Diary of Time

They came upon a turbulent tide
Across the sea from the other side
Ghosts hidden by a darkened night
Craving blood, living to fight

Raven, their herald of our death
Leading the way to more power and wealth
Eagle proudle met Raven, symbol of power
We would defen, we would never cower

Cries of avenging demons kissed the silence
Our world of peace became a world of violence
Riding a black beast out of the fires of a
Christian hell
He came to watch as another kningdom fell

Was he a shadow or was he real?
"Satan" incarnate, blood staining his steel
Hate like a snake's venon turned my blood to ice
A vow to the Goddess, that he would pay a price

His band of thieves stole everything away
My world once bright dulled the very next day
For I was to serve him as his his mate his wife
A prisoner, his slave, in an empty life.

A bride united to Hate
An unwilling bride of Fate
Walking along a path alone
My heart weary cold as stone

The war had been won and lost
I paid the price, sold at a high cost
Winter skies warmed under a rising sun
I waited for an escape that would never come

Time had brought the summer storms
Dark clouds, dancing, menacing forms
Lightening setting the moon on fire
Nights now burned with a ceaseless desire.

His touch branded my soul as his own
Within my womb his seed had been sown
As the babe grew so did my love
A precious gift, blessed by the Goddess above

My soul once filled with loneliness became a deep fear
of the unknown captured within a crystal tear
Our love we could no longer deny
Would it survive or wither and die?

My people saw only my betrayal
They said I was weak and bound to fail
Anger surpressed, swelled through the land
Hate driving my people to make a stand

To fight the oppressor and his men
Unrest burst forth to number one man to my
hsband's ten
My proud people, prisoners in their own domain
I pleaded with the Goddess to mend their pain

I against my people two sides torn
A single soul facing a nation's scorn
Still loyal to my father, their former king
Resenting the dishonor my child would bring

I found my husband's tender embrace
His arms a mighty fortress against their disgrace
Happiness grew neath my heart
Two hearts, my child's, a beat apart

My destiny decided, and infinite constelation
Strange for its familarity my secret consolation
As if the words of Fate were written by my own hand
Transcending through time to help me understand

As our child grew, so did my hopes and dreams
Dreams yet to dream, silenced by tomorrow's silken seams
I touched a shadow and made him real
Knowing all along it was my heart he would steal

I thought my words would never smile again
But the storms have stilled, stopping the rain
A rainbow shines brightly in my soul
With this man and his child I am mended and whole

Love of an eternity put to the test
Hidden memories that will never rest
For my heart is a scrapbook of an infinity
Awakening within a long forgotten song's serenity

I now know love is more powerful than death
For it eludes the sting of life's last breath
He and I silken threads woven in the fabris of time
Just a note in a bard's song or a word in a poet's rhyme