Tailyanker and the Dusk Dwellers

RedDragon found himself meeting Taily everyday. She amused him with her bright, outgoing personality, and occasional surprises. Like the day she showed her pouch was a opening to the astral plane where she could call into existence anything she desired. Or when she showed him her ability to use magick by turning herself into a small mirror image of him. She proved she could take care of herself, fighting anyone who attacked her with a fierocity that no one expected from such a small, defenseless looking creature.

She seemed oddly ageless, acting and speaking with the innocence of a child, yet every now and again, revealing a wisdom only aquired by great age. Of her past she would only sadly say "My people live in the stars." She was entranced by the stars, often looking up at them as if to ask some silent question.

Red found out she had no one and no place. He decided to bring her to his home with the Dusk Dwellers and to adopt her as his child. When he asked her to come she eagerly accepted and began an era of life with the Dusk Dwellers. Overnight the tomb seem to fill with toys, crayons, and strange drawings of an unknown beautiful land. Taily showed great curiousity in the members of the Dusk Dwellers and often could be found peeking in their rooms. As her new clan would learn, she would never take anything without permission, and seemed only to want to know how each person lived. She often brought home abandoned animals to the dismay of everyone, she housed them where ever she felt they would be happy. Many is the times that a member of the DD clan would find a woodland mouse making its home in his boot, or a bat living in her closet.

If Taily's odd affectionate ways didn't catch someone's attention, her way of dress did. She most often wore a tee shirt , of various colors, and a pair of overalls with buttons in the front of it. She usually matched her shoes, things she called "sneakies" to the color of her tee shirt. Her new family found her lovable yet oddly unique. She filled their lives with surprises daily but nothing so surpising as the day she told them of her past.

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