Lesters Logo

Resources and support for women religious (Catholic Sisters and Nuns)
who are lesbian or discovering their sexual orientation as lesbian.

Lesbian Religious Conference

Links and connections...

Are you interested in connecting with other women religious who are lesbian? Perhaps you'll consider joining an on-line group. It's a place where you can freely share thoughts, experiences and reflections, make friends, make connections. LESTERS currently has over 120 Sister-subscribers from the United States, Canada, Germany and Australia. We have wonderfully enriching conversations and we are supportive and affirming of each other as we journey in religious life. We help each other to appreciate the beauty of our many God-given gifts and our call to religious life.

Contact Lesters, if you are a Sister and would like to subscribe.

rainbow Also, if you are a Former Sister who is lesbian, there's a new list for you! If you're interested in joining (your partners are welcome, too!) write to: Former Lesters
A publication from New Ways Ministry: An occasional forum for and about lesbian religious to exchange ideas, feelings, experiences, and events.

Write for a free subscription:

Womanjourney Weavings
4012 29th Street
Mt. Rainier, MD 20712

rainbow A Letter to Leadership
rainbow Why I Stay
rainbow A Golden Ring
rainbow Hands and Feet
rainbow Living into Loving
rainbow Mid-Life Aliveness
rainbow Poetry by Sister L

This page was last updated May 17, 2008 .
Comments to: lesters@iname.com