She came to us with the eye infection that she sometimes gets, so we've been putting antibiotics in her eye 3 times a day to make it better. We learned that we can keep her eye healthy with a different kind of drop, so we're doing everything we can to help her stay healthy! She also has a low-grade heart murmur and was pretty out of shape when she came to us. 2 walks a day are quickly turning Alice into a lean, mean, sniffing machine!

The bear also acts as a pillow.

She likes to chew on her bear. I think she considers it her baby.
Alice is very much a chow hound -- if there's food on the table, she'll push a chair up to the table so she can climb onto the table for the snack that must be there for her.

She just likes to hang out with her good friend bear sometimes.

Who's in charge here? Alice or the bear?

Alice appears to be winning the neck-and-neck struggle with the bear.

Alice has vanquished the bear!

You are dog lover number since June 14, 1999.

Alice is a proud member of the BeagleRing!
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This page © 1999, Liz Doughty beagle lover.