<BGSOUND SRC="myfavoritethings.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Michelle Kwan
Figure Skating
I'm an avid fan of It's the only sports I watch.
is the best!  Go    USA !!! Scott Hamilton is one of my favorites among the pros.
In music,
I also like Kurt Browning and the lovely Katarina Witt.
I listen to pop/rock  and I hate rap songs.   I like the 80s and classic rock the most.  I am MAD
He is so cool and I just go crazy everytime I see him in
Rod Stewart.
I also like Sting and Eric Clapton.
concert or hear his song on the radio!
My favorite bands are Fleetwood Mac, Eagles and Journey (with Steve Perry).  
Andrea Bocelli.
Classical music is not my cup of tea but I enjoy listening to Stevie Nicks is
My favorite scent is
THE QUEEN of rock n roll!   She's my favorite female rock diva.
Eternity.  When I'm craving for ice cream, Ben & Jerry is my choice.   It's the best!
My favorite flavors?   New York Super Fudge Chunk and Cherry Garcia!