Lisana's Life

Groundhog Day
Candlemas Day

Tuesday, February 2, 1999
4:51 PM
If Candlemas Day is bright and clear,
There'll be two winters in the year.

Well, Punxsutawney Phil didn't see his shadow this morning, so Spring should be just around the corner. I hope the furry little guy is right; and early spring would be welcome here!

Today has been just what I was hoping for... bright and sunny, and a chance to get out of the house and do a little shopping. It felt so good to get out in the sunshine, and it really recharged my batteries. Now I just need to climb out from under the pile of things to do that accumulated during my down time. Good thing I got a good charge on my solar cells today, I'm gonna need it!

I'm still rolling the idea of going back to school around in my head. I think if the campus is small, and the school is willing and able to accomodate my needs, I'll be quite happy there. It may take me a few years longer than most to get my degree, but I'm starting to feel more sure that it's something I want to do, for me. Therin lies the difference.

Last time I went to school. Mom wanted me to have something to do to keep me occupied (since she always knows best, of course!), and she wanted to be able to say that one of her kids had earned a college degree. Well, you know who that left the burden on. So this time, I'm doing this for me, or I'm not doing it at all.

Money is still the first and foremost concern in my mind. I'm not used to having that kind of money to spend... Jev's starting salary is about triple what Mom made the last year she worked, and there were times when we barely scraped by, if we got hit with a big bill. Here, things are even tighter at times, and Mom is slowly sinking into debt. That's why when I first saw how much the private college would cost, per class, I said no way. But... now it's more of a maybe.

The thousand a class assumes I can get into the program for women returning to school, but I think that I have a pretty good shot at that; that doesn't take into account any financial aid from the government though, so I may get some help from there, too; at least til Jev and I marry. If it's meant to be, things will work out. That's the best way I know to look at it, and so I'm not going to worry about it. Especially not when I've had such a wonderful day.

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