I am woman and I am proud!

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I'm tired of the women I love hating their bodies. First of all, it's not healthy, and second of all, variation is what makes bodies beautiful! If we all looked like supermodels, bodies would be boring. But I don't want you to think that I've always loved my body. I have hated it more than I thought I could hate anything. Depression, eating disorders and self-hatred ruin a woman's self esteem. Women have to stick together and learn to love each other and themselves. SOo- I'm making this website about how amazing women are. This page is dedicated and devoted to all of the beautiful women in this world.

Coming Soon: NEMC Pictures!!

She Speaks!

A tiny snippet about me!

When You're Feeling Blue

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(Hey, I was obliged to include them somewhere!)

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My disclaimer: Everything here is my own opinion, and not anyone else's!

Last updated: September 21, 1998

1997/1998 Catherine

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