Nigel Allen - 04/30/00 15:01:36
Location: Toronto
Age (optional): 42
On your web page at there is a problem with the extension on one of the links. The link to what_is_soar.htm should be changed to what_is_soar.html Similarly, addbook.htm should be changed to addbook.html to match the actual file name.

armando - 11/29/99 17:00:34
Location: georgia
Age (optional): 39

Rachel - 09/29/99 23:34:40
Location: Indiana
Age (optional): 24
I would like to hear some stories like mine. It doesn't make me feel so alone and different. I am very bitter about being brought up as a JW. I missed out on a whole childhood. I quit going when I was 18 or 19. (When I decided to stand up for myself nd be brave against my parents) I have two sisters and a brother. I am the oldest. My father (if that's what you want to call him) mentally abused all of us. My mother and I were abused more than the others. She finally ws able to prove it. Until th s day I don't know how, but then they divorced. My dad was disfellowshipped. He kept going though, mostly to annoy my mom. My siblings and I did for about a year when she found out by a JW spy that I had a non-believing boyfriend. (this was after one nd a half years of sneeking around) I quit going after that, and so did my siblings. The elders found out that my sister recieved a x-mas present one year around that time and my mom scheduled a time for them to come over and yell and give her the optio to repent. My sister is very stuborn and did not give in to their accustions and repent. She alsotold them that she didn't have a problem with homosexuals, just to drive the knife in deeper. It was a riot. So obviously she was also disfellowshipped. My dad got reinstated, and was going to that same congregation as my mother. What a slap in the face for her that they did. Then both of my sisters got married, all to non-believers. And non of us go. My dad got remarried to another JW from out of stat and was still in the same congregation until her and my mom got into it at a meeting. My life has been so much better since I got my own life and my own thoughts. But I feel for my sister, my mom acts like she is dead. She barely acknowledges my exsist nce either. She feels that we are an embarrassment to her. I have a lot of other things I could say and explain, but I will leave my story as that for now. Please E-mail me and give me some advice on how to get over the bitterness I feel from 19 years f bondage and mind control.

Marcelina - 09/23/99 17:56:07
Location: Texas soon to be Florida
Answer back (Y/N): Yes
I just spent 45 minutes reading comments in this gbook, I suppose I'll post something though I don't think I am quite as far as some of you are. I have been "inactive" (what I belive the last elder I talked to called me) for two years-though if I actually went to the "head of the congregation" and talked to him I am sure I would be df'd. What I have been through with this organization has done so much damage I am not sure how to overcome it. I have such a bitter taste in my mouth for religion in general no , it's hard for me to even believe in a god and becoming easier and easier to belive there is no god...maybe for the simple reason if there isn't a god there won't be pain. The events that took place after my baptizm in '95 have left me very aware, aware f a world I did not know existed-when I was baptized I was ready for all sorts of persecution from the outside world...but instead my persecution came from within the congregation...something I will never get over. I don't hate the Witnesses I don't hate nyone-the only thing I hate is what I am now..unsure, scared, confused and very non trusting.

Bud Nelson - 09/11/99 18:41:58
Location: Modesto, CA.
Age (optional): 45
Answer back (Y/N): YES
My name is Bud Nelson, I joined when I was 20 became a pioneer went to bethel for 5 years, left and was an elder it was my whole life, I always had some questions but because of the way I was raised, the witnesses were so nice and really cared about me, put the questiones aside. I still feel they are very caring people and harbor no bad feelings toward them. I dissassociated myself in 1986 And look back now and it has been very hard for me, I never did feel I had a close relationship with God. I have b en to many different churches I guess I just l feel lost in that regard, I just thought last night to look on the web, to see if others were out there, it's already made me feel better reading other's comments, I know this must sound kind of goofy, but I o feel myself and others have been hurt emotionally, It would be nice to here from you for any advice you might have Iron sharpens Iron. feel free to email me, Thank You Bud Nelson

Chris - 07/14/99 20:49:00
Location: Indiana
Answer back (Y/N): yes
I am working on gathering info about some different religions like Church of the Creator, Jehovah's Witnesses, and some various other so I just happened to run into your site.

Roland (Ron) Wilson - 05/30/99 00:20:21
Location: Crewe, Virginia
Age (optional): 56
Answer back (Y/N): Yes
I am very pleased with your page. As a former JW who was on the verge of suicide, I can definitely relate to those who have. I thank God that I was confronted lovingly by a little old Christian lady who brought me to salvation. You may see my full stor at my web site. Be assured that Jehovah/Yahweh/God is a loving merciful Father who "never leaves nor forsakes us." Our brothers and sisters will be waiting for us when we enter His kingdom. I am also thankful that God is God and will judge those responsible. May He have mercy on their souls. May Yahweh Bless you Angela. I lost a wife in childbirth because she refused a blood transfusion.

Roland (Ron) Wilson - 05/30/99 00:20:08
Location: Crewe, Virginia
Age (optional): 56
Answer back (Y/N): Yes
I am very pleased with your page. As a former JW who was on the verge of suicide, I can definitely relate to those who have. I thank God that I was confronted lovingly by a little old Christian lady who brought me to salvation. You may see my full stor at my web site. Be assured that Jehovah/Yahweh/God is a loving merciful Father who "never leaves nor forsakes us." Our brothers and sisters will be waiting for us when w

Due to some kind of technical glitch I've lost the rest of my guestbook entries. :o(

I regret that these are lost.
Angela, Nov. 27, 1999