In February of 1996, another librarian and I went to England for two weeks. We had a great time, and here are some of my pictures from that trip. We went to London first, and stayed about a week.

We were glad to see that the red callboxes hadn't disappeared. That's Parliament in the background, behind the double-decker bus.


Here is the hotel we stayed at - along with a football team, many German tourists, and a few old British couples on holiday. It's called the Tavistock. Due to the miracles of scanner technology, it looks almost respectable in this picture.

Two of the colleges in Cambridge. We made a daytrip to Cambridge from London, and ended up on a open-topped double decker bus in weather that could at best be called 'traditionally English' - rainy, cold and blustery.

According to the guide, this is the theatre in Cambridge where Emma Thompson and Kenneth Branagh first met. Nice story, anyway.



A friend that we had met on the Internet, Alan, took us around to see the sights. We stayed in Northampton a few days with Alan, and then split up. I went east to Bath, which I loved.  

Bath has several hot springs, but here is the most important one - the Roman ruin (with a dollop of Victorian overlay). The statues that overlook the Baths are Victorian additions, for example.