Heather's Tavern
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So, you've come to visit my tavern! Do you seek enlightenment, the answers to all of life's questions? Well, perhaps you can search for those things later, because in Heather's Tavern, you can get to know me, Heather, the keeper of the Realm!

Picture of a fairy

Who is Heather?

I am a 29-year-old from Arkansas, and I graduated with my fine arts major from Arkansas State University in May of 2000. Beginning in January of 2004, I returned to Harding University to finish my Bachelor's Degree with certification to teach high school Speech, Theatre, and English. Yes, as you may have already guessed, I'm an actress and a singer. I also dance, write, and do costume and makeup work. In the theater, I'm usually kept pretty busy. But at least I get the chance to be creative at times... :)

When I'm not onstage or backstage or in classes, you'll usually find me at home with my wonderful husband Andy (25). I used to be a heavy television junkie, but since getting married, we've made the decision to not have cable in our house. Of course, there are still some shows I love to watch, so my family tapes them for me and sends the tapes along. Among my essential viewing are The Simpsons, The Amazing Race, Survivor, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, and American Idol. Otherwise, I watch a lot of DVD's-- I'm a fan of really good movies!

My absolute favorite show of all time is Mystery Science Theater 3000. I'm official fan club member #62809, I'm on a ton of discussion groups, and I collect the tapes and DVD's, which I watch on a daily basis. I've even dedicated a full webpage to it. It rocks my world!

I've gotten into the practice of Yoga. You should take a look at it, if you haven't already-- it's very calming and relaxing, which is helpful, since I've suffered from depression for years now. I've even lost weight because it helps me control my appetite and eating habits. It's great! I'm also a vegetarian for various reasons-- mainly for my health.

Another passion of mine is music. Music sort of runs in my family. I listen to a wide variety of music: alternative, rock/pop, adult contemporary, Disney, oldies, blues, folk, etc. Some of my favorites are John Mayer, Tori Amos, Chris Duarte, Ian Moore, They Might Be Giants, and my all-time favorite, the Beatles. I could go on, but you don't want to be here all day, do you?

Heather on the World Wide Web

There are many places you can usually find me on the internet. I work an a variety of websites and blog rather actively on a couple of sites. Plus, many of these feature recent photos and events. Why not check a few of them out?
Picture of a rose
* The MIDI Hall
* Heather's WDWCP Page
* The Hexfield Viewscreen
* dark rain

Blogs, Etc.
* LiveJournal
* Xanga
* MySpace
* Facebook

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You are listening to "Shepherd Moons" by Enya