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Australian Pioneer Families

Families featured
Thomas Harris, William Harvey, George Hayman, John Heaton,
John Heritage, Henry Hill, George Hillman, Joseph/James Hitchcock,
Christopher Hocking, Joseph Holdsworth, John Hookey,


Thomas Harris came 1853 with Caroline Sadler and lived at Newtown, Geelong
3 Children 1. Edward Harris 1854 #4609
2. Ann Caroline Harris 1856 #5242
3. Elizabeth Sadler Harris 1858 #6979
4. Frank Harris 1859 #19568
5. Henry James Harris 1862 #2302 - 1866 #8099 lived 4 years
6. Jane Charlotte Harris 1864 #8632
7. Samuel Archer Harris 1866 #8306
8. Mary Ella Harris 1868 #16380
4. Frank Harris wed 1883 #4526 to Annie May Curwood/ Kirwood
1st Child 1. Dora Elizth Harris 1892 - 1979 #26108 aged 87, wed 1920 #10186 to George Percy Jenner 1890 #25572 - 1965 #6441 aged 74


William Harvey wed 1853 #683 to Sarah Elizabeth Spinner 1833 - 1876 #11528 aged 43 dau of sarah and William Spinner, and lived at Geelong
5 Children 1. Charlotte Sarah Harvey 1855 #7796
2. William Edward Harvey 1858 #7075
3. Elizabeth Antoinette Harvey 1860 #14355 - 1864 #5860 lived 4 years
4. Louisa Elizabeth Harvey 1865 #2467
5. Henry Frederick Harvey 1867 #21026
2. William Edward Harvey wed 1884 #3220 to Elizabeth Rose possibly 1861 #5466 born at Collingwood
3 Children 1. Henry Ernest Harvey 1885 #1856
2. Arthur Percival Harvey 1886 #9512
3. Ethel Maud Harvey 1888 #10411
4. Louisa Elizabeth Harvey 1865 #2467 wed 1885 #1428 to John Geake 1862


George Hayman from Kent wed 1876 #4307 to Mary Williams and lived at Richmond
4 Children 1. James Hayman 1879 #18749
2. Emily May Hayman 1881 #18745
3. William Hayman 1883 #4885 - 1884 #5900 lived 18 months
4. Robert Hayman 1884 #27098
5. Florence Hayman 1887 #6039
1. James Hayman 1879 #18749 wed c1905 to Ada Beatrice Cowley 1880 #22604


John Heaton wed 1876 #3411 to Priscilla Vivash c1854 and lived at Hawthorn
7 Children 1. Arthur Robert Heaton 1877 #22804
2. Alice May Heaton 1879 #23708
3. John Edward Heaton 1881 #17101
4. Albert Percival Raymond Heaton 1883 #3141 - 1884 #12530 lived 1 year
5. William Alfred Heaton 1885 #10563
6. Gertrude Priscilla Heaton 1887 #3651
7. Bertha Florence Heaton 1888 #21215
1. Arthur Robt Heaton 1877 #22804 wed 1902 #7790 to Elizabeth May Driver 1880 #9354


John Heritage wed c1861 to Maria Dignum who came aged 24 in Aug 1859 on the Commodore Perry, and lived at Taradale, Ballarat
4 Children 1. Gertrude Heritage 1862 #11731
2. Grace Heritage 1867 #11479
3. Arthur Heritage 1869 #19147
4. Oscar Heritage 1871 #13927
5. Emeline Sarah Heritage 1874 #13728
2. Grace Heritage 1867 #11479 wed 1888 #8785 to Charles James Anstis


Henry Hill wed 1858 #411 to Emma Toe and lived at Boroondara. May be related to Edward Hill who wed Sarah Toe and also used name Vickery for a son.
11 Children 1. Henry Hill 1858 #14861
2. Charles Ernest Hill 1861 #5353
3. Frederick Jesse Hill 1864 #2765
4. John Walter Hill 1865 #15808 - 1866 #1649 lived 8 months
5. John Manners Hill 1867 #2495
6. Emma Mary Hill 1869 #22706
7. Lydia Ann Hill 1871 #23724 - 1875 #2591 lived 3 years
8. Twin Roland James Hill 1873 #24456 - 1873 #9874 lived 11 days
9. Twin Frank Hill 1873 #24457 - 1873 #9875 lived 13 days
10. Albert Vickery George Hill 1875 #2895
11. Alfred Hill 1877 #3077 - 1877 #5063 lived 11 weeks
2. Charles Ernest Hill 1861 #5353 wed 1886 #6826 to Evangeline Bickerdike 1865 - 23 Dec 1898 who left 6 living and 2 dead children
Charles Ernest Hill wed 17 Jul 1902 to Martha Conduit 1868 #18422 - 1933 #7996 aged 66
2 Children 1. Hy Conduit Hill 1907 #8458
2. Martha Thelma Hill 1912 #9387


George Hillman from Somerset wed 1869 #2335 to Mary Fagan from Clonmell and lived at Elmore
4 Children 1. Mary Hillman 1870 #11813
2. Ann Hillman 1871 #26364
3. Catherine Hillman 1873 #22351 - 1881 #4255 lived 7 years
4. George Hillman 1875 #7477
5. Phoebe Hillman 1877 #20546
6. Jane Hillman 1880 #2193
7. Twin Henry Hillman 1884 #24212
8. Twin James Hillman 1884 #24213
2. Ann Elizabeth Hillman 1871 #26364 - 1933 #3407 aged 61, wed 1904 #6068 to Edward Bowyer Eyre


Joseph/James Hitchcock wed 1850 #25658 to Mary Ann Green and lived at Kilmore, Heathcote, Whroo, Tarnagulla
5 Children 1. Sophia Hitchcock 1855 #2180
2. Mary Ann Hitchcock 1857 #6965
3. Maria Hitchcock 1859 #8929 - 1860 #2685 lived 10 months
4. Elizabeth Hitchcock 1861 #4385 - 1862 #3068 lived 1 year
5. Lucy Hitchcock 1862 #22822
1. Sophia Hitchcock 1855 #2180 wed 1879 #4184 to John Sheridan and lived at Eddington
6 Children 1. Charles Sheridan 1880 #15367
2. John Sheridan 1881 #2319
3. James Sheridan 1882 #8865
4. Patrick Daniel Sheridan 1884 #9091
5. Thomas Sheridan 1885 - 1886 #1278 lived 9 months
6. Mary Agatha Sheridan 1887 #10734
5. Lucy Hitchcock 1962 #22822 born at Tarnagulla wed 1884 #1796 to Henry Gilders born in Adelaide, and lived at Collingwood


Marriages Jun 1847 Christopher Hocking and Thomasine Jewell at Helston Vol 9 page 146, in the county of Cornwall

Christopher Hocking came c1864 with Tamzin Jewell 1823 - 1884 #5621 aged 61 dau of Mary and Thomas Jewell Christening: 09 Feb 1823 at Hatherleigh, Devon, England, died at Murghebohn.

3 Children 1. Thomas Henry Hocking c1860 2. Mary Hocking 1862 - 1865 #5041 lived 3 years
3. Tamzin Hocking 1865 - 1894 #9254 aged 29,
1. Thomas Henry Hocking wed 1881 #2341 to Ellen Skene 1862 #20259 and lived at Murghebolu
4 Children 1. George Henry Hocking 1882 #24682
2. Tamzin Jewell Hocking 1885 #4739
3. Elizabeth Ethel Hocking 1887 #5318
4. Thomas Henry Hocking 1888 #31790
3. Tamzin Hocking 1865 - 1894 #9254 aged 29, wed 1890 #2352 to Daniel Hare 1863 #8422


Joseph George Holdsworth 10 Sep 1836 Christening: 30 Jun 1837 son of Elizabeth and Joseph Holdsworth at Saint Matthew, Bethnal Green, London, England

Joseph Holdsworth 44 came Jan 1854 on the Lady Peel from London with Elizth Osman Cuzens 40 and 5 chn, lived at Ashby, Geelong

4 Children 1. Joseph Holdsworth 17, wed 1867 #3131 to Lucy Hampton, no chn
2. John Holdsworth 14
3. Emily Holdsworth 9
4. Elizabeth Holdsworth 7
5. Mary Ann Eliza Holdsworth 1847 - 1899 #16022 aged 52
6. Sarah Jane Holdsworth 1855 #1642
7. Henry Godfrey Holdsworth 1859 #2703
3. Emily Susannah Holdsworth wed 1868 #2462 to Frederick Slaughter and lived at Geelong
8 Children 1. Frederick Joseph Slaughter 1869 #16900
2. Herbert William Slaughter 1871 #2738
3. Elizabeth Charlotte Slaughter 1872 #23363
4. Emily Jane Slaughter 1874 #16078
5. Henry John Slaughter 1876 #2956
6. Emma Eliza Slaughter 1878 #2927
7. Lillian Esther May Slaughter 1880 #22904
8. Edith Ellen Slaughter 1884 #17062
5. Mary Ann Eliza Holdsworth 1847 - 1899 #16022 aged 52 wed 1877 #2702 to Augustus Molyneaux Earles 1854 - 1925 #7934 aged 71,
6. Sarah Jane Holdsworth wed 1886 #1321 to Frederick Verey 1855 #5701 born at Brighton, lived at Daylesford - see verey
2 Children 1. Florence Linda Verey 1887 #2482 - 1887 #6056 lived 11 weeks
2. Roland Fredrick Verey 1888 #28681
3. Harold Holdsworth Verey 1891 #2549 - 1892 #13540 lived 1 year
4. Hilda Marion Verey 1894 #28554
5. Stella Lovelock Verey 1897 #2725


John Hookey wed 1863 #3470 to Jane Elizabeth Vevers Lasslett from Kent and lived at Malmsbury
6 Children 1. Ada Emily Hookey 1865 #9634
2. Alfred John Hookey 1867 #22862
3. George James Hookey 1870 #24244
4. Bertha Mabel Hookey 1873 #3590 - 1873 #10060 lived 10 months
5. Hector Hookey 1874 #23855
6. Frederick William Hookey 1877 #10051
1. Ada Emily Hookey wed 1891 #6894 to Samuel Goodman Fleming 1864 #10129 and lived at Malmsbury - see Fleming

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