Mumineen Matrimonials

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Mumineen Matrimonials Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is it free to post an ad on Mumineen Matrimonials?
Yes, it is free to post on Mumineen Matrimonials. Simply fill out our submit form.

Is it free to reply to ads on Mumineen Matrimonials?
Yes, replying to ads posted on Mumineen Matrimonials is free.

Is Mumineen Matrimonials a matchmaking service?
We are not a matchmaking service - in other words we will not match suitable brothers and sisters. We simply provide the service of letting you post and view ads you may wish to reply to.

I am looking for a date/casual relationship, will Mumineen be the site for me?
No, Mumineen Matrimonials is for marriage-minded people. There are numerous un-Islamic personals sites that would suit your purposes.

I am looking for a Muslim penpal - can I find one on Mumineen Matrimonials?
No, Mumineen Matrimonials is designed exclusively for correspondence leading to marriage. If you are interested in getting a Muslim penpal, the following site is an excellent resource, letting you choose from penpals all over the world:Muslim Penpals

My intention is to secure a marriage for citizenship - can I post on Mumineen Matrimonials?
NO - such marriages are not the intention of Mumineen Matrimonials.

I want US permanent residence (green card) and am looking for a husband/wife with this purpose in mind - can I post on Mumineen Matrimonials?
We also strongly discourage this - as this kind of marriage is not the goal of Mumineen Matrimonials.

Can I post on Mumineen Matrimonials if I am not of African, Latino or Native American descent?
Yes. Definitely. Mumineen Matrimonials welcomes the ads of Muslims not in the above racial/ethnic categories who don't consider race and ethnicity a bar to marriage.

Is Mumineen Matrimonials just for American Muslims?
Definitely not! We seek ads from people all around the world. Please let us know what might make the site more welcoming for Muslims around the world.

I am Shia/Salafi/Sufi/fill in the blank with a Muslim theological designation - can I post on Mumineen Matrimonials?
Yes. We welcome ads from Muslims regardless of designation.

I am a Christian (or Jewish) woman looking for a Muslim man to marry- can I post on Mumineen Matrimonials?
Mumineen Matrimonials allows posts from Christian and Jewish women seeking Muslim mates. We ask, however, that you specify your religion so that your situation is clear.

Can my friend/family member/wali post an ad for me?
Yes, with our expectation that they have your consent to do so.